Today and Tomorrow send love to the entire group (yourself included) at least once and hour.

We often forget to be consistent about the things we really care about. Distractions abound and much of our time is spent putting out fires. Make a moment every hour to do this weeks task, hold the entire group in love between your hands and in your heart as we went over in the post below.

Often as we heal our lives the awareness we have is also heartbreaking. Letting go of old ways of being, seeing treasured beliefs and dreams from a less flattering angle (and so on) is all necessary to move forward. The energetic love and support of our group can empower us to see what we need to see and grow our hearts and our lives from the clarity and courage that this sight engenders. We need each other to really move forward to our New Reality.

You may also want to pay special attention performing acts of love and noticing when others do the same. There are many languages of love, every person and situation has it’s own. Allow yourself to be open to learning some new ways that love can come into your life and expression.

Love is not “being in love” but the act of wishing each other well from a profound place in our being.

This week end let us really wish each other well, wish ourselves well and act on this truth.



Posted by Laura Day, September 18, 2010