Inner roadblocks from the past can derail our lives

You are a creature capable of amazing and dramatic positive change and healing. It takes courage to experience what you have hidden from yourself deep in your subconscious and the courage comes from the knowledge that you are not alone and that, in this moment, intuition will give you the tools to take your limitations, judgements, fears and weaknesses and use them to create your desired state of being and a New Reality in your life.


We all have patterns and memories, some stored below our conscious awareness, creating limits in our lives. Our subconscious tells us to keep them hidden as, at one time, this repression was adaptive, it helped our younger selves survive. However what once saved you may now be holding you in an old state of being that is limiting and without all the hope and opportunity that is available to you right now in your life.

For the next few weeks, as a single, powerful energy, a single beating heart, we will join our energy with each person in The Circle and allow our patterns and memories to come to our awareness with clarity and healing, in doses that we can comfortably manage and integrate into our New Reality.

You will find your life and your experience of your life and yourself transforming dramatically with the help of the combined focus and energy of the group. Remember to set your intention before sleep to untangle your inner roadblocks and join your energy with The Circle so that the healing that has been to obscure or challenging for you to create on your own can be empowered by others!


You can now register for the September BOOT CAMP certificate training in intuition and healing in New York City. The information is on the site under BOOT CAMP. Someone already has a hotel space for 3 women for a room share for the week end. I will be sending out a list of people who want to share rooms in August.

I am also looking for a Los Angeles book store to host a free one hour workshop. If you have a local bookshop please let them know!!

Rare salon (on Church Street) and I will be hosting a free event in NYC September 11 so that we can heal together (and our world) on this very significant day. I will be posting all the information soon but save the date. I love seeing you all work together, read each other, heal each other and help our newcomers discover their gifts and their possibilities. I can’t wait to see you all.

I am grateful for your energy and your presence in our Circle.

Please tweet, Face Book and spread the word!

