We are going to clean house!
For the next 2 weeks as a powerful Circle of energy, we will clean house on every level we can think of. Habits, situations, people, closets and drawers, telepathy, mediumship and other places where we may have been drawing clutter to us we will clean out now.
What we couldn’t do alone in the past we can now accomplish by putting our energy together at the top of every hour (and whenever we think of it or need it during the day) and creating rituals to replace habits, redirecting or abandoning situations which are no longer healthy for our lives, sorting through relationships, cleaning house (in the literal and metaphoric sense), getting old purposeless conversations out of our head and making sure that the only feelings inhabiting us are our own.
Space is a precondition for growth.
This should be an exciting month as we clear the ground and prepare our lives for new growth.
Please let us see your experience in your comments!
I join you in cleaning house!