Harmony and Integrity are the foundations of happiness. For the next few weeks we join

our energy as a single unified field join harmony and the solutions it requires and integrity and the self love and honesty it requires creating our New Reality. Sometimes harmony and integrity are at odds. What we know to be good and true can be at odds with what seems to be the solution for the moment. Working from old patterns and beliefs it is often hard to join who we are with what we have created around us in a useful and joyful way.
As a group we can facilitate each others healing and awareness and galvanize our New Self and New Life in a way that creates our New Reality. Be prepared for unexpected changes and awareness in a way that creates what you hold most sacred and dear.
Let us commit, in our sleep states, to work on each others lives and allow this dynamic transformation to occur.
Our love and commitment to each others New Reality will help us find the vibration to create our own. We are a unified energy and when we work for the common good our own good emerges naturally.
I join you in harmony, joy and integrity.