This week we work in a new way with Making Space. Let us commit together to Making Space in The Circle! Every time we are faced with clutter, challenge, intrusive thoughts or resistant behaviors, let us ask ourselves, what would I rather use this energy for. Notice the clutter in your life/mind/world/relationships and when you can, Make Space.

If we all participate, with commitment, joining The Circle, many times a day, and before sleep, our lives will change dramatically this week and in the weeks to come as we work as one, unified community to Make Space and create Transformation in our lives. Add your New Reality to our group healing list at

I suggest that you do the Packing Your Trunk exercise on Page 80 of Welcome To Your Crisis and review Making Space/Transformation in The Circle. As the week progresses, make conscious choices about where you put your energy, resources and thoughts. Expect to be presented with challenges and trigger and each time greet them with excitement as they are occasions to choose something new.

Every time you are about to “react” ask yourself if you really want to continue the old dynamic, and, if not, what you are choosing to put the energy into that is new!

“ Learning to live well means learning to let go. That knowledge and ability make us joyful and successful.

     We all realize the importance of giving up harmful things in our lives: A bad relationship, a debilitating job,. But relinquishing even these things is often impossible until you let go of the sense of self that is bound up with these things.”  (Welcome to Your Crisis p 67)

Making Space is difficult and we all respond to the challenge by defaulting to our Crisis Type. Notice when your reaction style comes up for you and do something different. Remember that we all have elements of all of the types but you are one, predominant type and you have been in “Type” since you were a child.

“* If you are a denial type, chances are that you don’t often see the crisis coming

*If you are an anger type, you probably create most of your crises by destabilizing situations through rage.

* If you are an anxiety type, you are so busy dealing with problems that don’t really exist or matter that the real situations in your life grow to crisis proportions.

* If you are a depression type, you probably let your problems pile up, retreating from appropriate actions even when you know what actions to take, until situations are truly at a crisis point. “ (Welcome To Your Crisis- p 98/98)

Denial Types- Do something that causes you to FEEL. Sing a song that makes you emotional, watch a you tube that elicits feeling so that your effectiveness can address what is really going on and what you want to achieve

Anxiety Types- Do ANYTHING to distract yourself from your obsessions and worries. These obsessive thoughts do not contain your answers! Clean your sock drawer, help a friend with their problem, dance! When you distract your clarity shines through and creates right action for you to achieve your goals.

Anger Types- Release the charge. If you are alone do something physical, jumping jacks for example, until you are calm and your passion, your unique ability to pursue your dreams ceaselessly, can work effectively for you to create change.

Depression Types- Make one small move towards self support. Pick a tiny thing you can do now to address a problem and do it allowing your depth of being and understanding to have impact in your life.


Work with our unified Circle and you own awareness to Make Space for Transformation and your New Reality to occur.

I very much appreciate it when you “share” the exercise and broaden our Circle!

I am excited to hear from you all how this week unfolds. When you share your successes with us you empower our Circle!

I look forward to seeing you upstate New York people at the Circle event on Sunday in Woodstock New York




This week we will commit to working as one unified body of energy on Embodiment and the particular gifts and vulnerabilities that our natural capacity for Mediumship provide. You may want to review Embodiment in The Circle and Mediumship in How To Rule The World From Your Couch.

Here are some excerpts from the Couch chapter on Mediumship and the ones I want you to work on in your embodiment this week.


“Mediumship is the first intuitive skill that we empoy as babies….Meduimship is the ability to merge so completely with something or someone else that we experience ourself as the other. ( How To Rule The World From Your Couch)


“ Once your mind gets over the idea that you can’t become someone or something else, your mediumship skills will blossom quickly. … You are always experiencing a whole universe of people inside of you and thinking that the experience is your own.” ( How To Rule The World From Your Couch)


So our work for this week is two fold. Use your Mediumship to experience people who have achieved what you want in your New Reality and BE AWARE of your own experience and how you may have uninvited peoples experiences inside of you! Get them out. How? Use mindfulness. Go through your senses one by one and limit what you are experiencing by what is real and true in this moment. Are you feeling depressed? Who comes to mind? Might they be inside of you in a way that you didn’t invite them to be? This may not be intentional on their part. Now, what is real for you in this moment? Is it a nice day? Are you doing something pleasant or doing some unpleasant chore effectively in a way that could make you feel good? REALLY BE IN THE BEST OF THIS MOMENT. YOU, ONLY YOU, INSIDE OF YOU! Most of the time you will find that you are really OK! Even Joyful when you get the energy distortions out of you.

Please work on each person on our list at least once a day. A good healing focus is to embody their New Reality filling them completely and displacing anything that is “other” than their own best being.

Please share with the group, if you are comfortable doing so, the changes that you experience as you master your own energy.

Please share this post and help our group and the work grow. I look forward to healing with you and working together to recreate reality.

Where attention goes, energy flows!

This week we will work as one unified energy to do something new. It is an aspect of Embodiment in The Circle, and you can review it in How To Rule The World From Your Couch, under Telepathy. Here is a passage from the book that describes our work this week.

“Before we address how you can use telepathy effectively, we must address the impediments to your natural ability. Right now I want you to be aware of the conversations you have in your head and heart that have no real goal. These include conversations with people who have hurt you in the past; arguments that, even if resolved, have no positive outcome; desires for acknowledgment that really bring you no tangible gain; discussions with the world at large or with God that is too esoteric to bear real results in your life; even conversations you have habitually with yourself that are disempowering.” (p )

This week we master our minds and clear the space for our Telepathy to be directed at conversations that are useful to us. Perhaps with an future employer or love partner, or even with your highest self. This takes discipline, as you choose, over and over again, to direct your attention to what is healing, empowering and what will create a New Reality of your choosing for you.

When we work as one energy, unified by a common intent, miraculous things occur. When you change your telepathy, you change the world.

Please share with the group, if you are comfortable doing so, the changes that you experience as you master your own mind.

I look forward to seeing you all in Phoenix this weekend and exchanging readings and healings!

You can post your New Reality or intuitive questions here.

You cannot always control reality, so it is life’s challenge to make your pain useful in healing yourself and others. In fact, you have to make it useful in order to grow and thrive.
On December the 13th I lost my baby sister. Her name was Sarah, and she was 52 years old. She is survived by two beautiful and very adored children and a husband who has been our rock, the voice of reason in a family of hotheads. Two years and two months earlier, I had lost my brother, Alexander.
I started a new book — as some of you know I am always working on three or four at a time — in October, 2012. I felt called to write about the true spiritual journey, the struggle to build a life in the material world and to evolve past what we were born to be. The key components of this book were the eternal nature of life, the oneness of all being and energy, and the very important work of healing our past and the world around us — the work that we are all here to do. As I tend to do, I then became distracted by another project and left this one unfinished. The following October, in 2013, my brother committed suicide, and on his funeral card, chosen by his wife, was the Einstein quote with which I had begun the book the year before. My brother brought me back to the work I had begun the year prior.
With the death of my beloved sister on December 13th,  2015, I feel even more compelled to bring this book to completion. Many of you in our Circle are very intuitive, and many of you are marvelous healers.  Yet many of you still struggle with manifesting what you want in the world and being seen as you want to be seen. There is a reason for that, and there is a methodology by which we can heal. I have seen this work create dramatic transformations in people’s lives, my own included.
For the past few years, I have workshopped this book at Esalen Institute, and will do so again this June. I think that it has taken The Circle to the next level, giving students the tools to create dramatic, positive change and giving practitioners an additional tool to use with clients in their intuitive and healing practices.
I would like to hear your stories about the injuries that you carry, how you feel that they have harmed your ability to create your life as an adult, and the gifts, if any, that these injuries have given you. If I feel that the new work will be useful to you, I will respond by giving you some guidance from the new book and from my intuition, and we can begin to flesh out this book together — and, perhaps, heal your life in the process. I may respond with questions. If I use any of the stories in the book, I will change the details and, of course, keep you anonymous. With some of you, I will work with you, back and forth, until your issue is resolved. If you would like to participate, please put “NEW BOOK” in the subject line of your email and send it to
I will be posting new events soon at  Let me know if you have a local church, bookstore, or healing/yoga (and so on) center where a workshop or Healing Circle would be welcome. As always, when I have a list of 50 people I set up a free event. I will be starting Circles across the country this year for those of you who would like to lead them. I do the intro, and then you do the nine elements in nine sessions. I do not charge to help you set up these Circles, and you should price them in a way that has integrity for you. If I cannot come in person, I do the first session by Skype, but I love to show up when I can.
I also ask that you send my sweet baby sister light, as only you wonderful light workers can. IMG_1091 IMG_1283IMG_3123 IMG_1285 IMG_4535 IMG_7554

July 21, 2015

By Tracy Cochran
Laura Day

A conversation with intuitive and healer Laura Day

I visited Laura Day in her apartment in Tribeca in lower Manhattan to talk about intuition. Since her early twenties, Day has been internationally famous for her uncanny ability to know things immediately, without the aid of research or reasoning, accurately seeing the outcome of even arcane events. Decades later…

When I published The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life (2001), I had been doing The Circle and hosting Circles for my community for twenty years. The Book came out on 9/10/01. On 9/11 my World Trade Center neighborhood was evacuated and Barnes and Noble offered me space to do The Circle on a regular basis to heal my community. My wish for The Circle, in creating a guidebook for individual Circle work was, and is, that The Circle would be a healing format that people would use and offer in communities all over the world. It was published when it was needed and the work has been continued by amazing readers all over the world.
Many of you lead your own Circles, for friends, your community, for young people, in hospitals, as a integrative format for business, as a process in families to encourage cooperation, in your 12 step meetings, incorporating it into your performances and many other ways that I hadn’t imagined!
There is a simple format in The Circle ( under Community) for leading your own Circles. I have started to circulate a list of people holding Circle groups and those interested in attending. These groups are usually free or for a small charge to cover supplies or venue and often the leaders rotate so that everyone in the group can offer to be the facilitator and add their own unique gifts to the process! Some of the leaders have done workshops with me and some simply use the book and make it their own. If you are interested in being on a Circle list please e mail me with “Circle group list” and your city in the subject line at and I will share your email with others who are interested in doing The Circle in a group. Please let me know if you have an ongoing Circle group and all the details so that I can share it with others (as always, topic and city in the subject line).
When I am in town I sometimes drop in on these groups and I am always happy to say hello by Skype. We usually use the blue, Atria edition of The Circle (it has a workbook) for the Circles. I do not personally know many of the people who run the Circles so, of course, do your own due diligence around safety if they are not in a public place! Often, the Circles have Facebook pages or use other social media where you can check them out!!!
I am leading free Circles across the country as my gift to you and myself. If you send me an email with your city in the subject line at, when I have 50 people, I find a Church and bookstore to host me (often with your generous help) and I do a free workshop often accompanied by a Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing event, incorporating local healers. This way I can help seed your Circles in your communities and meet you all face to face which gives me great joy and healing. If you know of a Unity Church or bookstore that has an event space and would like to host me please give them my information!!
Remember, intuition and healing are innate gifts. You can train and use your community to exchange intuitive and healing sessions and in doing so strengthen both your life and future and your community! You can also offer Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing to others. The simple instructions are in The Circle. Do not be shy about offering your gifts to others!
I do The Circle every day. I focus on one element a week in the workbook (weekly exercises). It occurred to me that it would be nice to do the elements together. This week I am on the fourth element, Synchronicity. On Monday I begin Making Space. Of course, as I do each element I also do the shorter exercises for the other elements as those issues and opportunities arise. On March 23rd I will have completed this Circle and I will start with the first element again, INTENTIONALITY. I would love if you all would work along with me and engage in discussion on this blog! You all ask me amazing questions and share incredible insights by email. It would be great if you could do this on the blog and share your journey, struggles and wisdom, with us all at www.practical .
I am always grateful when you email me your stories of miraculous healings and insights as well as your observations about how I can better serve you at
On itunes I have 2 recordings that you can use in your Circles to prepare for intuitive and healing work and to get the group into the energy of The Circle. You can also read The Circle meditation aloud from page 24 or do a joining meditation of your own. If you are reading the meditation remember to experience it as you read it. In doing so you share healing with the whole group and give your voice the power and energy of The Circle.
On itunes
Energy: Healing, Intuition and Change-Laura Day
The Healing Circle-Laura Day
Please include me and my family in your healings. I do healing each morning and I always look on the blog, my email, Facebook and so on for your healing requests.
I join you in The Circle and I am looking forward to connecting face to face with more of you this year!

“Like me” on Facebook at

As many of you are aware, I have been doing free Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing for my Circle community. Nothing, not even the fulfillment that comes from the most accurate and detailed predictions, equals what I feel knowing that I have played even the smallest role in taking someone from a place of pain and struggle to the health and joy that our lives potentially offer us. These Circles, where I get to literally touch each of you, both intuitively and by laying my hands on you, have given me a sense of purpose and connection to my world, my work, and to each of you amazing beings.

Life is hard, and it takes enormous courage to meet even the most “simple” everyday demands. Sometimes you need to hand your burden to someone else for a while to have your energy enlivened and healed, and in order to open up New Realities in your lives.

I remember the first healing I ever had confirmed. I had performed many layings on of hands before that day, but I never knew, really knew, if they had done any good. I was 11 years old, and my mother was in a coma from which she was not expected to recover. I focused my healing on her, from a distance, and negotiated her healthy return. Although I hadn’t seen her since she had been admitted to intensive care, and no one had reported her condition to me, the chaplain they had sent to speak with me verified that what I was seeing “in my head” was in fact what was happening to her.  When my mother made a miraculous recovery and awakened, she confirmed that she had been aware of what I was doing every step of the way.

By now, 44 years later, I have had many such verifications of miraculous healings in people’s bodies, relationships, businesses, and lives. What I wish for you is that you become cognizant of your own powerful healing and intuitive gifts and use them in the world, starting with yourself. You matter. You can change your life, you can change my life, and you can change the world. You make the difference! The healing and miraculous strokes of insight and good fortune that I receive every time I lead or participate in a Circle motivate me to do more. I give what I have to offer, and I receive exactly what I need in return. This is the dynamic life takes on when you live in The Circle.

Receiving hands-on or psychic healing in a group is one of the most powerful and transformative dynamics that I have ever experienced. Day to day you can foil your own best efforts.  You are conducting a tug of war with you, an evenly matched struggle between your past patterns and beliefs and the you who wants to emerge.

When you heal in a group, joining your energy with others and then channeling the infinite energy we all share, you harness a massive force in the battle with the old you. Your now-outmoded and, therefore, dysfunctional system cannot survive this tidal wave of energy. Your future overcomes your history. Your goal overpowers your patterns. In a unified group you achieve for yourself what you alone cannot.

When I wrote The Circle: How the Power of a Single Wish Can Change Your Life, it was my hope that people would use it to form their own groups to facilitate one another’s dynamic change. In the latest edition I added my own workbook. Many of you have made my hope a reality by teaching Circle groups, holding Circle services with intuition and healing exchange, lightening one another’s load! In doing so you have found that you are all healers, intuitives, teachers, and creators of miracles.

I am now doing a series of Healing Circles based on The Circle so that I can participate in a meaningful way in these miracles of change. We are all here to heal the world, and we do this by first healing our own lives, together. The Circle mantra is that you matter, your goals matter, your pain matters, and when you heal yourself, you heal us all.

Some of you have asked me what to expect after a Circle Healing. I get emails attesting to the miracles that happen hours, even days after a Circle: miraculous physical healing, strokes of good fortune, propitious chance meetings, reconciliations, and so on.  But I also get emails full of confusion at how clearly and intensely the obstacles and pain can feel after a healing.  Both situations, though they seem polar opposites, are positive results.

Healing forcefully re-patterns your body, your awareness, and your life — the external reality of what you are attracting to you. You, however, need to be willing to remain on the healing path.  You can’t heal what you don’t feel, and immediately after a Circle group or Laying on of Hands, you may experience a heightened sense of what blocks your healing — which people, situations, and habits. This is the clarity of intuition at work. You are no longer able to remain comfortably in the old matrix as The Circle/Your Healing brings the new world you’ve summoned closer to you.

Change — even wonderful, miraculous change — is hard and daunting. You know how to do the old thing you were doing. To have your wish, you need to accept the risk of something new. I wrote a whole book (Welcome to Your Crisis) to address this very important moment of transition and transition delayed. As a good friend of mine says, we heal at the speed of pain, and sometimes it is only pain that will drive us to remain on the path of healing.  Pain is not my favorite teacher, but it is one I often encounter.  I, too, struggle to find the enlightenment and consciousness that will help me embrace the lesson quickly and limit the pain!

The other way a healing works is for you to finish the job you started, to consciously commit to a new path, to remind yourself to notice, after a healing, anything new and potentially wonderful that might be entering your life, and to make even the smallest moves towards it.

You may not feel healed after a healing! It doesn’t mean that the healing didn’t work. Embrace the obstacles as part of the process. You want your own best interests to be met in the healthiest, deepest part of your being. You are bringing in only the challenges that you have the ability to master and that, when you master them, will take you to what you truly want and who you truly want to be. When pain or an obstacle occurs, ask yourself, “What am I now demanding that I learn/heal/accept? What am I trying to give myself that I had accepted living without?” Perhaps even ask yourself why you have chosen this particular obstacle or issue to be your teacher.  There is often another, less painful way to master the task at hand.

Many of you have heard me say, before a Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing, that you don’t have to do anything to heal during a Circle — that we, the healers do it for you. If you knew how to heal the particular issue you are working on — if you could get out of your own way and master your own resistance — you wouldn’t be at a Healing Circle. If your belief had to be strong for the healing to work, your belief would be doing the work, not the healing! In a Laying on of Hands, it is our job in the Circle to heal you.

But after a healing you have choices. A healing disassembles the old matrix, the old reality, and brings in opportunities for transformation. You can either work hard to move in a healthy direction or work hard to reassemble the old pathology. Either way, you will be working hard.

My hope for 2015 is to do Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing in free Circles around the country. If you would like one in your community, email me at . All I need is a bookstore, yoga studio, or other comfortable and somewhat private space to host the event. The space needs to hold 50 people. If you are a healer (or one of my students), please send me an email about yourself, because I always love extra healing hands at the Circles, and, since I do not do private healing sessions, it is nice for people to have local healers to work with!

You can work with each Circle by doing The Circle: How the Power of a Single Wish Can Change Your Life in between and during the Healing Circles. Each Circle will focus on one element of change as we open every path to our New Reality together!

When you sign up for my newsletter you will be informed of upcoming Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing Circles.

I am holding you all in my healing embrace and grateful for the healing embraces that return to me from you.

Dear Circle,

As some of are aware I have been doing a series of Healing Circles where I, an other talented healers, do laying on of hands/ Psychic Healing on the entire group. The experience has been transformative for me and the response from the participants has made me want to do them more!

As hard as we all work on our lives it is hard not to get in our own way. Our obstacles are created by our patterns and our patterns are hard to see and heal, as they are so much a part of us that only intuition can give us the perspective to address them and even then, we avoid what is new and foreign. Sometimes the most healing thing you can do is to hand your pile of problems over to a trusted source/energy/person for healing. This is what our Circles are about. We as healers want to offer our energy and do it for you! In doing so we too heal.

I have seen many students over the years work hard and smart to make changes and then, in a group, suddenly, the change occurs, the miracle happens, the wish comes true. This is the power of a group!

In the last 20 years I have done a healing service at Saint John the Divine in NYC, Unity and … anywhere they would let me. The love and power of the energy when we gather for healing is one of the most awe-inspiring things that I have experienced in my life. Miracles happen when we work as one.

I am now editing my seventh book. Although I have integrated healing in to many of my other books this book is about the miracles we can create in our bodies, relationships and lives when we poise ourselves for dramatic change (and of course, how to do this).

I look forward to the opportunity to do a Laying on of Hands on you and to have Healing Circles in your community. The format I use is from The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life, and, you too can use this format to do your own Healing Circles. Don’t be shy about offering your healing to those in need. Of course the secret of all healers is that nothing heals more than offering healing to others. It allows the healer to get out of his or her own way and be part of the one energy we all share in a way that they too transform!

Please e-mail me your healing stories (both of your healings and healings you have done for others) so that I can include them in the book (all details changed of course). You can be on a list for upcoming Healing Circles by sending me an e-mail at I am currently scheduling them in New York City, Woodstock New York and Los Angeles. If you know of a good venue in Phoenix, AZ  (bookstore that has events, Yoga Studio) please let me know.

As the holidays approach I encourage you all to use The Circle and the energy of Unity these holidays inspire to define your healing goal and join with The Circle to allow the support of others to carry you to a place of peace.

Those of you who are attending the Circles that soon will be scheduled, you can (but don’t have to) come prepared by knowing what you want to heal or, in Circle speak, your New Reality and then let us do our magic! You may also want to bring a bottle of water. For years in my groups we have made “Holy Water” in our Circles to use later on everything, cuts, papers, plants, a sip when a day gets out of control or a cold is coming on. We will energize this water as we do the healing on you!

I send you all love for the holidays and every day. I appreciate knowing that you are doing the twitter exercises on lauradayintuit@twitter. You can e-mail me your healing requests as I do healing as my form of prayer every morning ( and I am always interested in your experiences in The Circle and with your own healing and intuitive training.



Are you a victim of Psychic attack?

Are you having trouble manifesting your goals? Are you physically and emotionally depleted? Do you suddenly look less attractive than you used to? Are you unable to bounce back from a failed relationship or a disappointment? Have you lost faith in yourself? You talents? Are you unable to let go of a person or situation? Are you attracting challenging synchronicities?

If out of the blue and without cause you feel anxious, depressed, angry or otherwise out of sorts you may be under psychic attack. If you begin making mistakes or having situations and relationships in your life go wrong without reason, you may be under psychic attack and there are actions you can take right now to re-claim your life

In my circles there is a lot of talk about psychic attack without much information about what it is. To understand psychic attack it is important to be aware of the way that people communicate non-locally or at a distance. Most people have experienced knowing that a loved one far away needed them without being informed in a traditional way or calling a loved one at the exact same moment that that person called you. That is an instance of non-local communication.

The person attacking you may not even be conscious that they are doing so. Because of the nature of telepathy (mind to mind communication) someone who is consistently directing his or her negative emotion at you is unconsciously attacking you. Your mind cannot differentiate between the feelings you are being “sent” and your healthy feelings about yourself and the world. Additionally, living with someone who is in the grip of toxic emotion can transmit that emotion to you. We are sponges, especially with those with whom we have or have had a close emotional bond.

Over fifty years of research on parapsychology by major universities such as Duke and Stanford as well as government research in areas such as remote viewing has shown that non-locality is a fact of life not just for human beings but even for the smallest organisms.

We as human beings thrive by allowing our strengths to support our weaknesses. Psychic attack works by illuminating your weaknesses so that in essence you attack yourself emotionally, spiritually and by your behavior in the world. Psychic self-defense protects you and can even strengthen you by reversing this process. The key to psychic self-defense is to be scrupulous about releasing toxic thoughts, habits, energy, emotion and thoughts by redirecting your attention to the positives in your life and keeping maintaining healthy routines. Psychic attack works by getting into the “cracks” in your life, sense of self and routine.

In my book HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH I teach people how to use their intuitive senses such as precognition (knowing the future), telepathy, medium ship and healing. One of the most important parts of that book, and one that initially my readers find less compelling, is how to block and defend those senses. This is the core of psychic self-defense and the key to using all of your energy productively in your own life.

If you feel under attack here are some very effective remedies.

1.     Call on your guides, friends and healers. There is power in numbers. Ask them to include you daily in their prayers, meditations and healings.

2.     Redirect your thoughts. One of the symptoms of psychic attack is that your thoughts are drawn to the vulnerable in yourself. When you have toxic thoughts or dwell or even obsess about someone or something, consciously redirect your thoughts to something or someone constructive. At first you may need to do this hundreds of times a day! Make a list of positive goals in your life and choose from this list whenever you have a painful or self-loathing thought.

3.     Take a sea salt bath with 4 white candles (representing your stability) while imaging light and grace filling your body and life with every breath you take.

4.     Focus on what is right in your life. Psychic attack works by engaging you in your own darkness. Spend time in the “sunny rooms” of your life.

5.     When you are vulnerable stay away from situations and people who have an undermining effect on your life and self worth. Often, unfortunately, we are related to these people! Limit the time you spend in contact with anyone who is not 100 percent on your team.

6.     Avoid rumination and projection. Be mindful and in the moment. Your power is not in the past or in the future it is in the moment.

7. Create holy water. Studies of water (Dr. Emoto and others) have shown that if you hold water while experiencing a positive feeling that water is transformed in a way that creates health/blessings. Before you eat or drink send healing images and loving energy to whatever goes into you. It is your own magic potion. You can ask others to bless your food/drink for you. This is the hidden power of saying grace over food. I always have a case of water that I ask people to bless and I share with neighbors to drink, put on injuries, dying plants, and so on.

8. Create sacred spaces.  Smudge your bed and put some talisman, crystals or other symbols of protection around you. Create an alter. Make sure that your living environment is a clean, blessed and sacred as you can make it. Allow your home to be your temple.

9. Maintain healthy habits and routines. Psychic attack works by challenging your balance. Use discipline to maintain good food, sleep, exercise and interpersonal habits and healthy self-talk.

10. Do not retaliate. When someone attacks they are leaving their own life exposed. Energy is limitless but attention is not. If you are using your attention to harm or manipulate someone that is attention that is directed away from building the successful healthy life you deserve.

During times of psychic attack it is important to do all of the earth reality things such as seeing your doctor if you are feeling physically ill or a therapist if you feel you can’t cope.  If your malaise lifts and your life feels on track when using the above suggestions you were probably a victim of psychic attack!  You may want to have one ritual you do every day to clear your energy such as mediation, blessing your food and drink or taking a salt bath just to keep intruders away!

I welcome your comments and questions at I am the only one who reads my e-mail to honor your privacy so please keep them short!

I hope to see you all in Boot Camp in November!

There is a free Barnes and Noble workshop on June 24th at the Tribeca (New York) store from 6-7 p.m.

Check lauradayintuit@twitter for updates and of course on this site.

I join you in The Circle and in our group healings each day on twitter



When you are on the verge of creating something new is often the time when old fears, habits and reaction styles come roaring to the forefront. Change, even positive change often feels risky to our habit loving subconscious.

I can tell by your e-mails that many of you are about to make wonderful changes to your lives, ones that you have spent years building up to ( a shout out to Zuri here). I want to encourage you to join your energy with our Circle (lauradayintuit@twitter) to use the power and integrity of working as one, in the one energy we all share, to transcend the old and allow yourself to walk into your New Reality. The more that you can see, feel, taste, smell and hear the bond of healing we share the more supported you will be in your changes. Sometimes the focus and effort of making a change happen gets in the way of allowing it to happen. Every once in a while simply hand your goals and challenges to our Circle and allow us to work for you as you place your attention on noticing the change.

Times of change are paradoxically not always times to be forceful in your presentation. Often times of change require you to watch, listen and learn, to take a cue from your changing environment, allowing yourself to be mentored by life. Practice taking a beat before responding and examining your responses before presenting them.

In over thirty years of practice as an intuitive and a healer I have first hand experience of the value of working as a group. When you consciously enter The Circle the pattern of your goals touches everyone in the Circle as well as everyone connected to them and everyone connected to … and so on and so on. It is an infinitely powerful and effective process. In this same manner , you, as part of the Circle, are an agent in everyones healing even if you are not consciously aware of how you are impacting their New Reality.

I am always grateful to have our Circle to support me through times of change and to keep the opportunities flowing when I have moments of stagnation and despair.

As Spring approaches let us put our focus on connecting, in The Circle, and in our daily lives with the people, ideas and opportunities in our environment. Together this Spring we welcome change by being responsive to it in a way that creates our New Reality and a healing for us all.


I am looking forward to your comments on this site and, as always, you can e-mail me directly at

The Esalen Institute Weekend Intensive is scheduled for August this year and will soon be up on their site. Boot Camp enrollment for Fall 2014 is up on

I ask you to keep my New Reality and my family in your healing thoughts. Let us know that you are engaged in our Circle by posting comments and spreading the word! This Spring I encourage you to hone your intuitive skills with HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH. Your questions and comments on the victories and difficulties with your intuitive process help us all (myself included) when you post them!



Dear Circle,

I read all of your e-mails and many of you have had a very hard few months. What strikes me the most about our Circle is your efforts to maintain your humanity even when your challenges are so great that they feel inhuman.

Healing practices like meditation, good diet, exercise, laying on of hands, prayer (and so many more) help give you the strength to use the most difficult experience to grow and heal as well as to heal others. It is easy to forget that the spiritual work is not in the practice but in the courage to deal with the everyday challenges of being human.

I ask you all to join together this month to honor and strengthen your human practices. Your ability to be kind in every situation (especially to yourself), your acknowledgement of the good job you are doing even when you feel you are doing it imperfectly, the amazing resourcefulness that it takes for you to attend to the many, many details of daily living from brushing your teeth to planning your next career move. Transcendence is the “commercial break” the elbow grease of spirituality is attending to daily living and relationships with integrity.

Intuition allows you to get more information and have more impact, using The One, the energy that we all share. That same Oneness can allow you to be victimized by other peoples needs, demands and judgements. Remember to do the parts in HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH and THE CIRCLE where you fill yourself with… YOU so that you can direct the energy of The One towards your own goals.

I often hear doubts from you about whether your goals are spiritual or worthy. Your goals are simply symbols that you choose to organize your resources for growth. When you embrace a goal, you embrace life. Often you may not understand, at the outset, why a particular goal is important to you and you worry about being selfish or not spiritual enough. You are a spiritual being. Everything you do is spiritual. Good people achieve their goals using humanistic means. If you are even asking yourself if your goal is “selfish” or “spiritual” you are a person with integrity and goodness. Embrace your goals, trust yourself and join with the energy we all share, the energy of The One to create your goals in your life. As you create your own goals you will be creating a better world for others.

Give yourself the suggestion that with every inhalation you will draw helpful resources, people and experiences to you and with every exhalation you will send the energy of your goal into the world to be felt and responded to by others. Allow yourself to experience the power and love of the interconnected universe we live in. Please bring others into our Circle by re-tweeting, sharing on your social media and creating your own groups to use “COUCH’ and ‘THE CIRCLE” to share intuition and healing in community.

I will be posting more free workshops in the next few months so please check the site.

We join together as one community of energy to achieve our goals and honor our work to live each day with humanity!



Laura Day

P.S.- Those of you who have been asking for a West Coast event, I have just scheduled one for the spring! I will post on the site and tweet as soon as the dates are firm. If you are interested in a one day intensive healing training please e-mail me at with the subject line “Healing Training” (New York and Los Angeles only). Boot Camp 2014 is posted on the site. Thank you all for the great healing work you have done the last few months on our healing list. Remember, I am the only one who reads your e-mails so if you make them short and to the point I can respond more effectively! I am honored to share your lives. As always, I ask healing for my lovely family, Samson,Caroline, Stephen(my husband of one month!), Oliver and myself.

With every breath you take, join your energy and intention with every member of our Circle to live THIS DAY productively, performing your daily tasks with joy, commitment and sacredness. The most powerful way to reach your goal/New Reality is to consciously join energy with others in this Circle and in your life/community/family/world.

Start your project, clean your closet, organize your finances, get that temporary job that will tide you over, ask for help, get involved in helping others, LIVE TODAY. Living today doesn’t mean that you are giving up on your wish. It means that YOU believe in YOU and if you don’t, just going through the motions will grow that belief. Don’t WAIT for your wish to come true to LIVE your life. Living your life well creates your dreams. Your difficulties will not dissapear just because your wish comes true unless you address the issues at hand now in your life. Miracles do happen when we create them. The mundane tasks of daily living done with attention and integrity will be the foundation of your Miracle.

This new group project was inspired by a member of our Circle. He said that his New Reality wasn’t happening fast enough and wondered if he was just being impatient.

I am a big believer that the right time for just about anything is NOW (or, being an anxiety type, yesterday) however I, like most of you,  have run into delays, sometimes long ones, in reaching my New Reality . No one is immune to the work of evolving self. We all encounter those dissapointing outer roadblocks, things that don’t go your way even when you are working hard, toxic relationships that you make excuses for until you are forced to sever them, perceived failings of self that you are too frightened or ashamed to address. It is normal to hope for a miracle to save you from the sometimes terrifying work of growth. However, in the long run, addressing these issues with courage and having the courage to see them will always jump start your goal. The Circle will not help you be less than can be, or to live in a situation that is toxic be just to achieve a goal and avoid a challenge. HAPPINESS LIES IN COMPETENCE. Those of you who are working with The Circle know that some New Realities happen quickly and some take time. The timing always lies within your ability to control by addressing what you are avoiding! BE JOYFUL NOW and if you can’t be then simply be diligent!

Believe it or not, you want to grow and evolve, well, maybe not consciously but your integral self doesn’t want a “fix” that doesn’t really heal you enough to meet your next challenge/Reality.

There are short cuts, getting healing, joining your energy and intention with the Circle frequently, posting on pray lines and healing lines and asking friends to weight in about what they think you are not addressing in your life/self and hoping that “your Miracle” will help you avoid. So, let us work together every day.Really take time to join your energy with The Circle, engage in the online discussion and do the 9 elements. I post group work everyday on lauradayintuit@twitter. Let us do our daily tasks with reverence. You may find that your miracle happens when you just doing your job of living the moment!

I have many free evening workshops coming up. These are a time to share intuition, healing and do some new work. They are listed on the website. Please post comments on this blog and write your questions here (many of you send me e-mails but your questions help everyone). Let us work this month to strengthen our community online and off. The holidays are a great time to clean your inner house. There is a lot of emotional “charge” at this time of year so it is a great time to find constructive ways to discharge and evolve into the you who is living your New Reality.

I send you all healing now and I am grateful to be part of our Circle.

