A single focus or wish can change your life
Most of the time we are all over the place, pulled by life and events. Rarely do we focus our energy for any length of time on a single, positive outcome. When we focus our resources, internal and external, emotional, energetic and physical (not to mention metaphysical) in a single direction, miracles occur.
For the next few weeks, as a single united energy, we will commit to one wish, one New Reality and help each other create it in our lives.
I suggest doing the first chapter of THE CIRCLE:HOW THE POWER OF A SINGLE WISH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE and using the workbook to commit to your New Reality.
At the top of every hour consciously join your energy as one with our group and allow your New Reality to occur in your life.
Know that every event is a “sign” and allow the events that occur once you commit to a New Reality to guide your behavior and heal your life.
At night, write down your New Reality on a piece of paper and put it next to you or under your pillow. I like to write it on my water bottle using the ritual that every sip of water I take during the night fills every cell of my being with my New Reality. Know that as you sleep you will be using your intuitive skills to negotiate with others, preview and change events in the future and entertain new routines to change old patterns.
I am grateful always for our Circle.
Please re-tweet, facebook and so on to enlarge our Circle. I will be posting new workshops for 2012 in the next few weeks including, upstate New York, Istambul Turkey, London England and Big Sur California as well as the BOOTCAMP dates for 2012 which will be in September.