When we deal with our outer roadblocks, earth reality, intuition is the reward!

This is an exciting time. Now we can work together to deal with the reality of our New Reality by becoming aware of Outer Roadblocks and using all of our tools to deal with them!

These next two weeks we will join together to take a real inventory of what in our world we need to address. Make a list of all of the challenges in your life, your work, your relationships… everything in the “real world” that is holding you back in any way. You will find that during this time of Intuition the outer roadblocks will present themselves for resolution. Remember you now have intuition, telepathy and the combined energy of our powerful group to resolve them. I say ‘BRING EM ON!” . You are ready.

By the end of the next two weeks you will have made some real headway in the challenges in your world, even ones you have been avoiding for years.. or .. forever! Remember, you either spend your energy avoiding reality or you spend it dealing with reality. When you open your eyes and look at what is really in front of you chances are that you are more than able to transform external obstacles into the momentum you need to create your New Reality.

Do OUTER ROADBLOCKS/INTUITION in the Blue Book  and note the flashes of intuitive insight that you receive and are able to use for change as you move through Outer Roadblocks. This is a time of rapid and intense transformation. Moving through your Outer Roadblocks your energy is free to create you New Reality with a solid and realistic foundation. You will find that you have done much of the work already as you become aware of Outer Roadblocks and come up with a plan of action using intuition. You may also find Outer Roadblocks resolving on their own as you use the power of your awareness, synchronicity, and the combined power of the group recreate your life.

At the top of every hour we will join our energy to uncover outer roadblocks, transform them into the energy of change, bring helpful synchronicity into our life through embodiment and create our New Reality together.

The gift of Outer Roadblocks, being able to see what is real in your life with courage, is the gift of Intuition. Once you open your eyes your intuitive “eyes” are open as well and solutions come quickly.


I join you in our Circle

