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If you would like me to send you a signed bookplate for your book please e mail me your name and address and I would love to personalize your book for you. Please put “signed copy” in the subject line of your e mail.

I am the only one who reads my e mails. People write me very personal things and I feel a responsibility to keep them private. Please keep your e mails short and to the point. If I do not respond it means that my computer ate it (I usually respond within 2 weeks) and you should resend.

You do not learn to “trust” intuition. Intuition is a skill not a faith. It proves itself to you as you document your success. However, as you are reading you will rarely know if you are “off” or “on” . Even trying to evaluate this as you are reading is counter-intuitive and will derail your reading.

Everyone has intuition and inspiration. One of the greatest differences between those who can put it into action and those who are derailed by it is the ability to document it WRITE IT DOWN!

Most of my writing I do using a twenty minute a day format. I commit to writing, twenty minutes a day without interruption. I do that everyday, even if the only time I can find is when I am in the tub. This twenty minutes often turns into hours but the re-preogramming of your habits and preparing your subconcious to perform is magical in its efficiency.

Do not edit when you use your intution or when you write. Editing is a secondary step and will interfere with the process of intuition/inspiration. You will find that the more you write the more you edit intuitively and the cleaner your final product becomes.

Wainwright House

Wainwright House is a learning center dedicated to inspiring greater understanding through body, mind, spirit and community. In this sacred space we seek to inspire by offering initiatives in spiritual exploration, health and healing, and environmental awareness.

Esalen Institute

The Esalen Institute was founded in 1962 as an alternative educational center devoted to the exploration of what Aldous Huxley called the “human potential,” the world of unrealized human capacities that lies beyond the imagination.

Astrology Zone

Astrology is the ancient science of interpreting what influence the movements of the planets, stars and other heavenly bodies may have on our lives.
Monthly Horoscopes: Your Monthly Forecast

The Sequoia Retreat Center

People from all over the world come here to reflect on, renew and reenergize the meaning and purpose of their lives and work.

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