Happy 2013- A New Reality to Achieve together
No great thing was ever done by one man alone (not even by one woman)
This January 2013 let us use our UNITY (Chapter 9 in THE CIRCLE) to change our lives.
Energy is a power. There is no good energy or bad energy, energy is directed by your intention and energy is shared. When we find a way to connect to a group of people (energy) who are directing energy toward dynamic change (us) we can use that energy to do anything; heal our bodies, transforma pattern in relationship, create buzz for our ideas, draw to us what we need from the world and so on. You give the energy of the entire group an intention when you embody (CHAPTER 2) a result in The Circle.
Every relationship in your life, not just to other people but to situations and goals is part of yourself. When you are loving and correct in relationship you allow yourself to heal enough to have the world, your reality, be loving and correct with you. Every moment is an opportunity to heal/transform your life.
This month find your way to connect with the energy of The Circle, the unified energy we all share, and direct it with your intention toward transformation. Everyone has a different way that is effective for them to channel the powerful energy of “ONE”. I use the meditation in THE CIRCLE or the experience of my heart beating with the heart of everyone in The Circle. Some of you may like to choose an object or talisman and give yourself the suggestion that everytime you touch the talisman you are connected. It is often good to create the talisman by holding it while doing the Circle meditation.
Don’t forget to use our unified energy for small things as life is made up of these seemingly meaningless experiences. Direct the energy when you are trying to find a cab, getting to work on time, finding a resolution to an argument, dieting, getting a man/womans attention and so on. Always work on your focused NEW REALITY, your one guiding wish, but use the UNITY energy for your moment to moment healing always keeping in mind that you want to treat others the way you want to be treated. If you work to make other peoples reality better you will find that the work creates your NEW REALITY as well.
Thank you all for being champions of my work, spreading the word about the books, workshops and lectures, doing the work with others and for your healings and readings for me and my family. I am blessed to be part of your reality. Thank you.
I am always open to your suggestions for workshops and group exercises
Boot Camp, my once a year intuitive training is once again at the end of September. A healing workshop will be held at Esalen Institute in July (space very limited) and there are many free workshops in New York. I will be in Los Angeles a lot this year as my son (and heart) is an artist there so if you know of book stores in Los Angeles that would like to host a one hour free workshop please let me know.
My goal city for next fall/winter is Miami so let me know if you are interested in a one day intensive in Miami. I would be holding it in South Beach.
I do healing on this whole list every morning but if you have a special healing request please e-mail me at Lauradaycircle@gmail.com
THE NEXT FREE ONE HOUR WORKSHOP IS AT RARE ON MARCH 12TH IN NYC. I will post all details on site soon.
I will be in Rome this summer (Aug/Sept) and would love to get together with you lovely European students/readers/intuitives/healers if you are in town. More and more I am living in Rome and looking forward to creating more community there.
I send you all love and healing, I join my heartbeat with yours as I EMBODY you in your NEW REALITY.