Many of you are finding that as you Make Space in The Circle and your live you are

rediscovering things that you thought were lost forever. I am fortunate that I get to see your e mails (you need to post more comments!) and many of you have reconnected with people from the past, found objects you thought were lost forever or rediscovered an ability or resource. As you make space, what you have that belongs in your New Reality often becomes clear or re-enters your life. Many of you are having vivid dreams, memories or re-living and resolving issues from the past and getting a fresh view on your life.

Making Space is often the hardest part of The Circle as we let go of the old to make room for our New Reality but there can also be some very pleasant surprises!

For those of you who are having a hard time Making Space, use the energy of our unity, especially at the top of every hour, to help quickly transform the old energy to that of your New Reality.

Let us support each other with extra healing this week as we complete the loose ends from the past letting go of what no longer serves us or starting the process which will complete itself over time. Space allows what we truly value to be revealed in our lives.

I join you this week in Making Space.



Review last weeks post for this weeks focus.  We do each exercise for two weeks as it takes two weeks to replace and old habit with a new one. Next week we will be moving forward, carrying less baggage, towards our New Reality.