Training Innate Intuitive Abilities
30+ years of experience
Laura Day has trained and consulted companies in a broad range of fields from finance to medicine. She strongly recommends that you train your own people so that you have system in place to use on a consistent basis. Laura’s specialty is forecasting and evaluating options. All of her work, other than training, is done by phone.

Intuitive Coaching
In an Intuitive Coaching session we work together with intuition as well as the other modalities covered in my books to help you achieve your goals and work through obstacles. It is in our partnership and dialog that the work gets done. Unlike an intuitive reading, where I do all of the talking, Intuitive Coaching is a dynamic process designed to help you create a stronger future.

Business Consultations
Laura cannot accept clients who are in the same industry as her long term clients. Email Laura and provide only your name and area of business – give no further details. To best use the time you should have a detailed list of questions. Mutual confidentiality is assured and no taping is allowed.

Long Term Clients
This is a six month commitment on both of your part and Laura’s part. She is available 24/7 for your company’s needs, although she will only deal directly with one person. Usually, except in times of crisis, her clients call her no more than once or twice a week. Mutual confidentiality is assured and no taping is allowed. Laura only takes a few long term clients as a time so there are rarely openings available.

Training Your Company
In this scenario, Laura comes in to your company for a day and trains your team to function as intuitives for your company and for one another. This is a full day service and includes some reading on her part. Laura enjoys this the most. If interested in setting up a training session, please email laura and include your area of business. As with the other service options, please include only your name and your area of business and give no further details.

Laura is always happy to offer her time to non-profit organizations. Please do not hesitate to email laura. Laura can also refer you to a list of trained students who can fit your personal and business needs.