As a unified field of energy, as we feel ourselves as a single strong beating heart, let us allow that beat to attract all the sources of joy into our lives and radiate joy to others.

As we join our hearts as a unified energy for love and healing we allow our outer world to positively reflect our changes back to us. Remember, everything is “a sign”. What is happening in you is reflected in your life and what is happening in your life is a diagram of your inner world. As a single, unified energy we can overcome our own injuries and weaknesses and use our collective energy for healing of our bodies, minds, relationships and lives.

As we join our hearts as a unified energy for love and healing we allow our outer world to positively reflect our changes back to us. Remember, everything is “a sign”. What is happening in you is reflected in your life and what is happening in your life is a diagram of your inner world. As a single, unified energy we can overcome our own injuries and weaknesses and use our collective energy for healing of our bodies, minds, relationships and lives.Love,Laura

to bring love in all of its forms into our lives.
Everyone has patterns that keep love away or make it less than satisfying. Those patterns begin with the judgements we have been given about ourselves from childhood. These injuries, ideally, become strengths and areas of compassion. In some areas they are the places where we do not allow the abundance of life to give to us. Some of us deny ourselves wealth, health, companionship, creativity, passion. I have met many people whohave it all but are still unable to allow themselves the joy in life.

Now as a single, unified force of energy we will unblock the loving energy flowing from us and towards us, allow our injuries to become strengths and connect from our hearts to one another and the world around us.

As many of you know I love science factoids. The human heart starts out as a tube and as it rapidly outpaces body growth for the first few weeks the heart has to double back over itself for the fetus to accommodate its size.
We begin with the heart and your heart has wisdom where your mind holds confusion.

Whenever you remember during the next few weeks, experience the heart of the group and all of the people you love, have loved and will love as a single, unified force for positive change in all areas of your life. One heart beating surely and creating a New Pulse for your New Reality.

You may want to regularly hold our collective heart between your healing hands in blessing.


Love and more love to you all,

Today, united as a single powerful energy, we release grief and embrace joy. Old patterns that bring strife into our lives are swept away in the powerful pattern of positive forward motions and the combined energy of our group focused on a unified goal. The opportunities and relationships that we have been blind to around us are now presented and accepted with clarity as the old is easily transformed by our collective energy.
Be prepared for miracles and I want to know about them on the blog!!

I am always grateful when Circle members add their own personal journey to our work as a group. I am taking the liberty of sharing this with you
xo Laura
When your whole reality starts to shift at once, and you feel so overwhelmed by
the changes of people, relationships, residence- what are the necessary actions
to take to make sure I heal properly. The shifts don’t really feel like my new
reality. My wish is a romantic relationship. But, I have faith in the circle. I
need community now, and contact.
Any quick words of wisdom?
When I am overwhelmed I do the cures for my type (anxiety) in WELCOME TO YOUR CRISIS. So many times the road to my New Reality feels like a windy one but if you put one foot in front of the other you get there. Also, the chapter on inner roadblocks is very organizing when events seem to be taking you in all directions.
Also, do the blog. Really join your energy with the group. You will see the difference in the events that suddenly seem to go your way and the emergent understanding of how you may be creating work for yourself!!

in service to ourselves and one another!

In the second element of The Circle we EMBODY or inhabit with all of our senses and perceptions our NEW REALITY (our wish come true). Unlike creative visualization or positive thinking we do not create or imagine what our lives would be like if our wish came true and we do not pretend. We set a goal or target of our NEW REALITY and we allow intuition to provide all of our senses with the experience of its truth as well as clarity about the obstacles we face, knowing that intuition can provide the tools to remove them.

“The obstacles are the path” is one of my favorite quotes. Many of you e mail me when you work on your NEW REALITY thinking that you are doing it wrong because challenges arise but the challenges are your surest sign that you are on the right path and resolving the issues that hold you back quickly!

When we commit to uniting our energy to EMBODY we create a dynamic shift in the field of opportunity around us as well as getting needed help in changing the structures within us so that we can accomodate a NEW REALITY and allow it to be created in our life.

You will notice that each time you EMBODY the experience is different as you heal, your life heals and intuition does the important work of creating a map and providing a guide to your desired future.

Allow yourself to be surprised by where intuition leads you. If you hold on to a fixed idea of how your wish should come true you eliminate other effective possibilities.

We all have challenges and we all (myself included) fall and fail again and again. “One foot in front of the other”, a commitment to a goal and the ability to unite with the group energy will see us all through.

Boot Camp for September is posted on the website (I give it once a year), London (in june), Esalen (in July) and the free March workshop in New York at Rare on Church Street will be posted soon and tweeted when I have the links (lauradayintuit@twitter)

I am grateful for your presence in my life and mine in yours

Most of the time we are all over the place, pulled by life and events. Rarely do we focus our energy for any length of time on a single, positive outcome. When we focus our resources, internal and external, emotional, energetic and physical (not to mention metaphysical) in a single direction, miracles occur.

For the next few weeks, as a single united energy, we will commit to one wish, one New Reality and help each other create it in our lives.

I suggest doing the first chapter of THE CIRCLE:HOW THE POWER OF A SINGLE WISH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE and using the workbook to commit to your New Reality.

At the top of every hour consciously join your energy as one with our group and allow your New Reality to occur in your life.

Know that every event is a “sign” and allow the events that occur once you commit to a New Reality to guide your behavior and heal your life.

At night, write down your New Reality on a piece of paper and put it next to you or under your pillow. I like to write it on my water bottle using the ritual that every sip of water I take during the night fills every cell of my being with my New Reality. Know that as you sleep you will be using your intuitive skills to negotiate with others, preview and change events in the future and entertain new routines to change old patterns.


I am grateful always for our Circle.

Please re-tweet, facebook and so on to enlarge our Circle. I will be posting new workshops for 2012 in the next few weeks including, upstate New York, Istambul Turkey, London England and Big Sur California as well as the BOOTCAMP dates for 2012 which will be in September.

joining our Energy in The Circle to create miracles together let us hold our neighbors, near and far, in peace and love.

We have been working hard, cleaning house, setting goals and honing our intuition to find our way. Now, let us join our energy to allow the outside world to bring us opportunity and good fortune.
The answer to every need and wish is in the world around us and the people in it. In joining our energy in The Circle we create a powerful force for change that one of us alone cannot. Sometimes our own “focus” gets in the way as we narrow our vision to where we think our help or answers lie. For the next few weeks as a united force of energy we will simply allow our direction, resolutions and opportunities to happen and we will follow our good fortune as it appears.
In our inner world we will heal our bodies, psyches and relationships as we prepare ourselves each day to meet pieces of our best possible destiny.
In our nights journey our intuition is free to roam, make contact with others and find new spaces and places for ourselves in the world . As we sleep we will unite our energy to preview our wonderful new life that is being created in every moment in a way that enables us to meet it more fully.

I have been doing a healing, 20 minutes of every day on our group, connecting with each of you and joining our healing as one, experiencing you in your New Reality. You are a wonderful Circle of people and I am honored to be part of you.

I join you in allowing our good fortune to find us.

Please re-tweet, facebook and so on. I appreciate your participation in spreading the word and your comments on the blog. I will be posting new workshops after the New Year.

I send you all (and your families and loved ones) love and healing and receive yours with the deepest of gratitude

our energy as a single unified field join harmony and the solutions it requires and integrity and the self love and honesty it requires creating our New Reality. Sometimes harmony and integrity are at odds. What we know to be good and true can be at odds with what seems to be the solution for the moment. Working from old patterns and beliefs it is often hard to join who we are with what we have created around us in a useful and joyful way.
As a group we can facilitate each others healing and awareness and galvanize our New Self and New Life in a way that creates our New Reality. Be prepared for unexpected changes and awareness in a way that creates what you hold most sacred and dear.
Let us commit, in our sleep states, to work on each others lives and allow this dynamic transformation to occur.
Our love and commitment to each others New Reality will help us find the vibration to create our own. We are a unified energy and when we work for the common good our own good emerges naturally.
I join you in harmony, joy and integrity.

You are sacred. The reason we can work as a unified field is that each of us is connected to everyone and everything. When you grow you grow for us all and your struggles, no matter how futile they may seem to you, are significant and their resolution heal us all.

Now we join energy to acknowledge the sacredness in our lives and bring our support and blessings to the forefront of our attention. In doing this we free ourselves for growth and we allow the support of the universe and every person in it!

I join you in sharing our blessings

Please re-tweet, facebook and so on
I look forward to seeing you all at Rare on November 15th!

be drawn into our lives to create our New Reality.
Alone we get caught in old patterns of attraction and rejection, our history often providing an unhealthy filter for our ability to attract energy that is appropriate for our lives now.
As a single, unified energy in THE CIRCLE we join our intention to change this dynamic in a way that habit does not allow us to change on our own.
Remember to do your sleep work tonight, going into the sleep state ready to use your HOW TO RULE THE WORLD FROM YOUR COUCH skills to negotiate, integrate, investigate and use unity to create dynamic, positive change in your life and health.