LX New York
In this interview Laura Day discusses her new book, How To Rule The World From Your Couch, and how understanding intuition can be the key to personal and busine
Pop Eater
Pop Eater features Laura Day’s newest book, How To Rule The World From Your Couch, and includes photos from her book launch party. Read Article
Mind Body Green
In this Q&A Laura Day is asked about the beginning of her career, her perspective on intuition and her newest book, How To Rule The World From Your Couch. R
Why Mom Really Does Know Best
Always telling your child what to do might seem easy, but it probably won’t help her develop the skills necessary to navigate the challenges of life. Will
Laura Day on The Business of Intuition
Originally published by Laura Day at The Huffington Post, June 14, 2010. Today’s market requires that you use all of our skills to compete. It is an exciting
A letter from Barbara Lazaroff
A group of ladies met for lunch in N.Y. at the new Aureole restaurant. Let me give you a hint of how the day progressed; give Laura Day a martini, she is a ligh
Gaining Clarity
Hello Laura, I wouldn’t miss your California visit for anything. Since losing my husband suddenly a year ago, I’ve decided to “float” an
Crisis Resources
www.211.org 2-1-1 is an easy to remember telephone number that, where available, connects people with important community services and volunteer opportunities.
Unite Your Energy
In this video, Laura Day explains how the daytime and nighttime exercises on Twitter and Facebook work. It is an excerpt from Laura’s free monthly Barnes
Intro to How to Rule the World from Your Couch
In this video, Laura Day introduces her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch. It is an excerpt from Laura’s monthly Barnes & Noble workshop