Inner Roadblocks-“Our adult lives are based on faulty assumptions formed long ago”

This is our second week of Inner Roadblocks. You will notice that the people close to you, even if they are not doing the work with us, are dealing with their Inner Roadblocks too! When you have close relationships you tend to live “in sync” so you may be dealing with your Inner Roadblocks as well as your own!

The first week of Inner Roadblocks is always the most difficult as what is unresolved inside of us makes itself conscious and present for resolution. By the second week most of you know what  you are dealing with and you begin to create solutions, new ways of responding and being as you replace your Inner Roadblocks with your New Reality.

Now for the message from last week to remind us of the work and healing we have to do in the final week of Inner Roadblocks.

Remember to work together and on one another. You are not alone. We are a Circle of resources, energy and ability. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG!

For the next 2 weeks we will be working through our inner roadblocks, those wishes, beliefs and conflicts beneath our current awareness; our internal barrier to attracting and embracing our New Reality.

This is a time where your subconscious will provide you with opportunity for you to challenge false beliefs and patterns from childhood and trauma. If you are flexible and willing to go out of your comfort zone (safely of course) you will find that by the end of these two weeks you are healed in a way that you never could have imagined from your old reality.

This can be a time of real joy and freedom as you release old patterns and create a life that suits who you are right now. Embrace the natural grief that comes with change and the new joys that come with discovery.

The gift of Inner Roadblocks is healing. Healing is the ability to direct energy to change your physical world, in you and around you. You are in the phase of mastery and you will find that you are now a teacher with a desire to share with others in a more profound and secure way.

As we travel The Circle together it becomes ever more important that we join our energy to heal the challenges that come our way and direct the energy towards our New Reality. Join together at the top of every hour and heal us all, as a group, as a Circle. All of you use different techniques. I use a walking meditation and I bring the whole Circle into it and walk us all towards our New Reality. Each of you have a different technique and they change over time. We need each others energy more now than ever as we work with the subconscious , WHAT IS BELOW OUR AWARENESS, HIDDEN FROM US but not from the energy of the Circle, to create change and movement towards living our New Reality.

Do the chapter on Inner Roadblocks in your Circle Workbook and pay special attention to your dreams as they will give you an idea of what we are working through together. Do not be surprised if the Outer Roadblocks we just worked on resolve as you release the Inner Roadblocks through healing and awareness.

Get healing and reading from each other, those of you who have formed groups and please send some my way.


I join you in healing as we work through Inner Roadblocks together



21 replies
    • Zuri
      Zuri says:

      Just wanted to add that I’ve had a bunch of little things come together…meeting people who love similar things to me and are some how all interconnected. Nothing huge just a bunch of small cool people.

  1. T.O.
    T.O. says:


    Obstáculos Interiores – “Nuestras vidas de adultos se basan en suposiciones erróneas que se formaron hace mucho tiempo”

    Por las próximas 2 semanas estaremos trabajando en nuestros obstáculos internos, los deseos, las creencias y los conflictos que estan por debajo de nuestra conciencia actual, es nuestra barrera interna para atraer y aceptar nuestra Nueva Realidad.
    Este es un momento en que su subconsciente te dará oportunidad para desafiar las creencias falsas, trauma y conductas adquiridas en la infancia. Si tu eres flexible y estas dispuesto a salir de tu zona de comodidad (con seguridad, por supuesto) encontraras que al final de estas dos semanas estaras curado de tu vieja realidad, de una manera que nunca antes pudieras haber imaginado.

    Esto puede ser un momento de verdadera alegría y libertad, al irte deshaciendo de los viejos patrones de conducta, creas una vida que se adapta mejor a quien eres ahora mismo. Acepta el dolor natural que viene con el cambio y las nuevas alegrías que vienen con este descubrimiento.

    El don de los obstáculos internos es sanación. La sanación es la capacidad de dirigir la energía para cambiar tu mundo físico, dentro de ti y a tu alrededor. Te encuentras en una fase de maestría y te darás cuenta de que ahora eres un maestro con el deseo de compartir con los demás de una manera más profunda y segura.

    A medida que viajamos El Círculo juntos, se hace cada vez más importante que unamos nuestra energía para sanar a los desafíos que se cruzan en nuestro camino y dirigir la energía hacia nuestra nueva realidad. Vamos a unirnos cada hora en punto para curarnos a todos nosotros, como grupo, como un círculo. Todos ustedes utilizan diferentes técnicas. Yo uso una meditación caminando y llevo todo el círculo en ella y camino con todos ustedes hacia nuestra Nueva Realidad. Cada uno de ustedes tiene una técnica diferente y las técnicas cambian con el tiempo. Más que nunca necesitamos nuestra energía mutua, en la medida que trabajamos con el subconsciente, LO QUE ESTA POR DEBAJO DE NUESTRA CONCIENCIA, ESCONDIDO DE NOSOTROS, pero que no se puede esconder de la energía del Círculo, para crear el cambio y movimientos necesarios para vivir nuestra Nueva Realidad.

    Lee y trabaja en el capítulo sobre obstáculos internos en tu libro/cuaderno de trabajo El Círculo y pon atención especial a tus sueños, ya que estos te darán una idea de lo que estamos atravezando y trabajando juntos. No te sorprendas si el los obstáculos externos, en los que acabamos de trabajar, simplemente se resuelven en la medida que te liberas de los obstáculos internos al de ser conciente de ellos y de sanarlos.

    Para aquellos de ustedes que han formado grupos, mutuamente dense lecturas y sanacion, y por favor envienme algo a mi tambien.

    Me uno a ustedes en la sanación en la medida que trabajamos juntos a través de los obstáculos Interiores.
    Con amor,

  2. Sheri
    Sheri says:

    As I encounter my roadblocks I see my insecurities and the responsibility I take for so many. Holy cow—in writing you this very second, the inners are pouring out…

    I really thought I took care of this roadblock but as I see there is more work to be done. I think if I don’t take responsibility, then I feel like I am judging others so then, I give them the benefit of the doubt bc gee then I may not be please people…my heart tells me this may not be the best action…

    ugh…this is testimony for documentation!!
    I guess my question to you is–how do we sort out what is real and what we are creating with our mind? I think now when I receive intuitive information, my mind is conditioned to think “i must be making it up”.

    Can you help me make sense of this? If, I understand bc I surely can’t!

    Although Im twisted with my inner roadblocks, I love this work!! My smaller Circle group has been a fantastic group to work with.
    Sending healing to your inner and outer roadblocks.


    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      When you are having trouble sorting information it is best to embody, do all the steps of The Circle and work with a logical plan of action which will have intuition in it already if you are doing The Circle. Sorting is not an activity to engage in when you are confused.
      My yardstick for intuition is if you act on the information will you get a reliable, safe and predictable result.
      I myself focus on what my healthy and logical actions are when I am too anxious to intuit for myself. Oddly enough when you are in this state of hyper-awareness you are often very precise in your intuition for others.
      Also, most of reality and certainly your perception of it, you are creating with your mind. You sort, once again by adding logic to your intuition.For example, if I believe x how does it improve my life. If I act on y what are the upsides and downsides.
      It is important to really be in The Circle and doing the workbook to keep your intuition centered on what is in your best interests.
      I work in my blue book everyday

  3. Heidi
    Heidi says:

    I am afraid I´m falling behind on all my work, I cannot find any outer roadblocks so far. I dreamt of a couple but nothing I could easily solved. I guess inner roadblocks are easier as I have been working on them for a while. What action can I do to get this roadblocks?

    thank you

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      If you don’t have your New Reality that IS an outer roadblock! The Circle is meant to be done over and over again. Don’t worry if you do not get everything on the first pass.

  4. Leo
    Leo says:

    One of my favorite lines on Inner Roadblocks: “You cannot bully yourself into putting energy into a wish just because you think you should.”

    I know what my New Reality is. It’s a clear target. I’m doing the work with integrity and the many spokes of intuition are guiding me. I realize more than ever how important it is to know what is within my integrity (because it’s not just “us” who does the bullying – there’s a whole world of people trying to get what “they” want…and a lot of it is unconscious).

    It’s not always easy, but when I act from a place of integrity, I feel good about it. I feel empowered. This is what I wish for everyone in the community: to act from a place of integrity and empowerment, to face and transform these Inner Roadblocks into something wonderful. Most of all, I wish for us to really embody our New Realities, to support each other, and to celebrate and enjoy our new lives!


  5. zuri
    zuri says:

    Been feeling a general sense of ennui come up this week. Like everything is old hat and kind of sick of putting in the effort when I’ve worked so hard and it feels so far away.

  6. Jane
    Jane says:

    I read inner roadblocks last week and knew I needed to read it again. I read it today. I understand and I don’t understand. I know what happened in my childhood regarding my inner roadblocks but still not really understanding how to work through it. So I followed the exercise as best as I could. I did deep breathing and gathered energy and did a letting go exercise for lack of knowing what else to do. I felt better for doing that but am i going in the right direction? This has been the most challenging chapter for me so far.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Notice what is not working in your life now and you will find your inner roadblocks. You do not always have to understand them to work through them. You need to observe how they interfere in your life right now and address the issue at hand.

      • Angela
        Angela says:

        Have felt stuck with inner roadblocks and have read your response to Jane.

        For me, there are one or two inner roadblocks I totally see but don’t know how to “work through them” as much as I’d like to. I guess at a certain point you just keep going and working with the other pieces and hope to find healing eventually.

        And then there must be a couple of IR’s in my unconscious – I’m thinking conflicting wishes/goals/desires – that I just can’t put my finger on.

        Like you said in the coherence chapter, “inner conflict is draining and disempowering.” So true! Love how you say you can “overcome the power of your unconscious wishes” by “putting energy behind your intentionality.” Just realizing that’s the answer I think I was looking for!

        • Laura Day
          Laura Day says:

          Once you are aware of an inner roadblock it resolves as you move toward your New Reality. Every element of The Circle happens in layers not in a linear progression. The idea of doing the elements one per 2 week cycle is to pay special attention to each element as a group consciousness as the other elements do their work.

    • Denise
      Denise says:

      Inner road blocks are difficult to let
      go of because they teach us about ourselves/are a deep part of ourselves. It is hard for me to let go of something that reveals who I was/am and have based my life on in conscious and unconscious ways. To become more aware here makes me feel more connected and alive yet insular and less able to direct positive energy outward–which keeps me from moving toward my new reality.
      Then the questions come up– how to address the information. How to let go. Am I letting go out of fear of addressing things the way I really want or making an intentional choice to make room for who I am/wish to become? So I guess my rumination and need to figure it all out in deep ways is what is tripping me up–I can’t ignore when I am here, but I can address the issue at hand as Laura says–very difficult for me, but shifts the attention of my inner roadblocks to the present and hands a kind of power over to me–the power of awareness AND the action needed to change. I keep trying!!

      • Laura Day
        Laura Day says:

        Dear Denise,
        Sometimes over-thinking is our way to stay stuck. It is sad when we find our old operating systems lacking and outdated. Letting go is hard most of the time, even if what we are letting go of gets in the way of something better. People throw around the word faith a lot but faith is a very difficult thing to achieve. Courage is more grounded and, although it takes constant effort, in the long run it brings us the best kind of faith, faith in ourselves verified by experience.

  7. Elena
    Elena says:

    Struggling with inner roadblocks…I feel stuck! Any suggestions? Sending healing light and love at the top of every hour!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      So the inner roadblock you are working on is the feeling of being stuck. I would suggest that you do something, anything to un-stick yourself even if it is as small as cleaning a sock drawer! Thank you for the healing.


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