Thousands of people work with you
as we join energy this week to rediscover your own integrity. Where in your life have you allowed yourself to stray from what you believe and who you are. Perhaps you succumbed to fear or habit, became entangled in other peoples dances or simply responded without consideration because you were too overwhelmed to be true to yourself. Whatever your reasons were, now it the time to rediscover your greatest strength and, even when it is difficult to maintain, the source of true joy. Your integrity is reflected in your life. You create what you are. As much as we all often want things, situations, or relationships that pull us to edit our integrity it is rarely if ever to our advantage to do so.
This week, we join our energy to bring each other (and ourselves) home to that place of true safety, our integrated self. From this place everything else flows.
In your sleep work this week know that as you sleep, joining energy with the group, your integrity will be rediscovered, healed and strengthened and as it is your life will reflect the change.
You may find that you experience people, habits, places, situations and many other elements of your life differently as you return to a place of integrity. It is not always easy to resist the temptations of the moment, the immediate fulfillment of needs and impulses to honor your integrity. You have the group to help you as you clean out your life starting with you!
Group work will be especially strong this week as the bedrock of our integrity is our connection our unity. To be both an individual and to work as a single energy is a daily practice that requires, well, practice.
I join you in this gift we give ourselves and one another as we live this week in integrity.
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We all love your comments. Please let us know about your experience.
Posted by Laura Day, November 7, 2010