Today, write down what has been revealed
in your life since Sunday when you began your instant re-set. Keep up the amazing work. Re-sets are always a melange of difficult and reassuring. Putting it all down on paper allows you to see the wisdom in how your life is reorganizing and revealing itself to you.
Remember, we are one energy and when we choose to work together we effective and powerful. Every time your attention goes to a re-set, take a moment to hold the whole groups re-set, yours included, in your healing attention knowing that we are doing the same for you.
Posted by Laura Day, October 7, 2010
Mmmh – feels strong and wonder-ful. Muddy waters showing up because the mud wants to become compost for new life and growing self-love. Thank you, Laura. Blessings for all one-s 😉
I am new to the community. How often do we instantly re-set?