Working together to create miracles in The Circle

When I published The Circle: How the power of a single wish can change your life (2001), I had been doing The Circle and hosting Circles for my community for twenty years. The Book came out on 9/10/01. On 9/11 my World Trade Center neighborhood was evacuated and Barnes and Noble offered me space to do The Circle on a regular basis to heal my community. My wish for The Circle, in creating a guidebook for individual Circle work was, and is, that The Circle would be a healing format that people would use and offer in communities all over the world. It was published when it was needed and the work has been continued by amazing readers all over the world.
Many of you lead your own Circles, for friends, your community, for young people, in hospitals, as a integrative format for business, as a process in families to encourage cooperation, in your 12 step meetings, incorporating it into your performances and many other ways that I hadn’t imagined!
There is a simple format in The Circle ( under Community) for leading your own Circles. I have started to circulate a list of people holding Circle groups and those interested in attending. These groups are usually free or for a small charge to cover supplies or venue and often the leaders rotate so that everyone in the group can offer to be the facilitator and add their own unique gifts to the process! Some of the leaders have done workshops with me and some simply use the book and make it their own. If you are interested in being on a Circle list please e mail me with “Circle group list” and your city in the subject line at and I will share your email with others who are interested in doing The Circle in a group. Please let me know if you have an ongoing Circle group and all the details so that I can share it with others (as always, topic and city in the subject line).
When I am in town I sometimes drop in on these groups and I am always happy to say hello by Skype. We usually use the blue, Atria edition of The Circle (it has a workbook) for the Circles. I do not personally know many of the people who run the Circles so, of course, do your own due diligence around safety if they are not in a public place! Often, the Circles have Facebook pages or use other social media where you can check them out!!!
I am leading free Circles across the country as my gift to you and myself. If you send me an email with your city in the subject line at, when I have 50 people, I find a Church and bookstore to host me (often with your generous help) and I do a free workshop often accompanied by a Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing event, incorporating local healers. This way I can help seed your Circles in your communities and meet you all face to face which gives me great joy and healing. If you know of a Unity Church or bookstore that has an event space and would like to host me please give them my information!!
Remember, intuition and healing are innate gifts. You can train and use your community to exchange intuitive and healing sessions and in doing so strengthen both your life and future and your community! You can also offer Laying on of Hands/Psychic Healing to others. The simple instructions are in The Circle. Do not be shy about offering your gifts to others!
I do The Circle every day. I focus on one element a week in the workbook (weekly exercises). It occurred to me that it would be nice to do the elements together. This week I am on the fourth element, Synchronicity. On Monday I begin Making Space. Of course, as I do each element I also do the shorter exercises for the other elements as those issues and opportunities arise. On March 23rd I will have completed this Circle and I will start with the first element again, INTENTIONALITY. I would love if you all would work along with me and engage in discussion on this blog! You all ask me amazing questions and share incredible insights by email. It would be great if you could do this on the blog and share your journey, struggles and wisdom, with us all at www.practical .
I am always grateful when you email me your stories of miraculous healings and insights as well as your observations about how I can better serve you at
On itunes I have 2 recordings that you can use in your Circles to prepare for intuitive and healing work and to get the group into the energy of The Circle. You can also read The Circle meditation aloud from page 24 or do a joining meditation of your own. If you are reading the meditation remember to experience it as you read it. In doing so you share healing with the whole group and give your voice the power and energy of The Circle.
On itunes
Energy: Healing, Intuition and Change-Laura Day
The Healing Circle-Laura Day
Please include me and my family in your healings. I do healing each morning and I always look on the blog, my email, Facebook and so on for your healing requests.
I join you in The Circle and I am looking forward to connecting face to face with more of you this year!

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