In this video, Laura Day explains creating your New Reality requires discipline. It is an excerpt from Laura’s free monthly Barnes & Noble workshop in New York City.
In this video, Laura Day explains the reasons what is at play when you are not experiencing what you want to experience. It is an excerpt from Laura’s free monthly […]
In this interview Diane Sawyer asks Laura Day about how she helps people and business with understanding and tapping into their intuition. Lessons she further explains in her new book […]
In this article, Laura Day explains how your intuition will help you become more powerfully connected to your life.
In this clip Laura Day gives clear cut exercises that you can do today to attract your soul mate or simply improve the existing relationships in your life. View Now […]
This article discusses the business context in which Laura Day has used her intuitive skills and how the current economic climate is spawning a new cadre of corporate psychic consultants.
Originally published by Laura Day at The Huffington Post, August 13, 2010. I met a man the other night who described his life as complicated. I found the statement odd […]
In this clip Laura Day goes head-to-head with a skeptical interviewer and shows that intuition is something that is verifiable and used by successful mainstream people every day.
In this article Laura Day demystifies intuition as a skill that successful people in every field of endeavor use to make quick, correct decisions.
Laura Day and How To Rule The World From Your Couch are featured in Glamour Magazine.
Laura Day and How To Rule The World From Your Couch are featured in People Magazine.