The Sixth Sense: Do You Have the Gift?
This video clip from ABC’s 20/20 features Laura Day and her intuitive abilities.
The Huffington Post
In this article Laura Day discusses how her new book How To Rule The World From Your Couch helps to demystify intuition and make it practical and applicable to
The Geographical: How Short Breaks Can Have Long-Term Gains
Originally published by Laura Day at The Huffington Post, July 14, 2010. I was the singing praises about my current Geographical to a couch full of lovely, tann
Good Morning America
In this interview Diane Sawyer asks Laura Day about how she helps people and business with understanding and tapping into their intuition. Lessons she further e
Oprah: The-Power-of-Your-Intuition
In this article, Laura Day explains how your intuition will help you become more powerfully connected to your life. Read Article
ABC News
In this clip Laura Day gives clear cut exercises that you can do today to attract your soul mate or simply improve the existing relationships in your life. View
Newsweek – Business: The $10,000-a-Month Psychic
This article discusses the business context in which Laura Day has used her intuitive skills and how the current economic climate is spawning a new cadre of cor
New Rules for Love Over 50
Originally published by Laura Day at The Huffington Post, August 13, 2010. I met a man the other night who described his life as complicated. I found the statem