This week we do healings on the whole group while doing another

week of last weeks group work which worked so well for many of us/you.

Here is last week’s exercise again and at the end I will put the healing technique to work on yourself and the group as one powerful united force for change.

Our power is in our community! This week

as a single community of energy, we will join together to attract and allow new people into our lives, people who can co-create a New Reality with us.

We all tend to pick people or even shun them based on our patterns and past experience. This week we will consciously allow ourselves to engage in different kinds of interactions and open the door for our lives to be repopulated with wonderful, dynamic people.

At the top of every hour we will join our energy to experience ourselves and one another in a community of creativity, love and energy which suits our New Reality.

When my son was little I used to send out a card every year with a favorite quote “A family is a circle of friends who love you”.

Let us make family.

I join you in re-creating community.




Take a long deep breath and as you do allow yourself to become aware that all reality, the cells of your body, the pattern of all events and relationships, everything is energy.

Following the energy of your breath, embody, become your new reality as you fill your body with energy.

When your body is buzzing with energy place your palms about a foot apart and allow the overflow of energy, the energy of dynamic and desired change, to flow between your hands and be contained there. As you do this, using your intention and allow your senses put the New Reality of everyone in this group, including your own New Reality, between your hands and notice, as you breathe, how these New Realities come into being. Experience yourself being an integral part of the energy of all things as you direct that energy toward positive, desired change for us all.

Do this many times a day and you/we will all live the results

We are all healers. Let us use this ability together to change our lives

Remember to do this before you go to sleep so that your dream state can help you achieve your/our goals

I join you in this weeks work in community


Posted by Laura Day, November 28, 2010