Starting on January 1 The Circle will be our

group exercise, starting with the first chapter. Please have either a new copy of the blue Circle book at the ready or, if you have an old copy, buy a notebook to work with the group and to document your responses.

Those of you who can, you may want to schedule a physical group of people you join with weekly to work on each Circle assignment.

As a group, we will make this work transform every aspect of our lives.

I am grateful, as always, to be part of our Circle.



Posted by Laura Day, December 19, 2010

22 replies
  1. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Dear Laura, I love it! I´ll join with my English Circle book. If you find the time to arrive in the Marche just send an email! A wonderful Christmas time for all of you!
    Laura invita:
    “Iniziando il 1 gennaio il libro The Circle sarà il nostro esercizio nel gruppo, iniziando con il primo capitolo. Potete utilizzare o il nuovo libro blu oppure quello piú vecchio insieme a un blocco notes o diario per lavorare insieme al gruppo e per documentare le tue risposte.
    Per chi é possibile, potrebbe organizzarsi insieme a un gruppo materiale insieme ad altre persone con i quali ti incontri ogni settimana per lavorare insieme con ogni esercizio di The Circle.
    Come gruppo andremo a trasformare tramite questo lavoro ogni aspetto delle nostre vite.
    Sono grata, come sempre, di far parte del nostro Cerchio.
    Con amore,

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      The Circle is available as audio however the blue softcover has a workbook in it. When I finish a New Reality I start a new “blue book” and this way I have a record of my life, readings, healings, changes and so on.

      • Eugénia
        Eugénia says:

        thank you so much I think I shall have to buy the circle for now, since they do not seem to distribute the blue version outside the usa. Tell me if I’m wrong. (By the way,thank you again fo being there for me,and for letting me in the circle! All my love to all!)

  2. Teresa O.
    Teresa O. says:


    A partir del 01 de enero El círculo será nuestro

    ejercicio de grupo, empezando por el primer capítulo. Por favor ten una copia nueva de el libro azul El Círculo, listo o, si ya tienes la edicion anterior, compra un cuaderno para trabajar con el grupo y para documentar tus respuestas.

    Para aquellos de ustedes que puedan y quieran programar un grupo físico de personas con las que se reunan a semana para trabajar en cada tarea de El Círculo.

    Como grupo, haremos que este trabajo transforme cada aspecto de nuestras vidas.

    Como siempre estoy muy agradecida, de ser parte de nuestro Círculo.

    Con amor,


  3. JCM
    JCM says:

    I bought my blue Circle book a few weeks ago but couldn’t get started by myself. Thank you for planning this as a group exercise for the new year. BTW…we had a drawing at work today for a new Kindle. As we waited for the winner to be drawn, I kept sending telepathic messages to the collection of business cards, then to the person drawing the name. Guess who won?? =)

    • JCM
      JCM says:

      I shared your article on with some close friends of mine ( I want to be more authentic and let people know I am working on developing my intuitive skills. But living in the bible belt, a lot of my Christian friends don’t understand how faith and intuition work together. Neither friend has responded to me. I feel like they are disappointed in me somehow. I want to have a physically close circle group of people who know and love me, but I don’t think I can find anyone.

      • Laura Day
        Laura Day says:

        Keep trying. I know many Christians who use their intuition to offer healing, help and solace to the world. There is a long tradition of healing in the Christian church. I spent my summers in the bible belt and I understand how hard it is to translate use intuition as a tool when others see it as a belief. Keep trying. You will find your group. You could perhaps start with the healing section in The Circle and use it as a prayer circle (please include my family in your prayers). You are brave to try and I join my healing and prayer with yours to bring you to a Circle of people who can work with you and have the good fortune to have you among them.

  4. Donna Johnson
    Donna Johnson says:

    This is so exciting and I can’t wait!! My book is already and I got a new notebook as well. Sending love and energy to everyone!! Happy holidays to you all!! Love DJ xoxo

  5. Lucia
    Lucia says:

    Just got my book! Can’t wait to get started. You suggest meeting physically with others, which I’d love to as I find it helps me with my ability and confidence. Could you give a few tips for organizing a physical group, ie, what kind of location would be best, itinerary, number of people, etc? I haven’t organized a group for this before, but sure could be fun and effective way to learn. I’m so grateful to have found you, 🙂

  6. Kimbery
    Kimbery says:

    I am so excited that you are starting the year off with The Circle as our group exercise!
    Bring on 2011~ I am looking forward to all the many changes. 🙂
    I am SO happy I found you. You are quite an inspiration to me!

  7. Louise G
    Louise G says:

    thank you for this! I just discovered you were doing The Circle after pulling out my book — which I’d bought much earlier last year and let go….

    How serendipity.

    A girlfriend and I are using the book and circle to create our ideal lives — and today, I started to do the exercises. I’m excited to know I can do it as part of ‘the group’. Thank you!

    And a wonderful New Year!

  8. Cate
    Cate says:

    Hello Laura. I am new to your teachings and very excited to begin 2011 as a new student. Can you advise me if wanting to reconnect with an ex boyfriend is a worthy new reality efforts? Thank you.


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