Space is a precondition for growth. Our Circle joins to let go of what we no longer

need and allow transformation to occur. Where you are holding on to the old you are keeping out the new. We need each others help in the very important element of making space. We once held and tended the very things, people, situations and ideas that we are letting go of now.

At the top of every hour let us join our energy to make space for ourselves and one another for a joyful, peaceful transformation into our New Reality.

We are working on every element of The Circle for 2 weeks as it takes 2 weeks for a new practice to become a habit and for an old habit to be replaced with something new. It is important to keep this in your attention each day for the next 2 weeks as we join our energy to create these transitions as smoothly and joyfully as possible for one another.

You may notice that you use your sleep/dream time to process what you are letting go of and to remove any barriers to using that energy in a new and desired way

The transformation exercise in The Circle in the chapter on Making Space. Embody with your attention on what you are letting go of as well as how you are transforming that energy into the elements you need for your New Reality.

If you are working together as an “in person” group, you may want to do a lot of healing on each other for the next two weeks to help your transformation.

Remember, the other parts of The Circle are still at work! Remember what you are Consciously creating, Embody, do your Rituals and create new ones, notice Synchronicity and now create Space for Transformation. Use your blue Circle book to document your transition into your New Reality.


