Together, as a single powerful force for change, let us use the next few weeks

as a time to clear our inner and outer space of clutter, old patterns and difficulties as we prepare for the winter season.

Clarity in self brings clarity and effectiveness of action and result. Although it is hard for any individual to break their own entrenched patterns, our healing, in Unity can help us through these changes as we go “dark” for winter allowing our new seeds to rest and gain strength for the spring.
Where we get stuck, the energy of the group can liberate us. Remember to use your sleep time to join energy and untangle your inner self as at night you do not need to use your attention to deal with new data from the environment.

For those of you actively doing THE CIRCLE, this is a time to work on both INNER ROADBLOCKS and UNITY to free you for dynamic change.

Practical Intuition BOOT CAMP is coming up this month. Those of you interested please register on line at
Please feel free to e mail me any questions you may have about the group. This is a once a year opportunity to be part of a group of intuitives and healers to work with in the future.

I join you in the most dramatic healing one can have, the healing of self.
Please remember me and my family in your healings and e mail me your healing requests at


12 replies
  1. Cyn Frantz
    Cyn Frantz says:

    Hi Laura,

    I just found & started reading The Circle.. it has already had an impact on my life and I am thankful to you for sharing your insights.

    I have been chronically ill and unable to work for six years, but have been continually striving to regain wellness. So that is my deepest heartfelt wish at this point in my life and I am starting to work with the exercises in your book toward this goal. My biggest roadblock in doing so is my inability to concentrate and focus because of my constant pain and illness, but I am trying to release this to The Circle in the hope that changes will come.

    I wish you and all others joining in The Circle healing and happiness. Please include me in your wishes as well.

    And thank you again for giving so much of yourself to help others.


  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Doing the night work; joining energy every day…the old ghosts and self-doubt keep creeping up, from time to time…so I ask that you all hold me and my NR in the energy of the circle. Together we are strong!

  3. sharon
    sharon says:

    Hi=) joining healings!!

    Im having a difficult time now. Dont know if i should just give up my wish, which I really dont want to. But no signs are showing that I am on my way to achieve this. Please help.


    Love and healings!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Don’t look for signs just keep going, putting one foot in front of the other and taking advantage of the gifts and lessons of the journey. Everything is a sign of something. What is your life telling you that you need to address? Who is around you to help you through? How can you draw more resources/people/groups/energy to co-create with?
      I am sending you healing now
      I don’t love the hard times either but they are what teach us new skills

      • sharon
        sharon says:

        Thanks so much for your support. No one around me support my wish so I have been keeping it a secret, would this preventing me from achieving my wish? or does it mean my wish is wrong?

        Joining healings =)

      • Kathy L.
        Kathy L. says:

        Needing support, kindness, integrity from others and absolute success for my friend and resolve of a practical issue for me my LATE TAXES. Right now need a computer that can print them for starters. Can’t find a place where I can download the program. The condition that I asked healing for appears to be OK and Doctor seemed to believe it was.

        Like the idea of planting seeds for next Spring however this seems like a beginning for me. Finally getting cool.

  4. Anne
    Anne says:

    Dear sweet, wonderful community,

    I fell into Crisis today, but I went back and re-read “Welcome to Your Crisis” and I’m moving! I’m getting somewhere!

    My New Reality for a long time was being “best friends” with a particular man. This was never a healthy goal, but it received a lot of my energy for a while. Well, our relationship ended in May and I’ve been trying since then to reframe my New Reality so it does not to include this individual.

    Today I realized that what I always wanted was a community, even just a community of two people. A safe haven. A place where my gifts would be recognized and used.

    Embodying now!

    Love to all of you, and thank you!


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