Join acclaimed intuitive, healer and NY Times Best Selling Author Laura Day for a powerful weekend workshop on using the power of practical intuition to realize your goals and change your life.
Friday, June 8th – Sunday, June 10th
The Esalen Institute: 55000 Highway 1, Big Sur, CA
You cannot divide the material and the spiritual world. We are all part of one energy, and yet we often revere the spirit without valuing the material “self” too. We create a lot of inspiration but little material manifestation here on earth. The evidence of evolved humanity and spirituality is the ability to make an effective impact on the physical world. You are already doing heavy lifting every day in the countless acts and challenges of being human. However, injury to ego development in childhood can impair your ability to use intuitive and healing energy to create the life that you want. Pure spirit is not the goal of life — effective humanity is. This workshop can repair the ego so that you can channel the infinite power that belongs to each of us.
In this experiential weekend intensive, we will be using intuition, healing, meditation, ego retrieval, ritual, group channeling, and other practices to actualize your goals, and experience life in all of its complexity with more joy and mastery. Come work as a community of intuitives and healers to re-create our lives together. Please bring a blindfold, a journal, and a folder for handouts.
Note: During this workshop you will be exploring the healing capacities of directed intuition; part of this includes participating in and conducting intuitive readings. Intuition lends itself to direct, clear insight. This workshop can be very confrontational and sometimes uncomfortable. Please be sure you are able to approach this work with that in mind, and are willing to push your boundaries (and have your boundaries pushed). Please refer to required reading below for more information.
Laura Day has spent nearly three decades helping individuals, organizations, and companies use their innate intuitive abilities to create profound change. Her work has helped demystify intuition and bring it into the mainstream, where she demonstrates its practical, verifiable uses in the fields of business, science, medicine, and personal growth. She is author of Practical Intuition and The Circle, and has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, 20/20, CNN, ABC News, and The View.
Required reading:
- The Circle: How The Power of a Single Wish Can Change Your Life by Laura Day
- How to Rule the World from Your Couch by Laura Day