Strength and Intuition equal success

Hi Laura, I have a success story and I owe it all to you and your wonderful books. 6 weeks ago when my husband of 16 years left me I was so devasted. My best friend left at the same time so I felt so alone and thought I hit rock bottom and would never be able to recover. Then I discovered your book “Welcome To Your Crisis” and I followed it through to the end a few times. Well, I have come back stronger than ever and my family and friends can’t believe how great I’m doing as I have never been on my own.. I trust myself now and have the confidence to do whatever needs to be done to ensure my 14 year old son and I get what we need and can begin our new life. Then it gets even better as I started your book “The Circle” and I have blossomed in every aspect of my life.. I don’t remember ever being this happy and confident in my life as I am today.. I use alot of techniques from the circle through out every day and feel great. Although I have brought out so many bad memeories from my past, I am able to work through them with ease. Thank you for introducing me to myself and bettering my life by your loving and caring ways. I know I will only keep on thriving everyday as I can really feel you as well as the circle working with me. Thanks again for sharing your life experiences with the world so we can all have a better place to live. I am working with my friend also and her and I can sense when the other needs something and we always call at that time.. If you ever come to Spokane I would love to meet you and thank you in person or maybe I’ll make it to NY sometime. Thanks again Love DJ xo