As join our energy to heal each person in our group

let us take this month to clean up old business in our many worlds. In our physical world let’s get rid of what we don’t need, in our emotional, interpersonal and intuitive world let’s do the same.

Let us use the rest of this year to clear the space for something New (which I will post on January 1).

This month we refocus our attention and intention on positive targets in our life as we create firm boundaries between us and what harms us or distracts us from our New Reality. This week is about reclaiming our space and making room for what is to come.

Notice the pieces/people/patterns of your past that come up for re-examination and count on the energy of the group to help you make good choices.

Take time to notice all of the wonderful gifts this year has brought into your life. Life is always a gift and a challenge. We seem to notice the challenges. Let’s look for the gifts.

As many times a day as you can, hold the whole group between your hands and send healing energy to their/your life.

Remember, when we join energy we are so much stronger and more able than the sum of our parts. We/you are not alone! Exercise the reality of our connection in this constructive and empowering group project. Let’s make this month a real transition week between what was and our New Reality.

I join you and thank you for your healing



Posted by Laura Day, December 13, 2010