Intuition Boot Camp is my once a year, 2 day , certificate training, in intuition. The best way to train intuition is to use it as your primary information gathering/sending technique over a concentrated period of time. We train logic and emotions over a lifetime. In this intensive week end you will have intuition catch up to both as a reasoning and predictive skill. HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH and THE CIRCLE will be the training textbooks for this event so please read them prior to the training so that we can all be working quickly and effectively to train our skills. I will be doing readings and healings right along with you!
After this two day intensive you will have the basic training to do readings for yourself and others. You will be giving and receiving readings all week end and breaks (even sleep time) will be devoted to homework. A certificate will be given at the completion of the course. The most important gift of this weekend is that you will have a community of psychics and healers to work with going forward! Come prepared for dramatic change in your body, relationships and life!
Advanced Registration is Required. There is no sign up at the door!