We change our patterns to reflect a New Reality!
Let us take the next few weeks to notice our habits and patterns and make conscious decisions about whether or not they serve us in the New Reality that we are creating.
It is very hard to break habit. This is the power of our unified Circle of energy. We are breaking these habits and patterns, bringing them into consciousness and using our power of choice, unity and discipline to allow intuition to provide rituals that will become healing, empowering, enlightening and motivating habits for our New Reality.
The focus at the moment is not so much on change as on awareness. “oh.. this is what I do when confronted with x”.. “oh, this is how I handle food/stress/desire/money/drive (and so on)”. Once awareness is gained The Circle, our unified beating heart of all of our energy together creates the synergy for change.
Often the insistence that we implement a change is the very thing that holds us back. Intuition and engaging in our unified field ALLOWS for change instead of insisting on it, often in the failed ways we have forced change in the past.
Our unified wisdom is far greater than any of our individual visions.
I join you in this dynamic few weeks of awareness and allowing the community to heal our habits and co-create our New Reality.
Boot Camp is now available on the site for registration and summer workshops are up!
Those of you scheduling sessions please be forgiving as I handle my own e mail to protect your privacy so things fall through the cracks. I address your healing requests first, your wonderful stories second and scheduling, which is a lot of back and forth, tends to take some patience on all of our parts. I love doing Intuitive coaching by skype for those of you who have skype ( and always by phone)
I send you all healing and a warm embrace