You have worked hard on yourself. Now it is time to get the world in order!

In many traditions the new moon is a time to plant the seeds of new projects so that they have the best chance to grow.

Let us join together as a single force, focusing with every beat of our hearts to unite and confront, with each other’s help, the outer roadblocks in our lives.

For those of you who have not read The Circle, outer roadblocks are the realities in our lives that do not support us, not our inner patterns or feelings but “earth reality” like not having a job or the relationship we want, being at odds with someone in our life or not being sought after for friendship or projects. Outer roadblocks are where the world around you is not helping you achieve a New Reality.

Embodiment (The Circle chapter 2) is the effort to experience your life as you want it, not to pretend but to allow the new experience of a New Reality to feel more tangible to you. It will be a new experience, not based on memory or experience and you need to allow the experience to happen as opposed to searching for it or creating it.

When you embody and join your energy with The Circle, using all of our power and intention as one for every member of our group, you re-order the world around you to fit you better and as you do you change in order to accommodate a New Reality.

Remember, even when you are not consciously aware of helping others in The Circle (or being helped by them) when we join our energy as a single beating heart we create a dynamic where everyone is supported, healed and guided.

Let us join now and allow the New Moon to do it’s work of growing the seeds of our New Reality.

