This week we will do a REALITY SWAP

Let us work as a group,  joining our energy as many times as you can during the day to change the life/energy of every single person in this group. If you want to see dynamic miracles the single most important skill to have is your ability to join and direct the energy we all share. Devote this week to that single skill and you will see healing and progress in every area of your life. Study the chapter on healing in HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH (to join and change energy effectively)  and THE CIRCLE chapters on conscious creation (what you want to create) and making space (the old situation you are swapping for a new one) .

because.. our project for the week is THE REALITY SWAP

This week choose one habit or situation in your life that you want to get rid of. Choose something that is a real energy drain, something that takes your thoughts and draws attention away from what is wonderful in your life. Also choose a single wish that you want to create in your life. Bundle the two together in your attention when you join with the group and allow the energy of the problem to become the energy of the wish.

You often ask me “how do I do this”. That is the process! Your intuition will give you a unique process for you, one that is organic to your skill set and senses.

Do not insist on exactly how this dynamic transformation must happen. Know what you want to get rid of and know what you want to create. Take good notes on how the shift happens in your attention and in your life. Notice what/who comes in and what/who goes out. Notice new perceptions about old situations and flashes of insight to take your actions in new directions. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING!

It is important for you to experience the effectiveness of your efforts. It is often helpful to go back over old group work and notice the projects you worked on a few months ago and how the changes are manifesting now. As much as we all want immediate results (actually, I want mine yesterday) process has its own time line. We can speed things up by being courageous about change. We avoid changes in our outer life (earth reality) because we guard the status quo within. When you are willing to change intuition and attention bring you to the experiences and people who will facilitate your evolution into a being who can thrive in a New Reality of your choosing.

This week, we join our energy, experiencing the frequency of dynamic change that only a community of energy can create to swap one reality for another of our choosing. The process, unique to you, that you master this week will help you for the rest of your life!

I join you in our powerful, generous,  united community.



Please re-tweet, face book and e mail this exercise and news of the paperback edition of HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH

I love your comments. They help us all feel connected to our group.

Posted by Laura Day, October 17, 2010

33 replies
  1. Kate H.
    Kate H. says:

    This could not be more perfect. I am focusing on creating a vast future to work on change and there are things distracting me and draining me. I can just now see it but did not know how to clear it. Thank you.

  2. Kathy L
    Kathy L says:

    I just checked out your book again from the library, the one you signed which I enjoy, so I am ready to read the chapter. I like the possibility of thinking of what to get rid of and what to choose.

  3. Lisa Rapp
    Lisa Rapp says:

    I wanted to get rid of not having money and having money and of course bringing my hosting/acting. that is my big problem is learning how to word things right and putting the right thing out
    thank you so much.

    ALso I think I got the body heat right lol it worked with someone I wanted to see.
    at 1st I used words and I was told to see it and go off that it is hard but I think I am doing it right
    thank you for taking time out of your day today for us
    see you soon xo

  4. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    Want to create lasting financial, residential, and professional independence, self-sufficiency and freedom. Not being stable in these is a tremendous energy drain.

    • Kim
      Kim says:

      Sounds like your energy drain is at cross-purposes with your New Reality. That happens to most of us, at one time or another. If you can hold the energy or vibration of the FEELING you would have if you achieved all those things on your list, then, WOW, you’ll be living in the moment and wouldn’t worry so much about being stable enough. Just start with one feeling, one goal, and let the energy drain slide off as you rise.

  5. Laura Day
    Laura Day says:

    I love how you all refer to your intuition as “it”. “it” isn’t working for me… “it” led me to this or that. Your intuition is not an it.. Your intuition is a part of YOU!!!
    If intuition is askew you are off center and far more important than getting the “right” answer is getting yourself back on track. I use THE CIRCLE, WELCOME TO YOUR CRISIS, my friends, my psychiatrist, a good nights sleep, my head on someones shoulder while reading a book I love.. whatever gets me back to my center.Of course, different needs for different challenges.
    What do you need right now. Try some old favorites and allow intuition to guide you to some new techniques. You will know when you get there!’xoL

  6. Teresa O.
    Teresa O. says:


    Esta semana Haremos un INTERCAMBIO DE REALIDAD

    Vamos a trabajar en grupo, uniendo nuestra energía durante el día, tantas veces como sea posible para cambiar la vida y la energía de cada persona en este grupo. Si quieres ver milagros dinámicos, la habilidad más importante que tienes es tu capacidad de unirte y dirigir la energía que todos compartimos. Dedica esta semana solo a esta habilidad y verás la curación y el progreso en cada área de tu vida. Estudia el capítulo sobre la curación de “CÓMO GOBERNAR EL MUNDO DESDE TU SOFÁ” (para unirte y cambiar a la energía con eficacia) y los capítulos de “EL CIRCULO” acerca de la creación conciente (lo que tu quieres crear) y haciendo espacio (la situación vieja que tu estás intercambiando por una nueva).
    Porque .. nuestro proyecto para esta semana es EL INTERCAMBIO DE REALIDAD
    Esta semana elige un hábito o una situación en tu vida que deseas eliminar. Elige algo que realmente consume tu energía, algo que toma tus pensamientos y los desvía lejos de lo que es maravilloso en tu vida. Además, selecciona un único deseo de algo que quieres crear en tu vida. Agrupa a los dos juntos en tu atención cuando te unes con el grupo y permite que la energía del problema se convierta en la energía del deseo.
    Ustedes a menudo me preguntan “¿cómo puedo hacer esto?”. Ese es el proceso! Tu intuición te dará un proceso único para ti, uno que es orgánico para tu grupo de habilidades y tus sentidos.
    No insistas en cómo exactamente esta transformación dinámica debe suceder. Tu sabes de lo que quieres deshacerte y sabes lo que quieres crear. Toma buenos apuntes sobre cómo el cambio ocurre en tu atención y en tu vida. Nota que/quien viene y que/quien sale de tu vida. Nota nuevas percepciones acerca de viejas situaciones y los destellos de perspicacia que llevaran tus acciones en nuevas direcciones. DOCUMENTA TODO!
    Es importante que tu experimentes la efectividad de tus esfuerzos. A menudo es útil el regresar revisar los viejos trabajos en grupo y notar los proyectos en los que trabajaste hace unos meses y cómo los cambios se están manifestando ahora. Por mucho que todos queremos resultados inmediatos (en realidad, yo quiero los míos desde ayer) el proceso tiene su propia línea de tiempo. Podemos acelerar las cosas al ser valientes acerca deel cambio. Evitamos los cambios en nuestra vida exterior (la realidad terrestre) porque protegemos el status quo interior. Cuando estás dispuesto a cambiar, la intuición y la atención te traen a las experiencias y personas que van a facilitar tu evolución hacia un ser que puede prosperar en una Nueva Realidad de tu propia elección.
    Esta semana, unimos nuestra energía, experimentando la frecuencia de el cambio dinámico que sólo una comunidad de la energía puede crear para intercambiar una realidad por otro de nuestra elección. El proceso, que es unico para ti, si lo dominas esta semana te ayudará para el resto de tu vida!
    Me uno a ustedes en nuestra poderosa, generosa, solidaria colectividad.
    Con amor, Laura

    Por favor, publiquenlo en Tweeter, facebook y por correo electrónico envien este ejercicio y avisen que la edición de bolsillo de “CÓMO GOBERNAR EL MUNDO DESDE TU SOFÁ”, ya esta disponible.

    Me encantan sus comentarios. Nos ayudan a todos a sentirnos conectados con nuestro grupo

  7. Melanie
    Melanie says:

    Thank you, Laura! Here’s what I combined: I no longer doubt my abilities as a writer intuitive and so I sell a screenplay with attachments. Thank you intuitive Me! Brava brava brava. 🙂

  8. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    I want to post mine because it has been such a sore point and a distraction that tugs at my spare attention — which I intend to direct in much better ways!

    I am swapping power tripping people who talk down to me for mutually wonderful friendships filled with fun and camraderie. I am swapping their miserable tacky conversations filled with little digs that I do not “get” until later, for conversations with people who say things that are funny, thoughtful, and sometimes silly.

    I always brace myself when I make a wish — in the Circle, you get started and here it comes! The whole process! Wheee! What a week it will be for all of us!

    Thanks! Will send healing tonight!

  9. Donna Johnson
    Donna Johnson says:

    This is great timing as my ex has decided to start texting me about his new life with his new girlfriend.. Well I say out with him and on with my life… My intuition says its time to move on so I don’t even let him get to me and with the groups love this week I feel more powerful than ever and my NEW REALITY is the here and now.. Love to all and thanks Laura for being so special to all of us, to everyone whose life you touch.. May God bless you and your family always.. Love DJ xoxoxo

  10. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Swapping it with confidence, and telepathy to bring in a harmonious joyful fabulous new reality that is even more amazing than the life I already get to live!

    • Zuri
      Zuri says:

      Changing this to swapping out being a commercial actress to being a theatrical actress. There are two kinds of agents: commercial and theatrical, commercial agents are for commercials and theatrical agents are for TV/Film so I’d like to shift to those roles. Love and Light to all of you sweet people!

  11. Lisa G.
    Lisa G. says:

    Laura – it’s Lisa from Esalen – Pearl and Jessica’s Lisa…

    You’ve been coming up for me – and the urge to appreciate you and your role in my continuing evolution. I sent you a big dose yesterday but wanted to write you too. I am in an exciting time right now of stepping/shifting in a very real way from “destiny shirker” (you called me that last year 😉 ) into manifesting my dreams. Its a powerful and exciting time for me and I want to thank you for your part in it. Of course minute-by-minute choices and habit-shifts are required so I love the container of this community. Even when I forget to join at a conscious level I still feel connected.

    Anyway, thank you. Love to you and Sampson.

    ps. I can’t track down where to get the new realities password anymore. I used to get it by email and now I don’t see it coming?

      • Eugénia
        Eugénia says:

        Sorry to write here but it was the only place I found to post a message to you, Laura.
        Thank you so much for having told me not to stopo my mind! I just discovered that I used to do it out of judgement on ourselves and when the information (insight) was of most importance to us. I just finished listening to “how to rulethe world from yor couch” which was of most importance to me. You see, my whole life, who I am and what I really want is at stake here!Thank you! A lot is happenning already,inside and outside me! I’m counting very much on the group, as much as you can count on me! All my love!

        • Laura Day
          Laura Day says:

          I am so happy to have you write here. This is where I want people to write. We are a team, all of us and when we voice our journey we empower others. Thank you for sharing yours.
          I count on the group energy as well. Sometimes I forget.. of course when I need the support the most and then I go to the site and I remember to not only send energy to others but feel the support around me as well.. that is when all that change happens without all the pain

          • Eugénia
            Eugénia says:

            Definetely! Something wonderful happenned just now! My son got married 2 years ago. Ever since I have been having a hard time with my daughter in law. Las July, a grandson was born (a very beautiful boy…) Problems increased… Ever since I got involved in “The circle” I have been holding my realationship with, Jo (her) my son (Tiago) and the baby (António) Along with everybody here. I’m coming from lunch at their place… For the second time, the baby is always smiling at me, I play with him a lot and finally he gets tired and gets to sleep in my lap. Today, everything was so calm and cool… For the first time I did not absorve my GD’ feelings and isntead I deeply fe3t her absorving mine… Just befor I left here The way we usually behave crossed my mind and I noticed that I have a stupid habbit of lecturing… It was fun to notice it and let it go… Gosh! TK U,TK u;TK U all. Love you all

  12. Meg
    Meg says:

    I am releasing my hostility and anger towards my sister and what I think is her wrong marriage and I bring in a fun, sexy, humorous, intelligent partner who makes me laugh and shows me the miracles in all small things.

    Laura, I am so ready for this.

  13. Kell
    Kell says:

    Even though it really is getting better slowly, I would like to swap my anger, feelings of unworth and rejection over a certain situation, for peace, understanding of my ultimate worth (regardless of any one small blip), and warm memories of the whole relationship. This will include difusion of my desire to get “closure” on this incident by demanding my suspicions are confirmed; which will similarly be replaced by new experiences that make it inconsequential to me any more.

  14. Sabrina
    Sabrina says:

    I have been working on this week’s assignment Reality Swap -the healing section in Couch and the Circle work and interesting issues have arisen, on Monday I had a migraine, and today my entire back and neck are in painful spasms and feel as though they are on fire. I do not know if it is stuff that I am hanging on to or if it is stuff that is releasing. Laura, I am grateful for any guidance. Thank you.

  15. Em
    Em says:

    Very helpful trying to put the two energies together. Other times its like you block out the bits you don’t want as you try to move towards a goal and you end up only having half of yourself moving forward. This way there is better integration. Thanks Laura.

  16. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Good morning, beautiful sisters and brothers in our Circle. This is my morning blessing for our SWAP: May the warm energy of love and warm light transform our ego`s, so that we may easily dance and enjoy our life in this world and playfully carry into reality our New Reality this week. May we be open to all the support offered to us and may we be aware of the one-ness, being hold in the loving care of many others. Have a great day! Vicky

  17. Anemone
    Anemone says:

    I have been working on dropping unnecessary tension and stress and inviting relaxation and ease. Some of the more addictive habits I had are already slowly losing their grip on me.

    On another project- I have been working on attracting a new home before I go to sleep and writing down my ‘dream requirements’- and it’s absolutely incredible but my ‘dream home’ came up for sale this week. I didn’t even know such a lovely apartment existed in my area! Now very excited- hope I will be able to buy.

  18. Eugénia
    Eugénia says:

    Laura, I was wondering if you can help me. You speak about sensing which I only started doing a very short while ago! (I imagine it must be because my life was very buisy and also because I always (actually with me that is something to improve,always… )had a judgement on everything- a sort of self defense but also a result of my catholic education,maybe…. What always happenned and still does is: When talking to other people, saying things that no one ever told me about, Knowing things that no one taught me, or real insights that help us all. Sometimes, I only notice the importance of what I said, later and it usually helps me solve or move on… (You see what I mean? As if I was talking to myself…) Can you give me a clue of what goes on? The reason I ask is because I feel helpless most of the time when It seems I have the answers… Thank you Laura (sorry to bother,but it is being a very wonderfulprocess,evenif very scary at times…)

  19. Judy
    Judy says:

    I really find this exercise to be healing and uplifting. I use the memory of bonding with my newborn son (thank-you, Laura for that suggestion), while holding ‘our’ realities and it does help. I have been obsessing and worrying and gave this to the energy. I called my doctor, who confirmed that my worries were just that; worries, with no problem. I believe the healing was to call the doctor, if that makes sense. Love to everyone..

  20. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    This exercise has brought up one issue, equating success with being a bad person. That’s pretty interesting I think and it’s come up before too. So I’m looking at people (including you and friends of mine,) who are successful and kind loving good people.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Better yet, embody yourself as a loving kind person and allow intuition to guide you to a successful version of you in integrity with yourself.
      Speaking for myself, and I hope that I am a loving kind person, we LKP’s have many facets of our personality, some a bit.. well… hairy and human.
      The good news is that when we accept ourselves with all of our complexities, we are better able to accept others and the process of living (also a mixed bag!)
      Keep up the good work my friend


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