As one energy, I think we need to go back

to an group project we did a few weeks ago. You all asked for more time but being the stubborn lady I am I moved you on to the next change. Here it is again.

The instant re-set was hard for some of us and, although we will surely feel the good shifts from our hard work in weeks to come I think we need a break to sooth and heal our hard working spirits.

Here is your all time favorite group project again. Please re-tweet, facebook, e mail list and so on and if you would, add the site link for the paperback and a few words to let people know that HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH  is now available in paperback! My next project is to try to get the paperback in Spanish for the domestic market (Spain has it we don’t!) Your support is so valuable to me!

Huge changes are afoot for many people. These are times of change, adaptation

and the necessary intuitive task of building what you want from what you have.

When we learn to work with the energy (everything and everyone is energy) around us we are able to manifest what we intend quickly and in a manner that is healing to all. Each of us has our shadowed places where we have difficulty directing our intention clearly or experiencing ourselves comfortably or breaking a pattern that has been breaking us. When we are confronted with our worst fears, our weaknesses, the most challenging of our issues we know that we are almost to a meaningful achievement, the ability to master something that we have never been able to master/manifest before. This is often a point where we turn back and try to recreate what was even if what was, was, unsatisfying. This week, our group work is going to support you through the change to your New Reality.

This week, day and night, you will hold the entire group’s New Reality with LOVE. I will explain what I mean.

I saw an interesting video on what a group, sending love to a person, does to their blood cells! Now those of you who know me know that I like to see proof that an activity actually works. This was convincing to me. I thought what if all of us, thousands of people in this group, held each other and our New Reality, our wish come true in our loving thoughts for an entire week. How deeply that would connect us and what power it would give to the atoms of energy that what to organize in a way that is healing for us. Let us run this experiment now!

During the day, if you feel love easily go to that feeling, if not, if it is a time of difficulty where love, pure and simple, is hard to feel, go to a memory of pure love, an uncomplicated memory of that expansive, healing pleasure of pure love. I use the memory of when they put my son in my arms for the first time. It is easy for me to access and I can feel it with all of my senses. Choose your memory or memory library to use so that you can do this project even when in your moments of stress.

We will do this in 2 ways. During the day, as many times as you can, go to a state of pure, simple love and when you can feel it take your hands, palms facing each other and hold them a few inches apart. In whichever way you experience most easily, put everyone in the group, in their New Reality between your hands and as you breathe simply allow the love to flow through your body and into the space between your hands where we all reside. Remember to include yourself!!

You can do this for a moment many times a day. It doesn’t have to be obvious. You can do it on the train, as you are speaking to your friend, as you are doing the dishes. Do this frequently and allow it to become an easy part of your day. As always, when you can, document what you notice and the changes that occur in your life. What you document will reveal you to yourself and give you a map for your life, It will also show you the accuracy of your own intuitive information and allow you to trust yourself, the most important person for you to love and trust!

At night, as you are falling asleep, give yourself the suggestion that you will let your guard down to receive the love/healing that is coming your way and you will connect to the world by the sending of love. Suspend disbelief long enough to allow your life to change. As this energy reorganizes you it will reorganize your life.

As always, your re-tweets, face book re-posts and comments are appreciated!

Whatever is not from love and integrity will move from our lives as we work powerfully together to create the only thing that is real



Love (and conscious love to the power of infinity this week),


Posted by Laura Day, October 10, 2010

17 replies
  1. Judy
    Judy says:

    Thank-you for this post, Laura. I have felt very much on the verge of turning back to an unhealthy relationship over the last couple of days. Feeling quite an urge to contact him, although it may be his telepathy, not sure. I loved this exercise and am doing it with love, love, love for everyone. Judy

  2. Teresa O.
    Teresa O. says:


    Como una energía, creo que tenemos que volver

    a un proyecto de grupo que hicimos hace unas semanas. Todos ustedes pidieron más tiempo, pero siendo la señora terca que soy, los pase a el siguiente cambio. Aquí está otra vez.
    El re-ajuste instantáneo fue duro para algunos de nosotros y, aunque seguramente sentiremos los buenos cambios que logramos con nuestro duro trabajo en las próximas semanas creo que necesitamos un descanso para aliviar y sanar nuestros espíritus que han trabajado muy duro.

    Aquí está tu proyecto preferido de todo el tiempo, otra vez. Por favor, pasenlo en tweeter, facebook, lista de correo electrónico y demas, y por favor agrega tambien la liga de la pagina web de el libro de bolsillo y unas pocas palabras para que la gente sepa que el libro “COMO GOBERNAR AL MUNDO DESDE TU SOFÁ” está ahora disponible en edición de bolsillo! Mi próximo proyecto es tratar de obtener el libro de bolsillo en español para el mercado domestico (España lo tiene, y nosotros no!) Su apoyo es muy valioso para mí!

    Grandes cambios están en marcha para muchas personas. Estos son tiempos de cambio, adaptación y la tarea intuitiva necesaria para construir lo que quieres con lo que tienes.
    Cuando aprendemos a trabajar con la energía (todo y todos es/somos energía) alrededor de nosotros somos capaces de manifestar lo nos proponemos rápidamente y de una manera que es curativa para todos.
    Cada uno de nosotros tiene lugares sombreados en los que tenemos dificultad para dirigir nuestra intención con claridad o experimentarnos a nosotros mismos con comodidad o romper un patrón que nos esta desmoronando. Cuando nos enfrentamos a nuestros peores miedos, nuestras debilidades, nuestros problemas más desafiantes, sabemos que estamos casi a un logro significativo, la capacidad de dominar algo que nunca antes hemos sido
    capaces de dominar/manifestar. Esto es a menudo un punto en el que damos marcha atrás y tratamos de recrear lo que fue, incluso si lo que fue, fue, poco satisfactorio. Esta semana, nuestro trabajo de grupo te va a apoyar a través del cambio hacia tu Nueva Realidad.

    Esta semana, de día y de noche, mantendrás la Nueva Realidad de todo el grupo con AMOR. Voy a explicar lo que quiero decir.
    Vi un video interesante en el que un grupo, le envío amor a una persona, y el efecto que causaba en las células de su sangre! Ahora, aquellos de ustedes que me conocen saben que me gusta ver la prueba de que una actividad realmente funciona. Este fue convincente para mí. Pensé qué pasaría si todos nosotros, miles de personas en este grupo, nos mantenemos a nosotros y a nuestra Nueva Realidad, nuestro deseo hecho realidad en nuestros pensamientos amorosos por toda una semana. Nos conectariamos profundamente y que poder le daría a los átomos de energía que quieren organizarse de una manera que es sanadora para nosotros. Vamos a realizar este experimento ahora!

    Durante el día, si sientes el amor fácilmente ve a esa sensación, pero, si se trata de un momento dificil donde el amor, puro y simple, es difícil de sentir, ve a un recuerdo de amor puro, a un recuerdo sin complicaciones de ese esquisito placer sanador del amor puro. Yo uso el recuerdo de cuando pusieron a mi hijo en mis brazos por primera vez. Es fácil para mí para tener acceso y puedo sentirlo con todos mis sentidos. Elige tu recuerdo o usa la biblioteca de tu memoria, para que puedas hacer este proyecto, aun cuando estés en un momento de estrés.

    Haremos esto en dos maneras. Durante el día, tantas veces como puedas, ve a un estado de amor puro, sencillo y cuando lo puedas sentir toma tus manos, coloca las palmas frente a frente y mantienlas a unos cuantos centímetros de distancia. Hazlo de la forma en que tu lo experimentes más fácilmente, pon a todos en el grupo, en sus Nuevas Realidades entre tus manos y mientras respiras simplemente permite que el amor fluya a través de tu cuerpo y en el espacio entre tus manos donde todos residimos. Recuerda que debes incluirte a tí mismo!

    Tu puedes hacer esto por un momento muchas veces al día. No tiene qué ser obvio. Puedes hacerlo en el tren, cuando estás hablando con tu amigo, mientras lavas los platos. Haz esto frecuentemente y permite que se convierta en una parte fácil de tu día. Como siempre, cuando puedas, escribe lo que notas y los cambios que ocurren en tu vida. Lo que documentas te revelara a tí mismo y te dará un mapa para tu vida, también le mostrará la exactitud de tu propia información intuitiva y te permitira confiar en ti mismo, tu eres la persona más importante en la que debes confiar y amar!

    Por la noche, cuando te estes quedando dormido, sugestionate para que dejes baja la guardia para recibir el amor/sanación que viene hacia ti y tu te conectarás al mundo al envíar amor. Suspende la incredulidad el tiempo suficiente para permitir que tu vida cambie. Cuando esta energía te reorganize tambien reorganizara tu vida.
    Como siempre, sus reposteos en tweeter, facebook y sus comentarion son bienvenidos!

    Cualquier cosa que no venga del amor y de la integridad saldrá de nuestras vidas en la medida en que poderosamente trabajamos juntos para crear la única cosa que es real,


    Con amor (y el amor consciente del poder de la infinidad esta semana),


    Publicado por Laura Day, 12 de septiembre 2010

  3. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Went through the telepathy chapter and that was helpful…still trying to figure out the right angle for dealing with someone so that I have more space to move around in my new reality, also been letting it block the love. All in all I am getting back into my groove (except focusing more on what I really want for my wish.)

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      If your telepathy with someone is complicated it may be most helpful to end the conversation, allow telepathy to find better targets and restart the conversation at a later date. Sometimes it is important to stick with something and work it through but it is always good to know when to walk away!

  4. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Darling Laura, your intuition is right – at least for me. I´m still working on the “loose ends” of the re-set. It has brought up alot of old stuff to be transformed. That feels good and strong and I´m bursting from energy, but it´s also hard work. And I share and understand your fast moving energy, the passion and will for growth, evolution. These times have so much potential and I´m grateful for your beautiful spirit and the generosity in which you share! Hug, Vicky

  5. aimie
    aimie says:

    This has NOT been a warm and fuzzy week for me so far. I was keepign up happily with this exercise, the chakras, the re-set; but by this week, mini crises everywhere were wearing me down, and I was smack up against the despair of every changing that comes up over and over. I am commited to going through, and keep moving to the “love” and sending, but I’m angrier, more fed up, more tired, more cynical than in past weeks. I hope this is break through time. I’m glad to have other healers to connect with; makes a huge difference in motivation.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      It is prayer and prayer is joining with one another and all that is sacred with the goal of bringing the sacred to the mundane. I cannot think of a higher expression of the divine than the sharing of good will and the building of our oneness with that which has integrity for us all

  6. LT5
    LT5 says:


    Thank you so much for posting this exercise again. It is an amazing one. The last time we did this work, I had posted comments about the very tough inner roadblocks that had surfaced – past relationship/rejection issues (feeling unworthy of love because I feel too old, too fat, etc), and you had such kind words of encouragement and advice for me, thank you again. Though I still have a ways to go, I really do think that the group work has helped me release and move forward on those issues.

    Well, this time around some OUTER roadblocks are coming to pay a visit. It seems that the “emotional energy suckers” (friends, family, co-workers) have decided to attach themselves this week. It’s been a tough one. I find it interesting that as I am getting stronger internally, the outer world wants to “attack”. AND – the boy I am “crushing” on (who was paying such nice attention the last couple of weeks), has decided to ignore me this week, as well. SIGH.

    When I start to feel really drained, I center in my place of love and send to the Circle. As I am learning, it all means good work is happening – I can’t wait to see. I need to be better at documenting, so am working on that, and staying focused on sending my love…

    That’s my update..
    Thank you again,

  7. Katina
    Katina says:

    How appropriate. Today was a trying day for me I initially want to say I was disobedient to Spirit, the more I think of it I was submissive to Spirit. I knew today would end of the way it did, I had an argument with a relative that I love and adore, however, lately she has been quite negative and her comments overbearing so I told her I would stay in and she encouraged me to get out with her she thought I was depressed and needed to get out, I told her I was tired and needed to rest which was partly true, I went with her and we had a big petty disagreement, which is funny now, not sure how something so small can bring up so many emotions. I am forever thankful for my life, my resources, my intuition, my circle of love and light and for you Laura. I knew I needed confirmation and insight this moment, your name entered my mind, so I googled your name I read one of your books over a year ago. I am so grateful that today appeared and I tuned in. I will continue to embrace the moment and embrace the day until the next day arrive

  8. Sheri
    Sheri says:

    You know, I find myself so much more on target and focused when I am ‘doing’ my group work daily. I know that is no surprise to us but I have noticed in the past month, I feel as if I am slipping. What is different? I ask myself. When I attend to what has changed in those days, I see that the changes really aren’t directing me to my true NR. I believe and know that my NR included my intuitive and circluar work. Now I can use this part of me as a ‘measuring stick’…and my situations and creations must measure up to my personal standards in the NR I am in.

    thank you for this opportunity to continue to grow
    fondly and with hugs and healing, sheri


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