The instant re-set! A new week a new transformation

Every day, most of us get up, do what we have to do to engage in daily life. Many things pile up because they are not first on our list: Dreams, habits to be broken, interactions to be clarified or renewed, new understandings of our history to be integrated into a healthy new reality. As time goes by we continue to collect half actualized and half digested pieces of life, habit and relationship to self and world.

This week we are going to do an intuitive “Instant Reset”. As we go about our daily activities we will do so, as a group, joining our energy and intention, with a commitment to “resetting” ourselves to our New Reality.

Let us commit to the practice of change.  Every thought we think, every person or situation we encounter, every new stirring of curiosity or interest in us or those around us is part of our “Instant Reset”. Of course, because we are doing this as a group, we share each others protection, guidance, healing and energy to create this change more easily than we have ever done before. People, situations, new perceptions and bits of good fortune displace what is outdated and unhealthy in our lives as we go about our daily routine.

Remember to do the healing section of The Circle and HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH (now our in paperback) to hold the entire group between your hands (yourself included) as often as you can during the day and send the group the energy of joyful, dynamic, fluid transformation. This is the kind of transformation where your inner readiness and the opportunities offered to you dance in perfect step. We ready ourselves and the world offers us new opportunities. New people and opportunity enters our lives and we easily make the inner shift to be responsive in a new and healthy way.

Together, world and self, self and world transform.

In our sleep we join our energy to create an “Instant Reset” for us all.

I join you in this exciting work.



Please re-tweet, face book and send out the message that the paperback of HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH is here as well as this weeks exercise! I am happy to send signature plates if you e mail me the names of the people the book should be dedicated to and your address ( The subject line should read “SIGNATURE PLATES”.

Posted by Laura Day, October 3, 2010

28 replies
  1. Eugénia
    Eugénia says:

    This is very very rich, Laura! I thank you so much! Actually today is being a very special day!!! Things in me that had been gone for years… And I am in such a good mood!!!!!!!!!!! I am including everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all!

  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    It is so amazing to me how sometimes exercises seem to have started working even before we started doing them.

    Has anyone else had that experience?

    I did alot of reset work Friday and Saturday, facing old and new situations in wonderful new ways.

    Just a tiny change, and it seems that your world moves!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      So true. I have had some great shifts and some cold truths this week .. as with all re-sets they require facing some unpleasant truths.
      I am looking forward to the harvest.
      This was a facebook post from Sheri and I think it speak to many of our challenges this week

      Sheri- every word–finding this resetting to be exetremely challenging for me this week. I think I am having internal resistance but can’t see to figure out how to release it. This is when I get caught up in understanding or not understanding for that matter.
      9 hours ago · Like ·

      Laura -I am with you. This is a hard one for me too. You don’t have to figure out how to release it. Work with the group and simply allow it to be released! That is why, a few times and hour, we join our energy.
      Awareness already has you working on the issue. Now let go so it can be worked out. Understanding really is only a tiny part of release. Allowing patterns, actions to change due to experience, even the experience of frustration, will bring results.
      If it were easy I wouldn’t be writing about it.
      Please post these very important observations on the web site as many people check the site and not facebook.

  3. Sheri
    Sheri says:

    i am in this family and am actively participating in this week long exercise. The past is resurfacing and Im trying to figure out why. I am so thrilled to ‘reset’ with my ‘family’ behind and ahead of me. Looking forward to a fresh start for all of us.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      The past always resurfaces when we re-set. We have to decide very important things like how we choose to change our reaction to or our view of past events and how we want to move forward.

  4. Anemone
    Anemone says:

    Great to have this exercise- I have been having a lot of trouble lately letting go of negativity, so this is my new intention: ‘letting go of negativity and living a joyful new reality’. Thanks!

    • Anemone
      Anemone says:

      Hmm I am still having trouble- I am not sure but things seem to be getting worse instead of better. I have really had a bad attitude this past week, despite my healing exercises. Somehow I just can’t get to connect to the positive at the moment. Silly childish things too: feeling sorry for myself, comparing myself to other people and feeling bad about it. I am trying to just go with it anyway, as you suggested below, allowing itself to be resolved, but ouch surrender feels near impossible at the moment…. (the issue I am working on: I have a chronic illness, because of which I haven’t been able to work for years. I am getting better, but very slowly. I have started work for a couple of hours per week half a year ago, but it is still very frustrating that *everything* is more difficult than it used to be: work, friends, travel- I have very very limited energy and it is hard. These past few weeks I have had to accept my boundaries again and again and again. Now, I generally feel a lot better when I don’t fall into the trap of self-pity, but these weeks I have been feeling very ‘poor me’. 🙁 So again: my intention is to let go of negativity, and create a new reality with abundance. (I am not giving up on this)

      • Laura Day
        Laura Day says:

        A re-set isn’t always fun. I too had some cold water thrown on me this week but I am grateful for the reality check so that I can re-set to what is real and true in my life and work from solid ground. However, most of us have also connected to what/who is precious in our lives and taken that extra moment to savor the good. Perhaps part of the re-set for you is to yield to the process of mourning as you also move forward into the active world again. Blocking the breadth and depth of experience and feeling by “staying positive” can cut you off from true, passionate engagement. I am terrible at remembering quotes but there is one I love that .. probably paraphrasing, “the wall is the door”

        • Anemone
          Anemone says:

          Thanks for this comment Laura it helped me a lot. I was really stuck but feel I can move forward now, after a couple of days.

  5. Laura Day
    Laura Day says:

    Thank you for your tweets and facebook shares, your suggestions of bookstores to lecture at and for passing the word of the paperback to your friends.
    I am blessed

  6. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Thank you Laura, for your insights and inspiration! I´m documenting CIRCLE work since spring and I have started to tell my students in the fairy tale psycology course “document, document, document!”. 😉 You are so right: you easily oversee the amazing results and coincidences if you don´t have them written down. And you leave doorways for old bad habits, not documenting the SUCCESS!
    My resetting, and fixing of “loose ends” these days brings up the past (causing also strong physical reaction) and gives me the possibility to watch with love, compassion and awareness the transformation. Big hug for you Laura and you, my sisters on the path!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Having a record of experience is so important in using intuition to move forward in a powerful way. Often people don’t like to document because it makes them face truths they have been avoiding but dealing with what is creates what can be!
      Good Work!

  7. Dibrah
    Dibrah says:

    I am always amazed at the connection we all have with each other and how perfect our timing is even when we don’t give much thought to our timing.
    In our circle group we have been sharing our new realities on line and with each other, and I have been blessed to see my life and those around me experience miraculous transformations in the most unpredictable ways.
    It is sometime the most difficult to let go of the “How” of changes that need to occur. I always try to figure things out myself before i can let go. But I’ve been noticing that once we do let go, phenominal change has permission to take place in our lives.
    My children, friends, husband and I, find ourselves in aw of the veriables we overlooked and at how easily the universe is able to create change when in our most creative imaginations, all seems hopeless.
    The work we are doing in the circle together and the work that is being done by each of us individually to raise awareness is vital, exciting, necessary and fun.
    Together we are truly strong and my love for you and what we all are doing together grows stronger every day.
    thank you

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Thank you so much for your kindness. I work the Circle with my son, without of course calling it the Circle, and it creates a family, working together, even at a distance.
      Thank you for including us in your love and your Circle.

  8. ROY DAY.
    ROY DAY. says:

    Thanks for the exercises,thanks for your existence in this planet
    we are a new group of people that believe in you and we are using your messages like a new paradigm in order to obtain a better and new way of life over all in this moment whem our country is so near of the comunism. we hope meet you in the future. and please,
    remember us in your prayer.
    with love and hopes.

  9. Priestess of Light
    Priestess of Light says:

    Will Love transform ewverything? Is that the Power of it all, if we are constantly In Love with Life will life become our Destiny?
    Blessings, Laura

  10. Nouveau Age Mama
    Nouveau Age Mama says:

    Dear Community
    I’m having a hard time with this exercise. It is hard for me to envision the entire community and send joyful thought and “reset” thoughts to all. I am envisioning the community as a group of faceless people, but I’m adding my loved ones to the mix and I tend to focus more on them. Should I “drop” my loved ones in the sphere and “erase” their faces so that i can send energy to the global community? Any ideas?
    Nouveau Age Mama

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Maybe you should stop visualizing and just hold the group between your hands, loved ones included, and feel the shift towards healing/love/peace. You can even take an object and designate it as representing “the group” and hold it lovingly with the intention of having each person it represents heal.

  11. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Feeling like I need more discipline…just started posting videos of me doing scenes from roles and films I adore and I’m in an acting class again. Of course that makes me very vulnerable and forces me to get better. Although sometimes I wonder if getting better exists and whether the technical stuff is important or it’s just nerves that need to be conquered? or other people being judgmental just to mess with you. So lots of doubts (and of course doubts about how to go about getting better, how much i should open myself up in class with out having one of those crying moments i always seem to have…)
    That and just getting what I need done during the day without going out or staying up too late.

  12. sheri
    sheri says:

    My comment: noticing every word–finding this resetting to be exetremely challenging for me this week. I think I am having internal resistance but can’t see to figure out how to release it. This is when I get caught up in understanding or not understanding for that matter.

    From Laura:
    Sheri, I am with you. This is a hard one for me too. You don’t have to figure out how to release it. Work with the group and simply allow it to be released! That is why, a few times and hour, we join our energy.
    Awareness already has you wo…rking on the issue. Now let go so it can be worked out. Understanding really is only a tiny part of release. Allowing patterns, actions to change due to experience, even the experience of frustration, will bring results.
    If it were easy I wouldn’t be writing about it.

    • sheri
      sheri says:

      I guess sometimes I want to ‘feel’ so quickly and when I don’t I think ‘I should be able to do this bc I have the tools’ that in itself makes me question-even though I know better. :o)When I connect with the group on the hours-I really want to ‘feel’ it as I usually do and I am struggling with that. In writing this, I realize that my focus is egocentric!! Although I am connecting with the group–my brain is saying ‘me me me’. I will now consciously embody and reconnect as a part of my group…to be continued

  13. Margit
    Margit says:

    I wish that I had another week for this exercise. It is nice to know that it does work. I guess I have so much junk that I need more time. Will it be effective if I set my intention back to this week and continue working on it?

  14. Andi P
    Andi P says:

    This is a start to the beginning of MY life. I have always been a pleaser and done everything to make everyone’s life beautiful at the cost of my very own happiness. No longer. Thank you Laura, there are ways to recieve happiness and give without pain- “no new damage” is my new mantra.
    God Bless!


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