Huge changes are afoot for many people. These are times of change, adaptation
and the necessary intuitive task of building what you want from what you have.
Our group has spent the last week being grounded in what is, integrating the pieces of our life to empower us to live fully and move forward powerfully and attracting/shifting/transforming within to do all of this in the community of energy that we live in. When we learn to work with the energy (everything and everyone is energy) around us we are able to manifest what we intend quickly and in a manner that is healing to all. Each of us has our shadowed places where we have difficulty directing our intention clearly or experiencing ourselves comfortably or breaking a pattern that has been breaking us. When we are confronted with our worst fears, our weaknesses, the most challenging of our issues we know that we are almost to a meaningful achievement, the ability to master something that we have never been able to master/manifest before. This is often a point where we turn back and try to recreate what was even if what was, was, unsatisfying. This week, our group work is going to support you through the change to your New Reality.
This week, day and night, you will hold the entire group’s New Reality with LOVE. I will explain what I mean.
I saw an interesting video on what a group, sending love to a person, does to their blood cells! Now those of you who know me know that I like to see proof that an activity actually works. This was convincing to me. I thought what if all of us, thousands of people in this group, held each other and our New Reality, our wish come true in our loving thoughts for an entire week. How deeply that would connect us and what power it would give to the atoms of energy that what to organize in a way that is healing for us. Let us run this experiment now!
During the day, if you feel love easily go to that feeling, if not, if it is a time of difficulty where love, pure and simple, is hard to feel, go to a memory of pure love, an uncomplicated memory of that expansive, healing pleasure of pure love. I use the memory of when they put my son in my arms for the first time. It is easy for me to access and I can feel it with all of my senses. Choose your memory or memory library to use so that you can do this project even when in your moments of stress.
We will do this in 2 ways. During the day, as many times as you can, go to a state of pure, simple love and when you can feel it take your hands, palms facing each other and hold them a few inches apart. In whichever way you experience most easily, put everyone in the group, in their New Reality between your hands and as you breathe simply allow the love to flow through your body and into the space between your hands where we all reside. Remember to include yourself!!
You can do this for a moment many times a day. It doesn’t have to be obvious. You can do it on the train, as you are speaking to your friend, as you are doing the dishes. Do this frequently and allow it to become an easy part of your day. As always, when you can, document what you notice and the changes that occur in your life. What you document will reveal you to yourself and give you a map for your life, It will also show you the accuracy of your own intuitive information and allow you to trust yourself, the most important person for you to love and trust!
At night, as you are falling asleep, give yourself the suggestion that you will let your guard down to receive the love/healing that is coming your way and you will connect to the world by the sending of love. Suspend disbelief long enough to allow your life to change. As this energy reorganizes you it will reorganize your life.
As always, your re-tweets, face book re-posts and comments are appreciated!
Love (and conscious love to the power of infinity this week),
Posted by Laura Day, September 12, 2010