when we take the time to be clear about our goals and questions. For the next two weeks, as a unified community of energy, we gather information to help us […]
For the next few weeks, as a unified group of energy, we will co-create our New Reality. Often life distracts us from the essence of what we intend to build […]
For the next 2 weeks as a powerful Circle of energy, we will clean house on every level we can think of. Habits, situations, people, closets and drawers, telepathy, mediumship […]
world around us to co-create our New Reality/wish come true with us. As we have worked The Circle in the last months we have created a clearer dialog between us […]
to create healing. Healing is the ability to bring anything to a more useful integrated state of function (one of many definitions but one that we will use for the […]
As we do Contact/Unity for an extra week let us review all of the elements of The Circle and bring our growth firmly into our daily life and our reality […]
We have been working on Inner Roadblocks and soon we will go to a new element of The Circle Just because you are feeling your Inner Roadblocks intensely doesn’t mean […]
This is our second week of Inner Roadblocks. You will notice that the people close to you, even if they are not doing the work with us, are dealing with […]
This is an exciting time. Now we can work together to deal with the reality of our New Reality by becoming aware of Outer Roadblocks and using all of our […]
List the “circles” of your life that you care about and work on allowing them to work together. Do the coherence/integrity chapter in your Circle workbook and review the chapters […]
Coherence is the ability to allow all the parts of your life to work together! When you create coherence between your many wishes and challenges you give yourself the ability […]
rediscovering things that you thought were lost forever. I am fortunate that I get to see your e mails (you need to post more comments!) and many of you have […]