As we join our hearts as a unified energy for love and healing we allow our outer world to positively reflect our changes back to us. Remember, everything is “a […]
to bring love in all of its forms into our lives. Everyone has patterns that keep love away or make it less than satisfying. Those patterns begin with the judgements […]
Today, united as a single powerful energy, we release grief and embrace joy. Old patterns that bring strife into our lives are swept away in the powerful pattern of positive […]
I am always grateful when Circle members add their own personal journey to our work as a group. I am taking the liberty of sharing this with you xo Laura […]
in service to ourselves and one another! In the second element of The Circle we EMBODY or inhabit with all of our senses and perceptions our NEW REALITY (our wish […]
Most of the time we are all over the place, pulled by life and events. Rarely do we focus our energy for any length of time on a single, positive […]
joining our Energy in The Circle to create miracles together let us hold our neighbors, near and far, in peace and love. Love, Laura
We have been working hard, cleaning house, setting goals and honing our intuition to find our way. Now, let us join our energy to allow the outside world to bring […]
our energy as a single unified field join harmony and the solutions it requires and integrity and the self love and honesty it requires creating our New Reality. Sometimes harmony […]
In this article Laura Day discusses how her new book How To Rule The World From Your Couch helps to demystify intuition and make it practical and applicable to achieving […]
do. You are sacred. The reason we can work as a unified field is that each of us is connected to everyone and everything. When you grow you grow for […]
be drawn into our lives to create our New Reality. Alone we get caught in old patterns of attraction and rejection, our history often providing an unhealthy filter for our […]