This week we detail how we are transforming the energy of what we let go of into what we

choose to attract.

I have always said that one of the biggest reasons to , for example, forgive and move on is to not keep spending attention/energy on something that does you no good. Often we occupy drive we need by being tied to the past or the challenges of the present which could be better dealt with cleanly, mourned and released. This week we are gong to join our energy, doing healing on the group as we did last week (see last weeks group work for process although it is also under healing in THE CIRCLE) to transform the energy of what what into the New Reality of what we choose.

I am going to give you a somewhat esoteric framework for this simply because I think it is useful to have a framework to work with that we all are using as a common guide.

Write down your commitments. It will make it easier for the group healing to “find” them and work on them with you.

Using the Chakra’s, at each Chakra I want you to write down what you are holding there and what you want to use the energy for.

I am going to give you a guide of what we will agree, for the purpose of this exercise, each chakra represents, the color and the location.

Chakra one-red- the base of your spine-your right to exist-you attachment and place in the world and all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra two-orange-your belly-nourishment and sexuality- Your right to be nourished without damage and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra three-yellow-your will- your right to direct your energy for your own good and bring in the energy that helps you meet your goals and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra four-your heart(same location!)-Your right to be loved and give love and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra five-blue-your throat- your right to express yourself in the world and be heard and accepted and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra six-indigo- your forehead-your right to clear sight, intellect and intuition and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Chakra seven-violet-the top of your head-your right to have a clear channel and a safe attachment to  a higher power (as children this would include our experience of parents and people in authority) and  all of your experiences and beliefs around these issues

Make a list of what you are holding in each chakra and are now willing to release to attract something better and what you commit to attracting

for example

chakra one- I release being safe by being separate and I attract a new apartment in a great community

chakra two-I release the hunger from not being nourished and I attract a slim healthy body

chakra three- I release the habit of putting everyone’s needs before my own and I use my will for my goals so that my actions and energy create/draw to me the means to my goals.

and so on.

during the week you can add and edit as intuition gives you more insight

As a group, we will be holding each persons transformation between our hands, as we did in the love exercise and co-creating it with them in the world. Remember, it is so much easier to work on someone else than it is to try to illuminate all of your own blind spots and work on yourself. If we work together each one of us for all of us, we can create dramatic, healing change. Remember to set this group work as a sleep goal as well.

Things happen in their own time. If you review projects we did months ago you may find that they are yielding results only now. This is why it is good to DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT! As someone who wants everything yesterday I know how hard it is to allow life to come together on it’s own time schedule. It is helpful to know how much you have influenced the positive outcomes in your own life which you see by looking at your notes!

I join you in transformation




Posted by Laura Day, September 23, 2010