Success Stories


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not

Years of Training

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not

“Hi Laura – Thank you for helping me create my New Reality. This past Friday, I received an amazing job offer. I’m really excited about this position. I want to share with you that when I went back and reviewed my Conscious Creation, it was 95% accurate about this new job. Also, when I finally let go of what was no longer serving me in the present, I started getting interviews. Thank you for educating me on being more powerful than what I give myself credit for.”



“Thank you so much for the beautiful gift of The Circle. I would like to share my success story using The Circle. I suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome, which makes it difficult to conceive. My husband and I struggled with infertility. During this time, I was on a downward spiral and could barely cope with life, such was my obsession with getting pregnant. I then happened to find The Circle. Amazingly, I was watching an episode of Friends, and Monica (Courtney Cox) was sat in the coffee shop holding a book during one of the dialogues. I looked at the book and it was titled Practical Intuition in Love, so I looked up the book and that’s when I came to know of Laura Day. The only book my local bookstore carried of yours was The Circle, so I went with that. The excitement and hope that I found in reading your book was unparalleled by anything I had ever felt. My focus changed from thoughts of not being able to get pregnant to trusting my body’s ability to bear a child. I went out and bought two baby books that I created a ritual of each night reading to my baby. Each morning, I took a prenatal pill in anticipation of my pregnancy, and I would imagine the pill dissolving into my bloodstream and preparing my body for growing a child. I went out and bought a copy of the book What to Expect When You Are Expecting — after all, I needed to know what was going to happen and what to do when I was pregnant. Inside the cover of the book, I wrote the date, April 29th, 2008. I had decided this was the day I was going to give birth. (It was June 2007 at this time). My entire being changed focus from not having a child to what life would be when the child did arrive. I practiced my meditation each night. I had planned to start fertility medication September 2007. My prescription was already filled. However, on August 18th I got a positive pregnancy result. My beautiful healthy son was born on April 24, 2008. He is the joy of our life and I cannot thank you enough for helping me learn how to create this reality for myself.”



“My house was on the market since August 2016, and two contracts fell through. The economy was at the worst it had been since 2008. In your April 1, 2020 Zoom, my goal was to sell the house within three months for X. It went under contract on April 26, 2020 for X+15. It closed today and I no longer own it.”



“The day after the Circle (May 8th) I received an interview request at a national spa company. A week later I was offered the General Manager position. I recently went through a very challenging time. My life has had an amazing, positive change since I have been joining in the Circle sessions. The Circle is so powerful. Thank you, Laura, and all!”



“Since I’ve been hanging out with you and your amazing group of healers for your last two sessions on Zoom, my required daily insulin dose has dropped from 16 units to 13 units, a reduction of almost 20 percent.”



“I want to let you know that I had very idiosyncratic evidence that showed me that the healing of my target was absolutely successful today! It came to me before the gathering was even finished!”



“A group of ladies met for lunch in N.Y. at the new Aureole restaurant. Let me give you a hint of how the day progressed; give Laura Day a martini — she is a lightweight when it comes to liquor — and table talk turns from what we know to what she ‘sees.’ Early evening glided in, and few of us remained. We moved to the bar, shifting space as elegant, resilient and emboldened remnants from our boisterous and engaging ladies’ lunch that afternoon. Involved women who simply hadn’t had enough of each other’s humor, experience, or advice; continuing the celebration until the restaurant had to set up for dinner. As we were thinking about leaving, the talk turned to Europe, a place we all had strong family and emotional roots. I mentioned that I was heavily invested in the euro and Laura said, ‘I would go home and sell that right now.’ Sure enough, 36 hours later, the euro went down sharply. I however, no longer owned any. The moral of this story: Give Laura Day a cocktail and what gems are revealed may save you a bundle.”



“Thank you so much. Your books are helping me so much. 2009 has been an extremely challenging year of major changes in my life, things that I never thought would happen to me, and indeed they did. I read Practical Intuition in July 09. I was very careful to do all my exercises diligently. I loved it. Then I read Welcome to Your Crisis just recently in September, right after I found out certain facts that hurt me deeply, and reading your book was so timely to pull myself out of my crisis. I have to admit I am not completely out; I still have some ways to go. Now, I am almost done with The Circle, an incredibly inspirational book, soothing my hearth and my soul just when I needed that so badly. So, a big and a huge thank you from the bottom of my heart.”



“I am writing to you to say thank you. You don’t know me, my situation, my sister, or why the heck a complete stranger is saying thank you. Let me explain. My sister was diagnosed six weeks ago with a rare stomach cancer. The cancer is quick-spreading, aggressive, and, for most, terminal. She is 43, mother of two beautiful children, an amazing and loving wife, the best sister and friend anyone could ask for, and my hero. When she found out, she was devastated, as anyone who knew her was. She was for the first time not seeing that there was a future. She had accepted the end, and, true to form, began to make the arrangements that needed to be made to ensure the lives of her family would run smoothly without her. I begged her to not give up. One day she called, and she was a new person. Hope, fight, determination, and a strength that I had not heard for a long time. She told me she saw a woman on TV, Laura Day, and she read a book she spoke of. She said that it changed her whole perspective and realized now she has a chance. She has a good chance, and she is going to fight with everything she has got. I don’t know what this will mean to you, but it means the world to me. They say you never know what will give you strength. You did that day. So, with that, I say thank you from everyone who knows and loves my sister.”



“I just wanted to thank you sooo much for that workshop. I have been really struggling through a difficult year (divorce, sister fighting cancer, suicide of a friend), but signing up for your workshop was the first thing I’ve done in ages that was just for me, and I’m so glad I did! There were so many things that resonated with me. Almost immediately after the weekend, I noticed that I suddenly seemed to understand why people do the things they do. It’s like I’ve always had the wisdom and knowledge inside me, I just didn’t know how to isolate it from all that other ‘mind noise’ so I could hear it clearly. Now I feel so much more at peace and not so sideswiped or perplexed by other people’s actions. And I’m already using it in my job — I can walk into a meeting and “get” people’s motivations right away; I just “know” what’s going on with them, and I don’t second-guess myself anymore. I’m hoping to make it to NY in February because I really want to learn more!”



“A great use of healing! – You know I freaked out my boss today too cuz he was yelling at me, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and when I released it, I let go of all his negative energy and opened my eyes smiling at him. He changed his tone real quick, then asked if I was ok, and I said, ‘Yes, I just don’t like negative energy in my life,’ and he thought that was really cool. Well, you have a great night!!”



“I am writing to you now to tell you about the extraordinary experience I had today. I was meditating this morning, and, feeling very present and grounded in my own skin, I decided to go into work early and use the gym there. I did everything as usual but was thinking about The Circle and how my focus could be changed by it. as I had read an Anytime exercise the night before and was still digesting it. I got into the car and focused on being present in my body and aware of the cars and what they were doing. I merged onto the highway on-ramp as I usually do. All of a sudden, the car in front of me came to a complete stop! On an on-ramp, and for no reason! Luckily, I was present, and slammed on my brakes and tried to swerve so I didn’t hit them. The whole time I was thinking, ‘I want to live,’ and I was just in The Circle and had a brief thought of, ‘Please let everyone be o.k. and not hurt!!!!PLEASE!!!!’ What would have been a ten-car pile-up on a major highway turned into me having major front-end damage and literally bouncing off the car in front of me. The undercover police officer ahead actually came to see if I was o.k. and was shocked at the lack of damage on the car in front of me. All the ten cars behind us were able to swerve out of the way. Many lives were saved today. It really was a miracle that the trooper cited the woman in front of me for ‘reckless driving,’ but no one was hurt. Miraculously, I was the only one hurt, but grateful everyone else was not. I tried to post on The Circle to thank them but do not know if they will read it. Please let them know that it does work! We can change lives.”



“Crystal’s Sleep Problems: I met Crystal at work. I started this job in September of 2009. I’m pretty shy in unfamiliar surroundings. Crystal reminded me of my cousin Crystal, and I felt compelled to talk with her from time to time. One day I noticed Crystal’s forehead was wrinkled, and she looked tired. I asked her if anything was wrong. She explained she had a migraine and trouble sleeping. I thought it was the trouble sleeping that caused the migraine, so I started asking her about her sleep patterns. I saw myself struggling to sleep when I was younger, and I knew that she kept herself too busy to think about anything, and it would all come at her when she lay down to sleep. I told her of ways to breathe and relax her mind to sleep better. She tried this, and it worked most of the time. So, most of the time when I would see her, I would see her smiling. In December I stumbled across Practical Intuition at a used book store. Something told me to buy it. I started reading it in January or February and by March I found myself trying to race through How to Rule the World from Your Couch because I had registered for the March workshop. The day of the workshop I read the Facebook post, something about how there would be no registrations at the door. My registration wasn’t complete; would I be able to attend? Maybe I should save myself a lot of trouble and just stay home. I looked in the mirror and said, ‘I hope you know I ironed for this! And I don’t iron!’ I heard: ‘You should just come anyway.’ I thought, ‘Fine… I’m on my way, but I hope there’s a restaurant there because I haven’t eaten.’ I heard, ‘Why come so early?’ I explained in my head that I wanted to leave time in case I got turned around. I would be more relaxed, make sure registration is taken care of, eat and read some. When I got to the hotel, I was surprised that they told me where the room was and I was told to go right in, two hours early. The lady said, ‘Laura said to send people in if they showed up early.’ I finished the last exercise on healing in Couch after breakfast. After the workshop I was back to work. I saw Crystal again, and she again was having problems sleeping. She told me that she had been given prescription sleeping pills from someone she knew. I didn’t like the idea. I told her, ‘I’m going to do something for you tonight.’ That night I did focused healing to help her sleep. I saw her the next day and she said she couldn’t sleep at all last night. She felt really calm and peaceful, but she couldn’t sleep at all. I thought, ‘Well, that didn’t work!’ Two weeks later we were working on the same project when she asked me, ‘Now tell me the truth…. Have you ever done anything to me?’ I said, ‘Well, yes.’ Crystal: ‘I knew it!’ Me: ‘But it didn’t work.’ Crystal: ‘Yes it did! It made me calm and peaceful. I felt so good. I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking… how’d she do that?’ I sent healing that night. The next day she told me how well she slept, her sons too. She explained how odd it is for them to go to sleep so early and sleep so well. For the next few weeks, she pointed out from time to time how well she had slept the previous night. I would give her a shrug and say ‘It wasn’t me!’ We would smile and go on working. Then one day Crystal told me that her cousin Anna stopped by with a care basket for her. In it were prescription sleeping pills, flower tea among other things. Crystal thanked Anna and said, ‘I will try some tea, but I won’t need the rest.’ That Anna should keep it for herself. Anna also suffers from insomnia. Anna, very surprised, asked her why she didn’t need the pills. How did she do it? Crystal said, ‘I have a friend who taught me to sleep. Now I sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, nice and sound.’ Anna says, ‘Have your friend teach me!’ I found myself one morning, in the shower, thinking about the whole story. Ah-ha! I understand the reason Crystal kept sleeping so well after I sent the last healing. The first time she resisted it to a point. The second time she totally accepted it but said it felt different from the first time. The first was much calmer and nicer. See, I didn’t understand why she continued to ask me if I’d done anything more when I had not. I feel kind of silly…. Why didn’t I see it before?! I sent healing. If a wound is healed, it doesn’t need more healing. There can be a new wound in the future, there can be a re-injury, but now there isn’t a wound…. Therefore, her sleep is healed and she can sleep like a baby without having healing sent all the time, like she thought I was doing.”




“Success story: in your November 2018 workshop my NR was to be a writer. (I only had a few small clips then.) This all happened soon after!!!!”

Essays In The Wall Street Journal, NY Daily News, The New York Times, The Independent, The Los Angeles Times, HuffPost, NY Daily News.


“As I posted on Instagram, the energy I focused on *****manifested today! She opened her eyes for the first time since her brain injury one month ago!”



“Before Laura’s workshop in July 2009, I had a real hard time meeting “the one.” I was social, outgoing, and frequently set up by friends. However, nothing worked for me. I thought that I would be single forever. While attending Laura’s workshop of July 2007, I applied what she taught in her workshop and in her book The Circle – and made the wish of “marrying a man whom I totally love and adore.” I immediately felt a difference about my energy level by the end of the workshop. I continued to practice “The Circle” after the workshop, and four months late, I met the man of my dreams and was completely swept off my feet! We got engaged eight months after we met, and we got married four months after we were engaged. He has everything that I was looking for – he is not only tall, kind, attractive, successful but he also totally gets me and is totally in love with me! Our one-year anniversary is coming up this September, and I cannot thank Laura enough for her guidance. She is the real deal, and she is truly magical!”



“Within a few minutes of meeting me, Laura described my business venture with laser accuracy – she immediately got that I have two offices in Shanghai. She said that one office is located in a “newly developed area” with a lot of “greenery” and another one is affiliated with a hospital. That was 100% correct – I have an office in Pudong, which is a newly developed community, and my office is located next to a football field. I am also working within a hospital in Hongqiao. I am truly amazed by her abilities. She is highly intuitive and a joy to talk to. I really enjoyed her workshop and would recommend anyone who wants to enhance their intuitive abilities to enroll.”



“Thank you for helping me! Whenever I get stalled, I’ll open up Welcome to Your Crisis to gain perspective. I do the anxiety meditation online nearly daily, because immediately afterwards it generates positive change in my life, I’ll usually get a phone call from someone or think of a different way around a problem, and it keeps my house clean.”



“Here is an example of one of your lessons about telepathy in action. Your Lesson: If one of your family members went out shopping for you, and you forgot to tell them to get some milk, send them a positive image of purchasing milk at the store. What Happened: I was in Las Vegas with a friend, and he lost his cell phone in one of two places. He went off to a casino down the street to look for it while I went to look for it at a food court. I found the cell phone at the food court and then waited for him come back. I had a feeling when he did not find the phone at the casino, he would then trudge through the other casinos we had been to that night. It was late and I did not want to wait for him that long. I sent him a feeling of happiness and elation that his cell phone was found. When he came back, I told him I sent him a vibe and I wanted to know if he noticed anything. He said he decided to look in some more casinos when he did not find his phone at the first casino, but then happy thoughts filled his head. He remembered some good times he had with me when we were in high school, and the memories were so good, he felt he should come back and see if I had found his phone. Thanks for the great lesson!”



“Laura, I am new to your teachings. I have had your book Welcome to Your Crisis for years now and have finally pulled it out and started studying. You see, I lost my job two days ago. It’s the eighth (yes, eighth) job I have lost in less than three years. All in the same field. Either by my own hand or some lay-off situation. I wanted to kill myself this last time because I thought I had finally found “the” job. It is obvious I am in the wrong career field (was bored all the time) and am petrified of how to begin anew. I have a son ready to leave for college and no savings and no other family. I am clinging to your teachings as well as the support of my boyfriend right now to start again and be the woman I want to be, independent, involved, and successful. I want to own my own business. I’m not sure how to do that with no funding yet. I’m not very knowledgeable on these things. But I am determined and will not let “old tapes” and depression get in the way this time. Any advice or help in guidance from you and your followers would be welcomed and appreciated. I am REALLY going to work at breaking the chains of my past and, at 46, do what I can to start living!”



“Strength and Intuition equal success. I have a success story, and I owe it all to you and your wonderful books. Six weeks ago, when my husband of 16 years left me, I was so devastated. My best friend left at the same time, so I felt so alone and thought I had hit rock bottom and would never be able to recover. Then I discovered your book “Welcome to Your Crisis,” and I followed it through to the end a few times. Well, I have come back stronger than ever, and my family and friends can’t believe how great I’m doing, as I have never been on my own. I trust myself now and have the confidence to do whatever needs to be done to ensure my 14-year-old son and I get what we need and can begin our new life. Then it gets even better as I started your book The Circle, and I have blossomed in every aspect of my life. I don’t remember ever being this happy and confident in my life as I am today. I use a lot of techniques from The Circle throughout every day and feel great. Although I have brought out so many bad memories from my past, I am able to work through them with ease. Thank you for introducing me to myself and bettering my life by your loving and caring ways. I know I will only keep on thriving every day, as I can really feel you as well as The Circle working with me. Thanks again for sharing your life experiences with the world so we can all have a better place to live. I am working with my friend also, and she and I can sense when the other needs something, and we always call at that time. If you ever come to Spokane, I would love to meet you and thank you in person or maybe I’ll make it to NY sometime.”



“Great News! – I just have to share with you that my success is growing even more since I started working with you and the group. Today I got my review for being manager and I got a 25% increase in my wages. I’m so excited as I only have a high school diploma and I make a great wage and I started from the ground and moved up. Now I know, no matter what, my son and I will be great, as I just increased my monthly salary by $1300. I know I have worked very hard to get where I am today, but I couldn’t have done it without all of you, as my life just keeps getting better and better every day. Thanks and love to all.”



“You can all do this! – I have hosted Laura Day for over ten years at both Barnes & Noble, Astor Place and now Barnes & Noble, Tribeca. I have witnessed quite a few of Laura’s “readings,” and many of them wind up being so accurate that audience members literally burst into tears. Now it was my turn. I was on vacation at my parents’ house in Cape Cod when my crazy cat Ronin got trapped in between the glass and the screen of our downstairs bathroom window. In trying to free the cat, the screen broke, and my cat — and the screen – went falling fifteen feet to the ground below. It was 11:00 PM and pitch black. My cat is an indoor cat and was not wearing a name tag. I was frantic. My family and I looked for the cat literally all night—with no luck. I made up a Missing flyer and called Animal Control. Late in the afternoon of the next day, I called Laura. To say the least, I was upset. Laura immediately “saw” a wooden shed, like a toolshed, and she thought Ronin was hanging out there. I told her that I was standing right next door to our outdoor shower. Laura wasn’t sure if she was just seeing where I was standing. She predicted that I would find the cat and that the cat was not dead. Not only that, she asked me if the shed was to the left when facing my house and was the water in the back (all accurate!). I called my cat and thought I heard a meow but I was so tired I wasn’t sure. I waited a while but there was no sign of Ronin—so I walked down the street. Laura had told me that Ronin had not crossed the street, and if he was not near the outdoor shower, he would be no more than five houses down. I was outside the fifth house on the street when my friend Gina (who had also been involved in the search) called me and said that Ronin was on my house’s back steps. And, yes, the back steps are right next to the outdoor shower where Laura predicted he would be. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Ronin is now back home and safe. And I have Laura Day to thank for it!”



“The Circle in action! – A one woman show that I have been writing for many, many years came into real-world existence when Laura Day, who I had just met, did a ritual in her hotel room in West Hollywood on my birthday, November 25th 2009. My daughter had met Laura the week before in New York, and when Laura said she was coming to Los Angeles for a couple of days and that maybe they could meet, and my daughter said ‘Oh, I can’t on Wednesday, it’s my mom’s birthday,’ and Laura said, “Oh, let’s do a ritual for her,” and my daughter said ok. They went and bought some things for it. I was surprised and excited by the invitation, but I didn’t know what to expect. Laura and my daughter and I created a small Circle that contained my desire and wish to make a show of my monologues. I didn’t know what would come of it, but I liked Laura and her son so very much right away that I was just glad to spend time with them. Before that I had tried many things, but they did not go anywhere. That is not to say I did not learn from all the classes I took and people that I asked to help me before the work in November of 2009. But still I had trouble telling people about it. I felt blocked and crippled. I felt a kind of shame that I couldn’t figure out how to get this work out into the world. – CIRCLE – When I was a child one of my favorite poems was the one that goes: “He drew a circle that shut me out/ Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout,/ but love and I had the wit to win/ we drew a circle that took him in.” There was a prior experience of The Circle that started things rolling before meeting Laura. And that was The Circle that we do in my acting class on Monday nights at Warner Loughlin Studio. We do a guided meditation in a circle and then visualize what we want and also help the person next to us by visualizing for them. I feel this circle is a part of The Circle that Laura did with me. After the ritual Laura told me to write a business plan, and I did and I sent it to her. And I started to be able to put my show in a context, I put in a place — the canals of Venice, California — and a time — early 1970’s—and I started to be able to connect the characters together. It was exciting. I felt that I had broken through a wall that had existed a long time. I would get up every morning and sit in my meditation before my yoga and put myself in The Circle again with Laura and my show. I thought of it every day, and it started to have a feeling of fluidity. One night I was out to dinner with friends and someone asked me what I was doing, and I suddenly said, “Oh, I am doing a show with these monologues that I have written.” The couple, Tom and Celeste, were enthusiastic, and I told them about it and as I did, I felt this wonderful strength. On the way home I was so elated to have shared with other people what I was doing and to have them respond in such a positive way. When Laura did the ritual with me, she said, “I think you should do it in an art gallery – it should be connected with the arts.” And then she also said that I needed to work on the business aspect, the organizational aspect, that the creative work would be ‘fine.’ That changed my thinking and it gave me a lot of confidence. It was as if I had the confidence buried within me about my creative work, but I needed someone to say that to me, so the confidence could emerge and be useful. Sometime at the end of February I was frustrated. I have several close friends, and they are all very successful in their work. I didn’t understand why none of them asked me about my monologues or my show, even though I had told them about it and said I wanted to share more information about it with them. One Friday one of these women friends called up, and I told her I was a little angry that she never asked about my work when I always asked about her work. She was apologetic, and that encouraged me to talk to another friend; this was my friend Astrid, a wonderful painter, and when I told her I needed her to ask me about my show and writing, she said, “Oh, of course, what do you need?” And I said, “I need a place to do it; I need a director, a producer.” We talked a few more minutes and hung up. Two hours later she called and said, “I have a place for you. I just had lunch with a friend, Anne T., who is head of Women in the Arts at the Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club. And she said you can do your show there and be their Artist in Residence. I was stunned. It was to do with the arts, it was a place to do my work, it was real help. I was being taken very seriously. The following Monday I went to the beautiful building in Santa Monica and met Anne, who was lovely. She showed Astrid and me around. There were two spaces, one an auditorium which felt too big and formal and then another beautiful space where they have dance classes and art shows and intimate performances. I loved it, and once again it so resonated with me; there were art shows there and the two women – Astrid and Anne — are visual artists. All a part of Laura’s intuitions. Then it all fell into place; I met with the committee of the club and got a small committee made up of a solo performer and teacher and an artist/art historian and Anne T. to help me structure and organize the show. All along the way, my husband had encouraged me, but with this new energy and real-world connection, he became even more involved and helpful. Warner Loughlin, my friend and acting coach has been a part of my process all along and continued to be a supportive integral part of the creative process of developing the characters and connections between them. Chris Anthony, another friend and a brilliant photographer, went with me to the canals and took great evocative photographs. My manager, Sarah Jackson, had always been an enthusiastic listener about my project and agreed to produce the show. Out of the blue, an old friend and amazing director, Davida Wills-Hurwin ,called me and we had coffee and she spontaneously asked me to write something with her, and I agreed and we started having a great time writing a story together. Then my daughter, who was the third person in The Circle with Laura, said “Davida would be a great director for you,” which echoed what I had been thinking. I asked her and she said yes. The other part of working with women in the arts and the Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club was doing something to connect to other charitable groups in the community. Davida, my director, teaches at Crossroads School, where my children went to school, and we were able to come up with a program to take a few high school students to train as volunteers to work at 826, a program that helps kids after school do their homework and write. I would then train them in teaching creative dramatics and we would do a few workshops at 826 with the students from Crossroads working with kids at 826 as a pilot program.”
