Let us work on the second element of The Circle as one united energy

in service to ourselves and one another!

In the second element of The Circle we EMBODY or inhabit with all of our senses and perceptions our NEW REALITY (our wish come true). Unlike creative visualization or positive thinking we do not create or imagine what our lives would be like if our wish came true and we do not pretend. We set a goal or target of our NEW REALITY and we allow intuition to provide all of our senses with the experience of its truth as well as clarity about the obstacles we face, knowing that intuition can provide the tools to remove them.

“The obstacles are the path” is one of my favorite quotes. Many of you e mail me when you work on your NEW REALITY thinking that you are doing it wrong because challenges arise but the challenges are your surest sign that you are on the right path and resolving the issues that hold you back quickly!

When we commit to uniting our energy to EMBODY we create a dynamic shift in the field of opportunity around us as well as getting needed help in changing the structures within us so that we can accomodate a NEW REALITY and allow it to be created in our life.

You will notice that each time you EMBODY the experience is different as you heal, your life heals and intuition does the important work of creating a map and providing a guide to your desired future.

Allow yourself to be surprised by where intuition leads you. If you hold on to a fixed idea of how your wish should come true you eliminate other effective possibilities.

We all have challenges and we all (myself included) fall and fail again and again. “One foot in front of the other”, a commitment to a goal and the ability to unite with the group energy will see us all through.

Boot Camp for September is posted on the website (I give it once a year), London (in june), Esalen (in July) and the free March workshop in New York at Rare on Church Street will be posted soon and tweeted when I have the links (lauradayintuit@twitter)

I am grateful for your presence in my life and mine in yours