Today we make a wish and create a conscious intention for our New Year.

We will be working on each element of The Circle and joining forces to create our New Reality. When we focus on a single element together we multiply our power exponentially. We are a community full of energy and resources. Let us work together to create change.

This whole week we will be working with chapter one of The Circle and posing different realities to ourselves, noticing what we are hungry for and what we dearly value in our lives and we are going to create the burst of energy that a single, conscious wish creates.


All week, all the time, and as a group, a single energy we will consciously commit to joining and creating for ourselves and one another. Use your healing to hold the entire group as a dynamic and powerful seed of change between your hands allowing it to transform to create each persons New Reality as they create for you.

We are always working together subconsciously as we commit and recommit to this group each week. However, the conscious act of committing all resources to the creation of a single group goal in its individual parts is more powerful than we could ever perceive. We can see the power in the dynamic changes in ourselves and in our lives as a result of this intentional act.

The Circle is not magic. It is the dynamic science of being human. When you commit to a goal you also commit to dealing with all of the obstacles between you and that goal! However, you are not alone. You have this community of healers to help you move mountains and build dreams on even ground!

It is not hard to pick a single wish when you realize that this wish is a doorway through which the rest of you life will enter. This whole week you can try on wishes and find the one that feels right to you although most of you already know what that is

Add your questions and observations this week on this site. Do the first element in The Circle Workbook or begin a fresh journal with The Circle if you do not have the edition with the workbook to work and rework your wish, your New Reality until it feels like something that you can fully commit to.

I join you this week in Conscious Creation and I thank you for being a part of creating my New Reality with me as I create yours with you!

Let us join our energy to bring more people into this Circle in 2011 especially those lost or in need of community.





January 1, 2011 (WOW)

Posted by Laura Day, January 1, 2011

42 replies
  1. Eugénia
    Eugénia says:

    Thank you so much everyone! You especially Laura! Let us keep our loving and creating energy together! Finding it was my dearest Christmas Present, this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am most grateful, faithful, happy than I thought I could ever be!I am moving on with my financial independence now!That is what I feel deeply as my priority! Very deplly in my heart. (Sometime ago, my prescious voice told me,very quietly as ususal: “Each thought, each little tiny thing is as important as everything else!!!!!!!!!!” And I know exactely what it meant…)
    Love everyone! I’m in! In for life! In for myself In for us all in the circle,In for my family. In for doing it all with love, naturallity and simplicity!Are we ready? Get set! Let’s GOooooooo!Happy 2011 for us all!

  2. Laura Day
    Laura Day says:

    Do not allow your New Reality, when you state it, think it, embody it, to lose its detail and “juice”. No chanting it! Each time you choose a New Reality, Change it or simply re-choose it, the attention to it being fully dynamic and alive must be present. That means that it will shift and change as when you are not working on it
    WE ARE!
    If you are simply “holding it” if it is your new “affirmation” and it stays the same, nothing is happening.
    Today, choose, change, choose, change and let us all join our energy to create it now.
    I love you all this first beautiful day of 2011!
    and always

  3. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    Oggi creamo un desiderio e un`intenzione consapevole per il Nuovo Anno. Andremo a lavorare con ogni elemento di The Circle (il cerchio)e unire le forze per creare la nostra Nuova Realtà. Quando ci ocalizzeremo insieme su un singolo elemento, moltiplicheremo ol nostro potere in maniera esponenziale. Siamo una comunità piena di energia e di risorse. Lasciaci lavorare insieme per creare cambiamento.
    Per questa intera settimana andremo a lavorare con il capitolo uno di The Circle e proponeremo diverse realtá nei nostri confronti, rendendoci conto di che cosa siamo affamati e che cosa apprezziamo di cuore nella nostra vita e andremo a creare l`esplosione di energia che una desiderio consapevole crea.
    Tutta la settimana, tutto il tempo e come un gruppo, una singola energia, andremo a impegnarci consapevolmente di unirci e di creare per noi stessi e per tutti gli altri. Utilizza la tua energia guarente per tenere tutto il gruppo tra le tue mani come una dinamico e potente seme di cambiamento, permettendolo di trasformare per creare la Nuova Realtá di ogni persona mentre gli altr la creeranno per te.
    Sottoconscio stiamo sempre lavorando insieme, impegnandoci e re-impegnandoci per questo gruppo ogni settimana. Comunque, l`atto consapevole di impegnare tutte le risorse per la creazione di un singolo obbiettivo di gruppo nei suoi parti individuali è più potente di quanto potremmo mai percepire. Possiamo vedere il potere nei cambiamenti dinamici dentro di noi e nelle loro vite come risultato di quest´atto intenzionale.
    Il Circle non è magico. È la scienza dinamica di essere umano. Se ti impegni per un traguardo, ti impegni pure a gestire tutti gli ostacoli tra te e questo traguardo! Comunque, non sei da solo. hai questa comunità di guaritore che ti può aiutare a spostare delle montagne e di costruire dei sogni su fondo piano (even ground)!
    Non è duro di scegliere un singolo desiderio se ti rendi conto che questo desiderio sarà l`entrata tramite la quale il resto della tua vita potrá entrerà.
    Tutta questa settimana potrai provare dei desideri a trovare quello che sensi di essere giusto, nonstante ciò la piùparte di voi sapranno già quale é.
    Aggiungete le vostre domande e osservazioni questa settimana su questo sito. fate il primo elemento nel The Circle Workbook oppure iniziate un giornale nuovo insieme a The Circle, se non sei in possesso l´edizione con libro di esercizi, per lavorare ed re-elaborare il tuo desiderio, la tua Nuova Realtà finchè lo percepisci come qualcosa per il quale ti puoi impegnare completamente.
    Vi raggiungo questa settimana nella Creazione Consapevole e Vi ringrazio per far parte nel creare la mia Nuova Realtà insieme a me mentre io creo la vostra insieme a voi!
    Riuniamo la nostra energia per portare ulteriori persone in questo Cerchio nel 2011, particolarmente coloro che si sentono persi o che hanno bisogno di communità.

  4. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    I have joined in already last week, doing a colourful poster where i collect New Reality pictures, beautiful clippings from journals. Then I comment them, and get inspired for this weeks exercise! Laura, thank you for the advice to “try & taste” a variety of New Realties! I find that very helpful. Yesterday and today I am of a new focus and clearity which feels really fresh and new. Big hug for all my Circle friends and Buon Anno from Italy! Vicky

  5. Kathy L
    Kathy L says:

    I appreciate the comment about bringing in those lost or in need of community. Mother Teresa was quoted as saying something along these lines: Find someone and convince them that they are not alone. Sometimes I feel fine and sometimes have self doubt especially over the holidays. Being with others helps.

    I can relate to changing my wish. I keep thinking it over and changing it. Read the first part of the book and plan to start a new notebook for keeping notes.

  6. Louise G
    Louise G says:

    I so appreciate having found this site. Yesterday, I created a new New Year Day tradition for myself — I collaged a vision map on the inside covers of the journal I use for my Circle processes. It was a joyous, fulfilling and fun day!

    My life is full of balance. I am energized, able to write and work and to take care of me and the world around me with tender loving care!

    Thank you!

  7. M Cristina Masnata
    M Cristina Masnata says:

    Just now I´ve realized I´ve given you a different mail address. It´s still my address but a more private one. I was about to change it, but after thinkilng twice I decided to leave it. Who knows why I did it! Yet I wanted to thank you all for the undestanding that is awakening in me. I might be rusty but yet I`m here. It´s not only human energy, there`s a device, something else I can´t describe. A techno device. A powerful weapon that could make a lot of harm in the wrong hands. and still, which are the right hands? Who decides? However thank you again.

  8. Anne
    Anne says:

    Dear Laura and community, I have a little story I’d like to share that has helped shape my understanding of the Circle.

    There is a beautiful story in Irish mythology about the half-god, half-man Fionn Mac Cumhaill and his band of warriors. In this story, all the warriors were asked the question, “What is the most beautiful sound in the world?” They went around from man to man, and each answered the question in a different way: a baby’s laugh, the pipes at dawn, the baying of hounds etc. Finally it was Fionn’s turn. His warriors looked at him, certain that he would solve the dispute. He smiled and said, “The most beautiful sound in the world is the music of what happens.”

    When I first read The Circle, that story rang in my memory. It seems to me that you and Fionn are talking about the same thing. The whole universe will sing along with you if only you hum your tune. In fact, the universe will create harmonies and variations that you could never have imagined, expanding on your simple tune, your New Reality, until it encompasses the entire world, and it will be the most beautiful sound any of us has ever heard.

  9. Georgia
    Georgia says:

    I have a question. I completely believe in the science of the circle and that our thoughts attract things to us. What I ma having a hard time with is controlling my thoughts all the time. When my mind is wondering about throughout the day, its almost like its my enemy to my new reality. It starts thinking of the negatives and planting these seeds of doubts. It will start unfolding these scenarios that i am fearful of and absolutely don’t want. How can i deal with this? SHould I try to combat these thoughts or just let them be? My fear is they are working against my new reality and in fact bringing about the exact opposite of my new reality. Even though I dedicate time every day to the circle and putting my thoughts and energies into my new reality/ desire.

    Also, do you think we can make others make certain decisions with our new reality? I know you touch on this in How to Rule the World from Your Couch.

    Thank you so much! I am looking forward to combining my energy with others in this community to make everyone’s New Reality come true.

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Question 1
      The Circle is not about positive thinking it is about striving to fully experience, with all of your senses, a New Reality so that your intuition, subconscious and actions create this reality. Don’t push down anxieties and negative thoughts. These are supposed to come up so that you can resolve them. Change the word/action of thought to experience.
      Question 2
      You can try to influence another but if it is to do something against their will it is not going to work. We influence others all of the time telepathically without being aware of it as you know and we can do it with responsibility and awareness but if someone doesn’t want to change they are not going to change.

      • Susan
        Susan says:

        Thank you for your post. I have had a ton of negative thoughts and feelings come up and I was wondering if I was heading in the right direction.

    • Janet
      Janet says:

      Is there a way for me to recognize when I am trying to “push” my New Reality into being versus letting intuition lead/pull me forward? As a person who likes to plan and be in control, sometimes I worry that I am forcing things into being. I guess awareness is the first step to halting that…but I wondered if you (Laura) had ever gone through a similar experience, and how you dealt with it.

      • Laura Day
        Laura Day says:

        Are you kidding! I struggle with it daily. For me a focus on embodiment helps and allowing myself to experience my intuition without coming to quick conclusions about where it is taking me.

  10. Lucia
    Lucia says:

    Dear Laura and Cirlce members,
    the biggest thing that kept hitting me yesterday was that I get to be part of the Circle. Me. Little ol me, part of something so grand, so incredible and so powerful, it has the capacity to change so many lives, one at a time! As I held the group in energy healing, I was filled with happy tears and joy, aware of this power within us. And to top it off, having made my wish to be happily employed, yesterday I found the perfect space to sell my things, and will sign the lease tomorrow. Thank you and blessings to all.

  11. Vicky
    Vicky says:

    I see Lauras wish, to let the Circle grow, already getting realized. I find the power of the posts stronger than ever. Welcome to all new Creators-of-blessed-Realities!

  12. Ann
    Ann says:

    Laura, I bought The Circle last year after listening to How to Rule the World from Your Couch but I haven’t read it and have wanted to have others to work it with. Now I’ve read your newsletter and notice that you are starting The Circle…right where I want to be. So, I’m in! I will read the first chapter this week and write more here.

    I’ve recently spent 15 months home alone reading a lot. I recognize the need to participate more. I’m glad to write this little bit….I don’t have to do it perfectly.

    Hi to all of you and I look forward to working hand in hand with each of you.

    Love in 2011!

  13. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    I commit my energy with the circle. In my mind and heart I am holding our energies as we experiment with and refine our new realities, and holding the energy of us helping each other manifest the new realities creation now.

  14. Zuri
    Zuri says:

    Joining healing ignition energy! It’s interesting to see how easy it is to get stuck in what my NR is supposed to be.
    Been getting challenged by a lot of grounding stuff these past couple of weeks/lifetime and I am pretty lost when it comes to taking care of those keeping yourself alive and taken care of monetarily. Which is annoying, I feel like I’m trying but that I suck at earning a living.

    • Zuri
      Zuri says:

      By the way I’ve had some strong successes in terms of my literal wish, booked a feature and may have a juicier role in it, just stuck on grounding in the long term.

  15. Janet
    Janet says:

    I would like to say “thank you” to the group for synergized healing. It IS making a difference in my life already. This week my new reality wish fully crystallized and I started researching how to make it happen. While having a conversation over coffee this morning with a friend at work, I mentioned that in my future career I want to be a life coach for diabetics (I’ve lived with Type 1 diabetes for 32 years). Turns out…her best friend’s partner is a life coach and offered to put us in touch so she could give me advice on training, certification, etc. Then she added…”I just want to warn you that she can do mediumship stuff and that freaks some people out.”. I just smiled because I knew right then and there that this was the power of the circle coming back to me already! I told her I’ve been working on my intuitive skills so that was very exciting news to hear. I think that healing and mediumship could help me in the life coaching career, so it was the PERFECT referral for me to get. Thank you Circle members for the work you are doing this week. I am doing the same for you! =)

  16. Donna Johnson
    Donna Johnson says:

    I am so excited for this journey with the group!! I am living proof that the circle does work as we have created so many wonderful things in my life already over the past 7 months. So blessed to have found Laura and the group. I hold you all as well as myself between my hands several times a day, sending Love, healing,joy and everything else in my heart. Love to you all and 2011 shall be the best for all of us!! Love DJ xoxo

    • Heidi
      Heidi says:

      You have been working for 7 months, incredibly I joined the circle without wanting it. This is where my telepathy started.

    • Mercedes
      Mercedes says:

      Thats great, any helpful pointers for your amazing success? I am new to the Circle and have been playing catch up so to speak…Any encouraging words? I’m so happy for you! Its nice to see so many people in this circle! Its nice to know I am not alone!

  17. Rich
    Rich says:

    I have created and will sustain a full life for myself where I am financially secure, use my artistic capabilities while growing a business and sharing my life with those I love. I am victorious in my battles.

  18. Jane
    Jane says:

    Laura & Circle Colleagues,

    I am an English professor and Linguist, so must comment on the power of the language used in this circle. I can already feel the energy that has collected around the words written in your article and readers’ responses. Language conveys meaning and does so with the energy that’s attached to our intentions. Sparks of energy jump off the page toward me as I read. It is my intention to join in the energy production of this circle and to add words and meaning to our work. I am very grateful to be part of this process. Jane

  19. Heidi
    Heidi says:

    My intuition is guided by a man that lives thousand km from me. I have assigned him a sign: a lion, every time I see one will mean it is the answer or has to do with him. I sometimes feel like there is a strong telepathy between us. I sometimes see something written that reminds me so. But in the most cases I feel something or I see the lion, and I can´t find the answers I´m looking for or I guess I should receive. How should I conduct this? I know this hasn´t much to do with the circle, but I´m trying to understand the way you guys work.

  20. Mercedes
    Mercedes says:

    I have been going back & forth with my new reality- I have won the lottery jackpot- I have been given enough money to quit my current job that drains me entirely, I have bought my first house, paid off all my debt, I have the freedom to basically recooperate from the last 4 years of my life. I loose the weight I have put on and I am able to fall in love with an amazing man. My daughter gets the attention she deserves and desires.

    This in a nutshell is my new reality… is there anything that anyones sees that could be blocking this? I have yet to develop this and it has been 7 years since I have this in my gut that I win… i just am at a loss… Please any guidance would be greatly appreciated! I’m very grateful to be in this wonderful circle with everyone!

    • Laura Day
      Laura Day says:

      Lottery jackpots usually mean that a person doesn’t have confidence in their talents to create their New Reality and they rarely if ever work because you want to develop and feel your own value. I would make a New Reality for a job that exceeds your financial needs and grows your talent and worth in the world.

      • Mercedes
        Mercedes says:

        I am currently going for my masters in Psychology and would love to be a licensed therapist. I guess that should be my new reality.

        • Laura Day
          Laura Day says:

          Remember that “should” wishes are hard to create. What do you really hunger for. The will be where the subconscious allows intuition to do its work!
          xo Laura

          • Mercedes
            Mercedes says:

            I love to write, take pictures and paint! I have always wanted to do something creative that would make it so I decided my own hours, I’ve never really enjoyed the 9-5 m-f. I would love for my passions to provide for me like your writing has provided for you. I’ve always wanted to write a childrens book series and I thought setting my own schedule to be able to work from home, at my own pace. I want to do something that doesn’t drain me soo much that I miss out on the quality time with my daughter. I want to be financially secure for the rest of my life, always having the choice of buying what i want vs nevering being able to really buy something without it affecting my day to day budget!

            Any assistance on creating my new reality would be greatly appreciated!

      • Anonymous
        Anonymous says:

        I do love to paint, photography and write. I have been thinking of a childhood tale my late older sister used to tell my twin and I before bed time. I’ve always wanted to write a series on it, and make it a childrens book… i want to do something that I love,that I can do at my own pace and not go sit at a desk from 9-5 but also be set finacially for life! I do like to help people, its just not my passion! I love traveling and eating different types of foods too… I just have no idea where to start now! Any more guidance?

        All of this is much appreciated!

        • Laura Day
          Laura Day says:

          If you are doing the Circle and documenting your intuition and synchronicity in your Journal or the blue workbook of The Circle the means to your goal should be presenting themselves to you every day. It is clear that your New Reality is work that you love that provides for your life. Have you been doing the elements of The Circle along with us? If so look back on your notes and allow yourself to integrate what your own experience and intuition has been showing you.
          Many of us want someone else to tell us what to do but we rarely believe someone else. On the other hand, when you experience a truth for yourself it stays with you for life.
          The line in your e mail that disturbs me is “set financially for life” . That is a “I want to give up because I don’t believe in myself” line and not a real New Reality. I believe that you want your worth and your talents to provide a life you love. That is a New Reality that you can achieve

          • Mercedes
            Mercedes says:

            Thank you Laura,
            I haven’t been doing the workbook that long unfortunately. I will work on it and thank you for your helpful advice. I honestly do lack self-confidence and looking back I do not know why I lack it but I want to have the self-confidence and believe in myself to do something that I love and earn from it.

            thank you for your insight Laura, I really appreciate your help with this!

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