Ordinary life is spiritual life!
Dear Circle,
I read all of your e-mails and many of you have had a very hard few months. What strikes me the most about our Circle is your efforts to maintain your humanity even when your challenges are so great that they feel inhuman.
Healing practices like meditation, good diet, exercise, laying on of hands, prayer (and so many more) help give you the strength to use the most difficult experience to grow and heal as well as to heal others. It is easy to forget that the spiritual work is not in the practice but in the courage to deal with the everyday challenges of being human.
I ask you all to join together this month to honor and strengthen your human practices. Your ability to be kind in every situation (especially to yourself), your acknowledgement of the good job you are doing even when you feel you are doing it imperfectly, the amazing resourcefulness that it takes for you to attend to the many, many details of daily living from brushing your teeth to planning your next career move. Transcendence is the “commercial break” the elbow grease of spirituality is attending to daily living and relationships with integrity.
Intuition allows you to get more information and have more impact, using The One, the energy that we all share. That same Oneness can allow you to be victimized by other peoples needs, demands and judgements. Remember to do the parts in HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH and THE CIRCLE where you fill yourself with… YOU so that you can direct the energy of The One towards your own goals.
I often hear doubts from you about whether your goals are spiritual or worthy. Your goals are simply symbols that you choose to organize your resources for growth. When you embrace a goal, you embrace life. Often you may not understand, at the outset, why a particular goal is important to you and you worry about being selfish or not spiritual enough. You are a spiritual being. Everything you do is spiritual. Good people achieve their goals using humanistic means. If you are even asking yourself if your goal is “selfish” or “spiritual” you are a person with integrity and goodness. Embrace your goals, trust yourself and join with the energy we all share, the energy of The One to create your goals in your life. As you create your own goals you will be creating a better world for others.
Give yourself the suggestion that with every inhalation you will draw helpful resources, people and experiences to you and with every exhalation you will send the energy of your goal into the world to be felt and responded to by others. Allow yourself to experience the power and love of the interconnected universe we live in. Please bring others into our Circle by re-tweeting, sharing on your social media and creating your own groups to use “COUCH’ and ‘THE CIRCLE” to share intuition and healing in community.
I will be posting more free workshops in the next few months so please check the site.
We join together as one community of energy to achieve our goals and honor our work to live each day with humanity!
Laura Day
P.S.- Those of you who have been asking for a West Coast event, I have just scheduled one for the spring! I will post on the site and tweet as soon as the dates are firm. If you are interested in a one day intensive healing training please e-mail me at healingday@aol.com with the subject line “Healing Training” (New York and Los Angeles only). Boot Camp 2014 is posted on the site. Thank you all for the great healing work you have done the last few months on our healing list. Remember, I am the only one who reads your e-mails so if you make them short and to the point I can respond more effectively! I am honored to share your lives. As always, I ask healing for my lovely family, Samson,Caroline, Stephen(my husband of one month!), Oliver and myself.