We join energy to empower our COMMUNITY/UNITY in healing.

My friend Carol always reminds me that no great thing was ever done by one person alone. We need each other to achieve our dreams and we need to be useful to others to feel purpose in our lives.

When we join our energy in The Circle we are using our community of energy to change patterns and create outcomes that we could not create on our own. We are also using our unique perspective, intuition and strength to create for others, take them our of their pain, remove their roadblocks and bring resources toward them.

Thirty four years ago I was in the hospital for a minor injury.  I was young and frightened by spending the night alone in the hospital. I curled up in my bed and softly cried. It was lights out and in the next bed was a woman hooked up to so many machines and tubes that it was clear she was very ill. Until I had spent some of my tears I hadn’t noticed her. I looked over in the darkened room and saw that she was awake and looking at me with soft concern. She asked me if I was O.K. and if I needed anything and I was ashamed that I was being so cowardly about my pain when she was so silently brave about her much greater injury. I apologized and she said something that I will always remember, “everybody’s pain hurts the same”. This simple statement, this permission, accompanied by this dying woman’s compassion taught me to value other peoples struggles and my ability to ease them. Whenever I work on someone who seems to be making a big thing about a small concern or when I am upset about something that I know, in the scheme of things, is not important I remember “everybody’s pain hurts the same” and I am honored to soothe another and grateful when someone takes the time to soothe and heal me without judgement.

As a Community we have the ability to share our energy, love, resources and compassion to ease others pain and we give other’s a gift when we express our need and allow them to do the same for us.

The gift of intuition allows us to heal others from a distance. We connect with pulse of energy we all share and we can be active agents of change. In doing this we gain wisdom, healing and the power of COMMUNITY to allow us to be supported by and useful in the lives of others.

Over the next few weeks let us join, as a single beating heart, to embody our New Reality and as we do empower everyone in our community to reach their place of peace, their New Reality.

Consciously connect with your community of friends, family, work, neighbors and other people who cross your path. Look for where you can fill need, heal pain, create miracles and expect others to do the same for you.

Before you go to sleep at night make a list, mentally, through art or in writing of the problems and wishes you would like the group to work on as you sleep and remind yourself to be available in your sleep state to join others in healing their lives.

Everyone is precious and everyone is powerful, no matter how you may feel or judge yourself at any given moment. You have much to give and you deserve the support of those around you. We share a single energy and your challenges, your courage, your success and growth is success for us all, healing for us all.

When we practice a conscious awareness of COMMUNITY and practice UNITY we create dynamic and miraculous change for ourselves and the world.



Please check the schedule for free workshops and the once a year September Practical Intuition Boot Camp. Let us all send each other extra healing as we practice the powerful element of UNITY.

Please spread this post with your social media (I love that I now know what “social media” means!)

I am always grateful for your presence in my life,



9 replies
  1. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Loving this Community exercise! Joining healing and care to give and receive help to create a big wonderful Community of people living wonderful lives.

  2. Barbara W
    Barbara W says:

    Deepest thanks, Laura, for that message of hope and healing. It is my tendency to isolate myself in my pain. You remind me of the importance of sharing and connecting with friends and family to navigate crises and realize one’s New Reality. I am so grateful for the support of the Circle community and knowing that the community will envelop me in their grace as I do every morning in my Circle mediations. Judging by the many blog posts, these continue to be difficult times for everyone. By “meeting” each other in the Circle, we can share our grace and find our ways home.

  3. Diana
    Diana says:

    Thank you dearest Circle people! Community has entered my life like warm rays of light in the past couple of weeks. Loving and inspiring one another! I am humbled and mesmerized by the love, kindness and just-rightness that the Circle brings. Gentle and simple. Life doesn’t have to be hard. It just flows.

  4. Jill
    Jill says:

    How do I join the healing circle? I am at a point in my life where I feel like I just can’t carry my load any further by myself. My son needs so much healing and he is doing minimal work on himself. He is very young and does not have a bigger picture of life. He does not understand that he has a lot of inner work to do in order to become strong enough to weather the storms ahead. He thinks he is fine and that I worry too much. Right now he is in a boarding school far away. It is a wonderful gift he has been given – the time and space to work on himself in a safe environment – he needs to do the work himself, but he feels no urgency and does want to be vulnerable in order to work on his self-esteem; his self-identity and his self-confidence. I am so very sad and just don’t want to worry cry over this any more. I am trying to work on myself, but my worry for him overrides everything else. Is there any hope?

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      It sounds like you need to do WELCOME TO YOUR CRISIS AND THE CIRCLE. “THE CIRCLE” WILL HELP YOU USE INTUITION AND HEALING TO POWERFULLY SELECT AND CREATE YOUR DREAMS and WELCOME TO YOUR CRISIS will help you stay out of your own way, break old patterns and identify the way you may be interacting with others and the world that perpetuate crisis in your life!
      Let us know how it goes.
      I am sending you healing now.

  5. Jill
    Jill says:

    Thank you so much Laura. Many years ago you helped me with my daughter with autism. I am working on The Circle right now. I am grateful for the healing you have sent. I will let you know how it goes.

  6. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Well right after posting asking for healing for my car passing smog on Monday, it did! And then my next goal was getting 3 episodes of my webseries on youtube (in a creative supportive environment etc.) and we just finished them yesterday (Tuesday.)

    Thank you!

    Putting some additional healing into the circle as well as additional goals I have for healing.

    Sending you love, joy and light! For our circle to fully enjoy life and have all of the details and grounding taken care of with zest!

    It was wonderful to see your SAG panel and getting a hug!


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