Laura Day on 20/20 and a reminder to keep working on our group project!
For the next few days lets add to our group work below using our telepathy, as a group, joined with each beat of our heart to reach out to our new reality and the people who influence it in a positive way and to be alert to those whom we would help who may not have come to our attention. HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH has the “quick hit” for telepathy but those of you who have not read it assume that when you join your energy with the group you are in positive conversation with all around you and notice the people who come to your attention and reach out!
As a single beating heart we join our energy together to unleash our creative potential in every area of our lives.
Routines keep your life going. Without routines, every action would require thought, time and decision. Routines can also hold you back. what you expect, what you avoid and repress, where your blinders are and where you tint things rose.
Now we invite, as a single unified energy of healers, positive, creative change. You invite change and the support and opportunities from the world around you to make your change a re-birth. Together we allow life to challenge the rigidity of our habits and expectations by offering us something more.
Remember, when you have the support of a group of energy you can attract the best in life with ease. For this group work you don’t have to do anything. You will take care of each other and allow others to take care of you. With every beat of your heart, every minute of the night and day you will be healed, transformed, enlightened and showered with all that life has to offer and this experience of abundance will change you as your being changes the lives of every member of our Circle (and every life every member touches).
Even as you sleep your dreams and your energy will allow the group to heal you and your life as you heal and connect with the infinite reach of The Circle
Please share your experiences on this blog!
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From Rome Italy I send you all healing and I look forward to transforming with you!