The Circle – Free Laying on of Hands and Psychic Healing
Dear Circle,
As some of are aware I have been doing a series of Healing Circles where I, an other talented healers, do laying on of hands/ Psychic Healing on the entire group. The experience has been transformative for me and the response from the participants has made me want to do them more!
As hard as we all work on our lives it is hard not to get in our own way. Our obstacles are created by our patterns and our patterns are hard to see and heal, as they are so much a part of us that only intuition can give us the perspective to address them and even then, we avoid what is new and foreign. Sometimes the most healing thing you can do is to hand your pile of problems over to a trusted source/energy/person for healing. This is what our Circles are about. We as healers want to offer our energy and do it for you! In doing so we too heal.
I have seen many students over the years work hard and smart to make changes and then, in a group, suddenly, the change occurs, the miracle happens, the wish comes true. This is the power of a group!
In the last 20 years I have done a healing service at Saint John the Divine in NYC, Unity and … anywhere they would let me. The love and power of the energy when we gather for healing is one of the most awe-inspiring things that I have experienced in my life. Miracles happen when we work as one.
I am now editing my seventh book. Although I have integrated healing in to many of my other books this book is about the miracles we can create in our bodies, relationships and lives when we poise ourselves for dramatic change (and of course, how to do this).
I look forward to the opportunity to do a Laying on of Hands on you and to have Healing Circles in your community. The format I use is from The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life, and, you too can use this format to do your own Healing Circles. Don’t be shy about offering your healing to those in need. Of course the secret of all healers is that nothing heals more than offering healing to others. It allows the healer to get out of his or her own way and be part of the one energy we all share in a way that they too transform!
Please e-mail me your healing stories (both of your healings and healings you have done for others) so that I can include them in the book (all details changed of course). You can be on a list for upcoming Healing Circles by sending me an e-mail at I am currently scheduling them in New York City, Woodstock New York and Los Angeles. If you know of a good venue in Phoenix, AZ (bookstore that has events, Yoga Studio) please let me know.
As the holidays approach I encourage you all to use The Circle and the energy of Unity these holidays inspire to define your healing goal and join with The Circle to allow the support of others to carry you to a place of peace.
Those of you who are attending the Circles that soon will be scheduled, you can (but don’t have to) come prepared by knowing what you want to heal or, in Circle speak, your New Reality and then let us do our magic! You may also want to bring a bottle of water. For years in my groups we have made “Holy Water” in our Circles to use later on everything, cuts, papers, plants, a sip when a day gets out of control or a cold is coming on. We will energize this water as we do the healing on you!
I send you all love for the holidays and every day. I appreciate knowing that you are doing the twitter exercises on lauradayintuit@twitter. You can e-mail me your healing requests as I do healing as my form of prayer every morning ( and I am always interested in your experiences in The Circle and with your own healing and intuitive training.