There is no need to be familiar with the material before the events. Books are not sold at many of the events but I am always happy to sign the ones you bring!

If you have any questions about any of the events please email me.

Please make it short. To protect your privacy I am the only person who reads your emails! If you would like an event in your area, please email me with your city in the subject line and when I have 50 people interested I will schedule an event!

If you are a healer, please let me know as I am always looking for healing hands to share at these events.

Please spread the word. To change everything we need everyone!

Recommended Readings for Laura’s Events

How to Use the Power of Crisis to Create the Life You Want

Barnes & Noble


The process we work with in the Healing events

Barnes & Noble


The process we work with in the intuitive workshops

Barnes & Noble


The process we work with in the intuitive workshops

Barnes & Noble
