In this video, Laura Day introduces telepathy as a perfect tool to use during sleep, featured in her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is […]

In this video, Laura Day introduces healing as one of the tools featured in her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is an excerpt from […]

In this video, Laura Day discusses her view on the relationship between intuition and spirituality. It is an excerpt from Laura’s monthly Barnes & Noble workshops in New York City.

In this video, Laura Day takes you through a mediumship exercise, featured in her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is an excerpt from Laura’s […]

In this video, Laura Day introduces a body heat telepathy exercise, featured in her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is an excerpt from Laura’s […]

In this video, Laura Day introduces a remote viewing exercise, featured in her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is an excerpt from Laura’s monthly […]

In this video, Laura Day describes how to structure an intuitive reading. It is an excerpt from Laura’s monthly Barnes & Noble workshops in New York City.

This is an audio-visual experience for those people who identify with the Denial crisis response type in Laura Day’s book, Welcome to Your Crisis.

This is an audio-visual experience for those people who identify with the Rage crisis response type in Laura Day’s book, Welcome to Your Crisis.

This is an audio-visual experience for those peopel who identify with the Anxiety crisis response type in Laura Day’s book, Welcome to Your Crisis.

This is an audio-visual experience for those people who identify with the Depression crisis response type in Laura Day’s book, Welcome to Your Crisis.

We are currently collecting success stories that illustrate either creating your New Reality using The Circle or overcoming a crisis in your life using the information contained in Welcome to […]