Let us make the rest of 2013 really count!

With every breath you take, join your energy and intention with every member of our Circle to live THIS DAY productively, performing your daily tasks with joy, commitment and sacredness. The most powerful way to reach your goal/New Reality is to consciously join energy with others in this Circle and in your life/community/family/world.

Start your project, clean your closet, organize your finances, get that temporary job that will tide you over, ask for help, get involved in helping others, LIVE TODAY. Living today doesn’t mean that you are giving up on your wish. It means that YOU believe in YOU and if you don’t, just going through the motions will grow that belief. Don’t WAIT for your wish to come true to LIVE your life. Living your life well creates your dreams. Your difficulties will not dissapear just because your wish comes true unless you address the issues at hand now in your life. Miracles do happen when we create them. The mundane tasks of daily living done with attention and integrity will be the foundation of your Miracle.

This new group project was inspired by a member of our Circle. He said that his New Reality wasn’t happening fast enough and wondered if he was just being impatient.

I am a big believer that the right time for just about anything is NOW (or, being an anxiety type, yesterday) however I, like most of you,  have run into delays, sometimes long ones, in reaching my New Reality . No one is immune to the work of evolving self. We all encounter those dissapointing outer roadblocks, things that don’t go your way even when you are working hard, toxic relationships that you make excuses for until you are forced to sever them, perceived failings of self that you are too frightened or ashamed to address. It is normal to hope for a miracle to save you from the sometimes terrifying work of growth. However, in the long run, addressing these issues with courage and having the courage to see them will always jump start your goal. The Circle will not help you be less than can be, or to live in a situation that is toxic be just to achieve a goal and avoid a challenge. HAPPINESS LIES IN COMPETENCE. Those of you who are working with The Circle know that some New Realities happen quickly and some take time. The timing always lies within your ability to control by addressing what you are avoiding! BE JOYFUL NOW and if you can’t be then simply be diligent!

Believe it or not, you want to grow and evolve, well, maybe not consciously but your integral self doesn’t want a “fix” that doesn’t really heal you enough to meet your next challenge/Reality.

There are short cuts, getting healing, joining your energy and intention with the Circle frequently, posting on pray lines and healing lines and asking friends to weight in about what they think you are not addressing in your life/self and hoping that “your Miracle” will help you avoid. So, let us work together every day.Really take time to join your energy with The Circle, engage in the online discussion and do the 9 elements. I post group work everyday on lauradayintuit@twitter. Let us do our daily tasks with reverence. You may find that your miracle happens when you just doing your job of living the moment!

I have many free evening workshops coming up. These are a time to share intuition, healing and do some new work. They are listed on the website. Please post comments on this blog and write your questions here (many of you send me e-mails but your questions help everyone). Let us work this month to strengthen our community online and off. The holidays are a great time to clean your inner house. There is a lot of emotional “charge” at this time of year so it is a great time to find constructive ways to discharge and evolve into the you who is living your New Reality.

I send you all healing now and I am grateful to be part of our Circle.



31 replies
  1. connie hall
    connie hall says:

    Ever since reading your book Practical Intuition, I have noticed and practiced living intuitively. Not “out loud” but inside. I have been so intune to my surroundings and thoughts, it shocks me sometimes how my thoughts are my reality! Love this blog and hope others share their experiences.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      The best use of intuition is when it becomes a life sustaining process beneath your awareness, guiding you to good choices. There are two components of this. You need to have a healthy ego and trained intuition. It sounds like you do!
      Thank you for your feedback!
      xo Laura

      • Catrina Stiller
        Catrina Stiller says:

        I really appreciate that you emphasized the need for a healthy ego. A number of the patients that I see as a psychotherapist mistake their use of defense mechanisms as their intuition guiding them. This can be detrimental to their personal growth and healing when they perceive unhealthy actions and choices as intuition.

        • Laura Day
          Laura Day says:

          Thank you. This is my favorite soap box. I love the saying “the best way out is through”. Transcendence can be abused! It is hard to work on a healthy ego and negotiate the many tasks of being human. Transcendence….hmmm…. not so hard.

        • Sophie
          Sophie says:

          Brilliant! Thank you Laura and everyone for the opportunity to learn in a supportive environment. I really enjoyed ‘Practical Intuition’ but once I read a book it kinda sits on the shelf.. think this will be great for encouraging each other in our quest…xx

  2. Noelle
    Noelle says:

    This makes complete sense and is very comforting. It does feel very strong, this working with mindfulness consistently. It is a process, at least for me and I feel I am learning patience and acceptance. I’m able to do this most of the time, aside from that off day that can happen. Thank you for posting this blog.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      I am still working on this all of the time and I know how much it works but so much happens under the surface and the pull of neurotic habit is strong!! We are all a work in progress!

  3. Rochelle
    Rochelle says:

    I listen to my intuition daily although it is not always easy to follow – especially when it comes to making big changes or stepping out of comfort zones (and not knowing what steps to take…ie: financially). Sometimes I feel pulled in different directions but the underlying passion stays pretty consistent. I am connected to Spirit and feel joyful/grateful but also have a sense of uncertainty. Do others experience this as well?

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      It is the rare time that proceeding without some uncertainty is advisable. It is important to look at our choices from many angles, practicality, intuition, hearts desire and so on to make good, solid, life enhancing choices.

  4. AH
    AH says:

    After the week sending daily healing to the individual requests on the list, then this (reminder) exercise to really experience the group energy and embody throughout the day: been like leveling up (in video game). During exercise, able to experience a different “me” in different circumstances. New challenges, yes, but having “leveled up”, I am ready for them in NR.
    Thanks for this

  5. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    “Believe it or not, you want to grow and evolve, well, maybe not consciously but your integral self doesn’t want a “fix” that doesn’t really heal you enough to meet your next challenge/Reality.”

    According to Wallace Wattles, and then Dr. David Berceli, two authors living a century apart, yet both saying the same thing: we are biologically made to life life to our fullest. I join you all in allowing that to happen. Wattles would maintain that means you need wealth to live that way. He had a good argument. Berceli’s focus is stress and trauma relief. Neither offer a “fix.” Find that integral self!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Community is wealth! I have had wealth and had little at various times and the only time when I didn’t have quality of life and the resources to create was when I isolated myself from community. Many times we feel that we have nothing to offer when we don’t feel that we have the standards, wealth, power, youth and beauty. However we all have something to offer to a community and our communities have what we need if we choose them from a heart centered place. Wealth comes and goes but the ability to work as one for the good of all is life sustaining! Thank you for your intelligent and informative comment!

  6. Angela
    Angela says:

    I wrote my Circle wish a couple of years ago and am still working towards. Have moved through some big roadblocks which included a divorce – painful but probably best for us both.

    While I see my wish as obtainable, I find myself in this stuck / paralyzed state and I’m not sure if it’s overwhelm with the tremendous changes I’ve gone through in general, or am I needing to re-think the New Reality I’d been holding onto. My New Reality btw has to do with my business which has gone from something I’m passionate about (more of a part time – not dependent on) to one that’s got to support me.

    Laura, any suggestions from you or you readers would be greatly appreciated.


    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Many people in our Circle are addressing the same issue right now and this months blog is for you/them/me. It is important to deal with what is while creating what you want. If you deal with the subconscious hidden agenda in your wish you are more likely to create it quickly and one way you do this may be by getting another job if that is what you have to do to pay the bills while building the career you want. Sometimes the simple willingness to do the distasteful or disheartening in order to take care of yourself free’s the energy for miracles to occur. It is important to look for patterns and find their root in your past. For example, was there ever another time when something/someone you were passionate about had the secondary job of having to take care of you? When you look at your childhood was your “gift” also something that was burdened by being life-saving or adaptive in a way that undermined you? The subconscious is hidden from us so when you question and go about your daily living tasks with determination and, when possible, hope and joy, you free the energy around you to support your dreams.
      It would also be helpful to get a group together to do The Circle and Couch (it can be a group of 2!) and to share intuition and healing. Nothing replaces a like minded group!
      I hope this was helpful. It sounds like you have been very brave in making/allowing the changes that are the groundwork for your New Reality

  7. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Joining healing for great dynamic co-creation of my NR! And the confidence, wholeness and love that supports me being my best self. Joining healing to living our joyful lives!

  8. Donna
    Donna says:

    I have been joining the Circle and creating my NR thru daily meditation. I see miracles happening in my Life! Thank you Laura for everything!

  9. Ah
    Ah says:

    One promise of intuition for me is “seeing around” conditioned fears– knowing when to take risks, what risks to take that won’t end in yet another fear reinforcing failure. I’ve taken risks before, and I’ve really screwed up before. In creating my new reality, I will have to take risks that terrify me, and I’m concerned that even initial “failures” will reinforce conditioned helplessness/ fear so much that it will be too hard to overcome, can intuition give me clarity here? Can it help lead me through fear to success, so I’m not just doing what seems like my usual flailing around?

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Intuition can help you “see around” conditioned fears but it can also make you more fearful depending on how you direct it. Many times intuition has given me so much information on what can go wrong that it has paralyzed me! That is when I go to Welcome To Your Crisis to get grounding and clarity in myself before going back to intuition to help me make a better decision.
      It sounds to me like you are afraid of your anxiety, you are afraid of being afraid! It might be a good idea to deal very directly with the anxiety as an inner roadblock.
      Intuition can give you the information you need to make better decisions and to minimize risk but it really does not help you to FEEL secure except in that it helps you land on your feet, time and time again, from impossible positions!
      Once again, in reading your e-mail, you are not so much afraid of success as afraid of fear and situations that will heighten fear.
      I hope this helps. I am an anxiety type and I deeply understand how terrifying the prospect of heightened anxiety is!

  10. marije
    marije says:

    I would like love in my life. I want to be in love, find love, he loved from a loving man. What is my obstacle? I want this obstacle removed. This is my reality.

  11. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    What do you do if you feel like giving up on your NR? I’ve been working on my NR for 7.5 years and at this point all the bitterness and failure are clouding my NR and making me not even do a good job when an opportunity comes my way. I just don’t care enough and a large part of me is over caring how I look in other people’s eyes or in even doing a good job acting. It even feels delusional to keep trying. Right now I feel like moving home and quitting but I dont even know what to do if I did that and I worry I’d be depressed.

    (And I have had great syncs with financial, family and even love but what do you do if you dont even feel open to your NR happening anymore?)

    • Zuri
      Zuri says:

      PS it’s okay not to answer this one. I’ve gotten so much help from you over the years. I know that it isn’t up to you to figure things out for everyone or really anyone but yourself and your books have already made me a whole lot happier than I would’ve been before.

      • Laura Day
        Laura Day says:

        As I have done The Circle over the years I have noticed that when a NR happens slowly the reason is always an Inner Roadblock. As you know I got married on Saturday but I am sure that you remember that my NR of a loving family started when I was in a disastrous relationship that I didn’t have the courage to get out of. Until I addressed that issue, one that I avoided at all costs, my NR couldn’t occur. However, in the years it took to get here I developed many other things in my life that have served me and allowed my NR to be the perfect one for me.
        It sounds to me like you have strengthened many areas of your life as you worked on creating your NR and I know from your posts that you are finally not putting all of your eggs in one basket but seriously considering adding to your skills in the world. I know that you have resisted that over the years and at times you have been annoyed with me when I suggested that you also learn another trade so that your acting wouldn’t have all of the complicated expectations that you placed on it. I have a feeling that as you pursue other options you will find your powerful place in your NR>
        There are 2 pieces of good news.
        If you stick with your NR it does happen and you have all of the growth to work with as it does
        You create many great things in your life while you are working on your NR.


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