Unity, Community, Together we are strong!

Spring is here and more than ever as we emerge from our winter shells we need to join our energy, embrace others and create as one single empowered beating heart (my favorite experience to quickly access the energy of The Circle) our NEW REALITY!

For many people, myself included, these winter months have been one of challege and struggle. Let us push “refresh” and do the elements of The Circle, Our Circle anew.

Write your New Reality down. When you prepare for sleep join your energy with The Circle for the nights journey so that you can use that time of relative peace and freedom to work out the tangles in your environment. Join with your community of friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to experience the power and potential of your life and to give and receive support for your New Reality.

Almost every day I post a group focus on lauradayintuit@twitter. It is important to have a single goal each day serving the collective as well as each of our individual needs. Spread the word. Make our group grow and let us know your gifts and your needs.

I am the only one who reads my e-mail so make it short but let me know how I can help. Please post questions on the blog and notes about your own unique journey so that we can more intimately be a part of your world and create a more interconnected world for everyone.

Really take a moment, each hour, and before sleep or an important meeting or moment of creativity to experience every heart in this group as one heart, beating in unison, empowered, protected, blessed and loved. Together we are strong!

My once a year intuitive and healing training certificate program is September 28-29 in New York City. Once you sign up you will be added to a list (unless you request otherwise) for hotel room shares and  events. Please e-mail me with any questions about the training at lauradaycircle@gmail.com. I look forward to training with you and creating another community of skilled practicioners.

I do healing requests every morning. Just post on this blog. Let us know how you are doing and please spread the word about events, lauradayintuit@twitter and, of course, our training.

I will be doing a healing certification program at Esalen Institute in July. The information is on their web-site.

Please send me and my family healing as I send you and yours mine.



16 replies
  1. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Lots and lots of love to you and your whole family! I quit my side job in order to act full time and it’s been wonderful so far so I would like a supportive universe, being a briliant actress and booking paid acting work that supports my NR of Genius in Genius Roles in Genius films (projects.)

  2. Diana Kavian
    Diana Kavian says:

    Hi Laura, working as a Lifecoach in Germany I support peole to trust their own Intuition. I love your latest book. Thank you for that one. I am wishing for your healing for my work to spread around Europe. Kisses to your heart an I amglad to send blessings to you and your Family as well.

  3. Elena
    Elena says:

    This has been a good month! Getting over d fears– in a happy loving relationship with a man who is a perfect match for me- having a part time gig getting paid really well to act.
    Hopefully my new reality (having a high paid full
    Time Job doing something I love- will come to fruition)
    Connecting with everyone so we can feel happiness and success. Joining the circle to spread love and create success

  4. Kalpana
    Kalpana says:

    Hi Laura!
    What a beacon of hope you are! Feel so connected to the Circle. My New Reality is coming to pass – my dream partner – whom I manifested within a week of starting the Circle Meditation, is back after going off to Australia for a year – to get the divorce he’d been thinking about when we met ( outer roadblocks!). Despite very little news from him I sustained myself with the energy of the Circle and by reading your wonderful books – How to Rule the World from you Couch, Welcome to your Crisis and the Circle.
    Now that he’s here the NR isn’t quite because he’s very cynical and very depressed – having left his daughter in Australia. I could go there with him! Please help heal our relationship.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Healing on the way and of course, healing rarely comes in a straight line. One of my favorite paraphrases from a Frost poem is “The only way out is through”. You deal with what comes up as it comes up and keep putting one foot in front of the other with your New Reality as your North Star. It sounds like he needs to focus on The Circle and have the courage to create a New Reality from what feels to him now like a loss.


  5. Elena
    Elena says:

    So my last new reality wish has come true. My new wish is about success. How can I maintain my next wish with my old wish (love).
    I am afraid that if I don’t focus on my old wish it will not stay.
    How can I find balance? What do you recommend?

  6. El
    El says:

    Hello Laura,

    I really hope you somehow notice and read this post. I have a question about Embodying. When I attempt it do I need to set my goal and then distract(as you say in a video about precognition ) or do I need do keep that sense inside me that everything that I notice right now are a part of my New Reality? I am asking this because if I try to keep in mind the feeling that “now I live my new reality, now I am the new me” I keep wondering at the same time if all these things that I notice are just a need of mine to finally live my New Reality. To make a long story short, I am not sure if I embody or positive visualize.

    Thank you so much! I posted it here in case someone else has a similar question…

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      When you embody the obstacels will also come up and you should not repress them. This is part of the process. Intuiiton will also lead you to new feelings, senses, people and concepts to investigate and this will also be part of your awareness. When you embody you are holding the experience of what you want as if it were real and true in the moment along with all of the other information that comes in when you embody. Every time you embody it will be a different experience because you will have created change and uncovered more pieces with which to create!

  7. Cindy Lee
    Cindy Lee says:

    Like an octopus with one head, one Mind, reaching and feeling with all of its’ tentacles … that is how I feel right now … where I am one of the tentacles feeding to and fro with the one Mind that shares with all of its’ tentacles … allowing free passage to ride the waves of galactic inter/enter-connected energy. The radius,the scope of what-is … is astronomical. I am truly grateful for Laura’s gift of the written word … which I have and am thoroughly enjoying. I send Love and Peace to all. I send Love and Peace to you Laura and your Family. I send Love and Peace to myself and my Family. I send Love and Peace to our Mother Earth. LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥

  8. Diana
    Diana says:

    I have been completely floored by the handful of hearts of gold that have come into my life this year! Something so beautiful that I would have never thought to even embody. Also creative adventures so full of wonder, like floating in heaven!! Guess this year’s rough start was all about Making Space. Still recovering from both the healing AND the heaven…cherry on top has been a recent reconciliation.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:


      Life is full of challenges and they don’t mean that you are going in the wrong direction simply that you are resolving challenges to arrive at your goal where, as it is with life, you will be presented with your next set of challenges!

      xo Laura

  9. Marilyn Arroyo
    Marilyn Arroyo says:

    Intuition is confusing to me. I read your book and I did the intuition now I have some inner life going on,that was actually already happening, but practical intuition made me so aware of it even that is confusing I don’t know why I be given such a tragic inner life story going on. My outerlife is broken, no matter how hard I try or don’t try it’s breaking down even the new things I try to create it all falls apart. The only part that is some what still going on is innerlife, and its the kind that is brutal working out inner demons. It seems like I had alot more success or some success before now its no material success at all. The last job i had was seasonal and only 15 hours a week. I use to have 40 hour jobs. Now I almost get offered the job and right before it some bizzare thing happens to ruin it. I did the intuition and I noticed that it gave me clues about how my recent jobs that I’m trying to get will be dropped. So if you try to create what you want and do the intuition and it says oh forget those jobs. Only spiritual now and demons or darkside sometimes super light happens too it starting to emerge I don’t know how dark down the rabbit hole I gonna go(i’m laughing) but it’s makes you want to end your life kinda stuff now(since I know its not really over after death). I don’t even care if I go homeless or die tommorrow or win the lottery or get a job my inner life is enough to tear anyone to shreads. The gurus need to step it up again cause this manifesting thing doesn’t always work(there is a missing element not being told). I am going to listen to dynamic intution for 2 weeks to see I listened to it the first time today and everytime you said ok now silence to make that heal. All I did in my head was curse everything that came up of course I’m always like just kidding cause I don’t really mean it or feel like that it is just what is happening or has happen that makes me feel like that even as I use my intuition it only brings out more darkness that I wasn’t in tune with as much as now. I wonder when it will end. I really feel like if manifesting is going to work don’t I need clearing , the clearing is never ending, the lessons are never ending it seems. I have been doing it about 5 years and they say it will pass it has not and all that I manifest is less and less success in world. I am more spiritually inclined now since I have had some limited success. What I have become is some type of spiritual warrior and I’m only starting(larva). That’s what I get for surrendering to higherself. I am trying now to be real strong and push through the spiritual crap. I call it that cause I not a fan of violence and stuff but the spiritual has alot of world issues in it. We live in confusing times. I am so confused. I probably need patience. I never wanted to be here on EArth since I was kid but now its like you know the knowledge of good/evil and I wonder is there any hope for us, maybe or maybe not. I really don’t care either way its actually somewhat boring after 5 years. Anger is all I see from people. I usually always light and happy. Now, I can sense the dark side in people and the light side. Before I only cared about light side now , dark side is overpowering it seems but at the same time useless or limited in the way I’m being shown it. I want change am I going to get it who knows. The world seems to be going through the same thing its only people are not as aware as I am about it. They really aren’t aware but they are a little. Maybe that helps them I’m sure most people could not handle what I’m doing. If i’m going to be a spiritual person that its fine its seems I’m learning how to do things most in spiritual state. Now i’m gonna get all this time alone probably it wants to me to spiritual for something I’m guessing (intuition is hinting)but before that get your lifesaver out or call some angels cause I’m battling a light and dark thing,maybe? I think alot of people with all these problems are too but they aren’t asking to be lucid in spiritual times like sleeping I am so I’m waking to not so much nice stuff. I do want to understand the ignorance of ourtimes when I do that I see it maybe as darkness or weirdness. Actually in 2012 I realized I’m doing a spiritual job now a mission they call it. I’m trying to manifest a spiritual relationship with a twin in astral/dream states. I have had some success but ofcourse my ego has done plenty of messing up. Oh well I hope I make it. I just want to be happy I’m feel like I’m in limbo. Outer world does not make sense or is a illusion/even distorted. I only can manifest in spiritual realms easy not in material why????

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      I can tell by your e-mail that you are complicating your life in a way that may be holding you back. When your everyday reality is not working out it is best to use intuition and healing to deal with challenging day to day reality and not run afield. I don’t really believe in darkness and light. They are the same energy. We as individuals, doing the very hard work of being embodied and dealing with day to day reality in a competent and efficient manner, with integrity, create the quality of the energy that surrounds us. Problems/Challenges do not end we simply resolve old ones and encounter new ones.
      I know that hard times are disheartening, especially when we are doing the hard work to change as it appears you are but I have found that I make more progress if I simplify to the tasks at hand until I have the energy for deeper inspection.


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