Let us make the rest of 2013 really count!

With every breath you take, join your energy and intention with every member of our Circle to live THIS DAY productively, performing your daily tasks with joy, commitment and sacredness. The most powerful way to reach your goal/New Reality is to consciously join energy with others in this Circle and in your life/community/family/world.

Start your project, clean your closet, organize your finances, get that temporary job that will tide you over, ask for help, get involved in helping others, LIVE TODAY. Living today doesn’t mean that you are giving up on your wish. It means that YOU believe in YOU and if you don’t, just going through the motions will grow that belief. Don’t WAIT for your wish to come true to LIVE your life. Living your life well creates your dreams. Your difficulties will not dissapear just because your wish comes true unless you address the issues at hand now in your life. Miracles do happen when we create them. The mundane tasks of daily living done with attention and integrity will be the foundation of your Miracle.

This new group project was inspired by a member of our Circle. He said that his New Reality wasn’t happening fast enough and wondered if he was just being impatient.

I am a big believer that the right time for just about anything is NOW (or, being an anxiety type, yesterday) however I, like most of you,  have run into delays, sometimes long ones, in reaching my New Reality . No one is immune to the work of evolving self. We all encounter those dissapointing outer roadblocks, things that don’t go your way even when you are working hard, toxic relationships that you make excuses for until you are forced to sever them, perceived failings of self that you are too frightened or ashamed to address. It is normal to hope for a miracle to save you from the sometimes terrifying work of growth. However, in the long run, addressing these issues with courage and having the courage to see them will always jump start your goal. The Circle will not help you be less than can be, or to live in a situation that is toxic be just to achieve a goal and avoid a challenge. HAPPINESS LIES IN COMPETENCE. Those of you who are working with The Circle know that some New Realities happen quickly and some take time. The timing always lies within your ability to control by addressing what you are avoiding! BE JOYFUL NOW and if you can’t be then simply be diligent!

Believe it or not, you want to grow and evolve, well, maybe not consciously but your integral self doesn’t want a “fix” that doesn’t really heal you enough to meet your next challenge/Reality.

There are short cuts, getting healing, joining your energy and intention with the Circle frequently, posting on pray lines and healing lines and asking friends to weight in about what they think you are not addressing in your life/self and hoping that “your Miracle” will help you avoid. So, let us work together every day.Really take time to join your energy with The Circle, engage in the online discussion and do the 9 elements. I post group work everyday on lauradayintuit@twitter. Let us do our daily tasks with reverence. You may find that your miracle happens when you just doing your job of living the moment!

I have many free evening workshops coming up. These are a time to share intuition, healing and do some new work. They are listed on the website. Please post comments on this blog and write your questions here (many of you send me e-mails but your questions help everyone). Let us work this month to strengthen our community online and off. The holidays are a great time to clean your inner house. There is a lot of emotional “charge” at this time of year so it is a great time to find constructive ways to discharge and evolve into the you who is living your New Reality.

I send you all healing now and I am grateful to be part of our Circle.

